Friday, May 31, 2019
The Pearl For Some1 Young Cause I Cant Write :: Free Essay Writer
The PearlThe book I create read was by JohnSteinbeck. Its ab tabu a pathetic native Kino, Juana, and thebaby boy Coyotito. The setting is in the 1900s at a coastalvillage. Kino is a fisher cat and a diver. The story starts outwith there baby boy Coyotitois stung by a scorpion, and theDoctor in the town allow not run low on the baby because theyhave no money to give in him. So Kino is mad and goes out totry to find some pearl to pay for the doctor to work onCoyotito. When hew is diving he find a giant Shell andwhen he opens it up he find a pearl the size of a seagull.Everyone in the village stops by to see it and to allege himhow lucky he is and what they would do if they found it .he classify s them he is deprivation to get married and have his boyget a good education so he tell him it the well-off man a imposture them or not, and he want a rifle. The priest andask them if they are going to give money to the church andthey told him they valued to be wed. Later that dark thedoctor comes and tell them the baby still has poison in himand he maybe able to fix him. He gives the coyotitosomething that makes him screwball and comes back and say hehas beaten the poison. the doctor ask how he will be paidand Kino tell him about the pearl .Kino glanced at wherehe buried it. When he went to bed someone came into hishut and start looking for it plainly Kino jumps up and try tostab them with his knife. The next day he move outs the pearl into try to sell it to the pearl buyers. But, they try to cheathim by trying to buy it for 1000 pesos but he tell them hewill take it to the capital and sell it there for the real price.He goes back home and hides it. he keeps thinking there issomeone in the shadows. he falls a sleep and he wakes upand someone is in his hut again he jumps up and try to stopthem but gets put on the terms again. Juana gets up anddoctors his wounds he has a cut on his neck and she try toget him to crush the pearl she thinks its abuse but he w ill notlisten to he. later on he wakes back up and Juana isThe Pearl For Some1 Young Cause I slang term Write Free Essay Writer The PearlThe book I have read was by JohnSteinbeck. Its about a poor native Kino, Juana, and thebaby boy Coyotito. The setting is in the 1900s at a coastalvillage. Kino is a fisherman and a diver. The story starts outwith there baby boy Coyotitois stung by a scorpion, and theDoctor in the town will not work on the baby because theyhave no money to pay him. So Kino is mad and goes out totry to find some pearl to pay for the doctor to work onCoyotito. When hew is diving he find a giant Shell andwhen he opens it up he find a pearl the size of a seagull.Everyone in the village stops by to see it and to tell himhow lucky he is and what they would do if they found it .he tell s them he is going to get married and have his boyget a good education so he tell him it the rich man acheating them or not, and he want a rifle. The priest andask them if they are going to give money to the church andthey told him they wanted to be wed. Later that night thedoctor comes and tell them the baby still has poison in himand he maybe able to fix him. He gives the coyotitosomething that makes him sick and comes back and say hehas beaten the poison. the doctor ask how he will be paidand Kino tell him about the pearl .Kino glanced at wherehe buried it. When he went to bed someone came into hishut and start looking for it but Kino jumps up and try tostab them with his knife. The next day he takes the pearl into try to sell it to the pearl buyers. But, they try to cheathim by trying to buy it for 1000 pesos but he tell them hewill take it to the capital and sell it there for the real price.He goes back home and hides it. he keeps thinking there issomeone in the shadows. he falls a sleep and he wakes upand someone is in his hut again he jumps up and try to stopthem but gets put on the ground again. Juana gets up anddoctors his wounds he has a cut on his neck an d she try toget him to crush the pearl she thinks its evil but he will notlisten to he. later on he wakes back up and Juana is
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Route March Rest by Vernon Scannell, Night Raid by Desmond Hawkins, :: English Literature
Route March Rest by Vernon Scannell, Night Raid by Desmond Hawkins, The Battle by Louis Simpson - How do the poets take emotional or moving responses to war?What do these poems tell us about wartime life and the thoughts andfeelings of civilians and soldiers?How do the poets communicate emotional or moving responses to war?The following essay leave try to answer the question above. Usingreferences and quotes from three wartime poems I will explain whatthey tell us about wartime life and the thoughts and feelings ofcivilians and soldiers. I will also clarify how the poets communicateemotional and moving responses to the disturbing war. The three poemsthat will be analysed are Route March Rest - by Vernon Scannell, Night Raid - by Desmond Hawkins, The Battle - by Louis Simpson.I have selected these poems because they contain both proportion andcontrast. These aspects are important in order to produce ahigh-quality essay as they provide a more balanced view of the poems.Both the con trasts and similarities will be shown to give the reader aclearer overview of the poems.The three poems, as mentioned above, have all been written duringwartime and therefore display hatred towards the fighting. However,they demonstrate this dislike apply different methods. VernonScannells technique in Route March Rest is important as he usescontrasting images and descriptions to create an overall picture ofdeath and dismay. Scannell does this by initially introducing a sceneof harshness use such tough words as skulls, thumping,crunched and clanked. He then smoothes the picture out by creatinga more calmed and restful atmosphere using such soft words as silent,cool and bright as buttercups. But this is short lived as themarching image is reintroduced and the word die is placed at theend. Desmond Hawkins technique in Night Raid is very unique as it isdone using completely free verses. At the start, strange charactersare introduced which immediately creates anxiety. Harsh sentences suchas If theres a bomb made for YOU, Youre going to get it spotlightthe feelings of distress and misery present in all of the variouspeople. War is also displayed negatively using this sentence She wasshivering and laughing and throwing her head back off. People would notnormally be doing this and so it makes the reader link disease-likebehaviour with war. Louis Simpsons technique in The Battle isfascinating as he uses repetition, onomatopoeia, step and colours toproduce an anti-war description. The three poems are similar as theyare all about the negative aspects of war, but they differ in terms of
Nerve Regeneration in the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) of mammals Es
INTRODUCTIONNerve Regeneration in the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) of mammalsPNS neurons in mammals have a capacity to regenerate and re innervate the target. However functional recovery varies, depending on the type and location of injury, age of the neurons and other factors, solely the recovery is never complete.An overview of the regenerative responseFollowing an injury, in the distal nerve stump a series of degenerative processes prepare the right environment inevitable for an effective regenerative response. The degenerated axons and myelin debris are removed by the surrounding Schwann cells (SCs) and invading macrophages. SCs proliferate and their basal lamina forms the endoneurial tube, through which the new axonal sprouts find their panache to the target. The cell body also undergoes dramatic changes, triggered by the lack of signals that are retrogradely transported from the target. Within the cell body, certain genes and proteins are up regulated, such as offshoot a ssociated proteins (GAPs), tubulin, and actin. Most of the cues involved in axonal regeneration are simi...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Bill Clinton :: Essays Papers
Bill ClintonBorn on Aug. 19, 1946, in Hope, Ark., William (Bill) Jefferson Blythe IV grew up in a troubled home. His take had died in an automobile accident three months before his sons birth, and his mother later was forced to leave her two-year-old son with his grandparents when she moved to New Orleans to pursue her nursing studies. The family settled in Hot Springs, Ark., after his mother married Roger Clinton, whose surname Bill later adopted. As a young man, Bill was determined to pursue and frequently earned academic honors, including selection as a delegate to the American Legion Boys Nation program in Washington, D.C., where the 16-year-old Clinton met Pres. John F. Kennedy and determined to get in on a political career. Attending Georgetown University to study international affairs, Clinton served as an intern for Sen. J. William Fulbright of argon before receiving his B.S. degree in 1968. After winning a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University, Clinton returned to the United States to enroll at Yale Law School. In 1972 he helped to manage presidential candidate George McGoverns Texas campaign. After graduating from law school in 1973, Clinton returned to Arkansas to teach and to plan his political career. On Oct. 11, 1975, he married Hillary Rodham, a fellow law student he had met at Yale. After 12 historic period of Republican control of the presidency, Clinton came to office amid high expectations for fundamental policy change. Early in his administration he reversed a number of Republican policies. He ended the federal prohibition on the use of fetal tissue for medical research, repealed rules restricting abortion counseling in federally funded health clinics, and utilize his appointment power to fulfill a promise to place many women and minorities in prominent government positions. Although backed by a Congress controlled by the Democratic party, Clinton found it difficult to change the course of national priorities during his first two yea rs in office. Early in his administration several of his appointees encountered congressional disapproval. His proposal to end the ban on homosexuals in the military met with widespread opposition from Congress, the military, and the public and had to be altered substantially. Clinton had promised to reverse the Bush policy of reverting Haitian refugees to their homeland, but he eventually decided to continue implementing his predecessors plan. The failure to enact comprehensive health-care reform proved to be a major reversion for Clinton.
Casino Royale Essay -- Film Analysis
The crowd bond film series has captivated its audience for decades with eye-catching gadgets, explosions, and heroism of Agent 007. Over the years that these films have been produced, a variety of actors have played James bond and creationy actresses have played his love interests. The male roles are portrayed as overly male and all of the women are overly sexualized. It seems that in every James bond movie the special agent is beating up twenty guys and saving the lives of dissimilar gorgeous women who immediately go to bed with him. The portrayal of men and women in this sort of way set expectations and standards that are far too high for some(prenominal) genders. The characters in the James Bond film series are portrayed in ways that are negatively influencing todays youth by sexualizing and domesticating women, while the men are violent and chauvinistic Everyone would agree with the statement that James Bond is portrayed to be an alpha male. He is a look across character. Bond has physical and social power, has control over his emotions, and has his way with women thought the films. In the opening scene of the movie, James Bond is chasing a suspect that he is ordered to capture. Instead of catching his target, agent 007 kills this man. When confronted with his killing, Bond responds casually I thought the world could use one less bomb maker. This man defies his commands and takes gentleman life for no reason and without remorse. In another scene, Bond is in a high stakes poker tournament. After winning a mans car from him, he has sexual relations with that mans wife just to get information out of her. Are boys receiving the right core by watching these films? That using women and killing men on a whim are not onl... ...s Last Line of Defence Miss Moneypenny And The Desperations Of Filmic Feminism. Hecate 24.(1998) 93.Academic face Complete. Web. 24 Feb.2012. Casino Royal. Dir Martin Campbell. Perf. Daniel Craig, Eva Green , Mads Mikkelsen, and Judi Dench. Columbia Pictures, 2006. DVD. Tompkins,Aimee. The Psychological Effects of Violent Media on Children.All Phsych Journal (2003) WebSharon Snyder-Suhy, et al. Shaken and Stirred A Content epitome Of WomenS Portrayals In James Bond Films. Sex Roles 62.11/12 (2010) 747-761.Academic Search Complete. Web.24 Feb. 2012. OnlineThe Jackson, James. The Sexism Inherent in James Bond Films. July 2009.Web. 02 Mar, 2012.james-jackson. suite101. Movie Body Counts Charts Top Franchises James Bond. Movie Body Counts. Web. 04 Mar. 2012. moviebodycounts. com/franchises-bond. html
Monday, May 27, 2019
Mental Health within the Criminal Justice System Essay -- Criminal Ju
This essay intends to address the role that state agencies, both within the Criminal Justice System (CJS) and more broadly the institutions of education, employment and health, interpret in supporting and implementing diversionary programs for offenders with cordial health problems. Mental health is clearly one of the most critical issues facing the Australian and New federation Wales (NSW) CJS with research indicating that offenders with mental health problems constitute the majority of those within the prison system. The current strategies for diversion will be critically evaluated in order to square up their effectiveness with regard to the delivery and production of justice, cultural sensitivity for Indige zero(prenominal)s Australians will also be considered. The social construction of mental illness and the associated physical process of stigmatisation of this particular group will be explored in conjunction to explain why society still fails to prevent the mass entry of populate with mental health issues into the traditional CJS.Critical to understanding the extent of the problem is a clear definition of mentally ill, a person suffering from mental illness and, owing to that illness, there are reasonable grounds for believing that care, treatment or control of the person is necessary for the persons give protection from serious harm, or for the protection of others from serious harm Mental Health Act 2007 (NSW). Noting that the statute specifies the control of this group which adds to the notion that people with mental health problems are inherently more dangerous members of our society. Furthermore mental health problems within the prison system (inmate population) are estimated to be three to four clock higher than in the general Australian popula... ...Opportunities in public policy to support infant and early childhood mental health, American Psychologist, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 129-139. New South Wales Police Force, 2011, Mental health in tervention team news, brochure, NSW Police Force, New South Wales Richardson, E. & McSherry, B., 2010, Diversion down under Programs for offenders with mental illnesses in Australia, International Journal of Law Psychiatry, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 249-257. Seltzer, T., 2005, Mental health courts A misguided attempt to address the criminal justice systems unsporting treatment of people with mental illnesses, Psychology, Public Policy and Law, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 570-586. Wolff, N. & Pogorzelski, W., 2005, Measuring the effectiveness of mental health courts Challenges and recommendations, Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 539-569.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Evaluating the Importance of Women in Fitzgerald’s Great Gatsby
While working on the Great Gatsby Fitzgerald ac screwledged that the wowork force characters are subordinate evaluate the importance of women in Fitzgeralds Great Gatsby.The 1920s were the foundation of the dramatic change to society, many people called it The roaring twenties. During this period many Americans were uneasy about their consumer society and the newfangled mass culture. Women were most affected by the roaring twenties, this new up rising of knowledgeablely free women with bobbed cuts and short skirts, drinking and smoking set down them the nickname flappers. Women had now been given the right hand to vote and had new high status jobs.Machinery took over their household work and new birth control methods were inhibiting them to reserve fewer children. Women were constantly fighting in this age to be noticed and with people like Fitzgerald who created these characters with no important woman character (qtd. In Turnbull 197) they had no hope of the freedom and status they wanted.The faceless women at Jay Gatsbys parties were the perfect original of what they call flappers. These women were at these parties purely because they were free, free from the war I was unrivalled of the few guests who had actually been invited. People were not invited-they went there.This shows how people in this period would sightly go to any party they could and not ane of them were concerned in the slightest about the sources of Gatsbys wealth. These parties needed women, they required female energy and I am legitimate that the number of young Englishmen dotted about would ingest no participation at this party without the women.The women at these parties were the perfect stereotype of male perspectives I never care what I do, so I al elbow rooms have a good time. This shows how women were seen as loose and unladylike as they would do what they pleased change surface if it wasnt the correct way to act, they had complete lack of respectable concern.Although wom en be deceptionved that they were purely independent they clearly werent girls were throw upting their heads on mens shoulders in a puppyish. Convivial way. they were utterly unaware of the objectification men had towards them and put on this perception of being entirely free they are emancipated yet they contribute their share of vulgarity which appalls Daisy. (Ivan Strba) thisshows how Fitzgerald judges these faceless women through characters, even through the same gender, which is loaded with irony.Myrtle Wilsons inclusion in the novel is to represent the lower class of women who thrived for the freedom and wealth of the upper class and do anything in their power to do so. Myrtles constant interference with the marriage of turkey cock and Daisy Buchanan, she is introduced into the novel by her telephone call, which disturbs the urbane surface of Daisys dinner party(Ivan Strba) this is the first evidence where she is visualised as lower class and looked down on by other women c haracters in the book gobblers got some women in New York.Who hasnt the decency not to disturb at dinner. This shows how women who were of lower class didnt know right from wrongfulness and werent taught hearty morals. Nick also judges her for her status her lower class pretensions appear comical to Nick because he judges them from a localise of social superiority, but her overt sexuality impresses him(Ivan Strba) this also shows how Myrtle doesnt hide her sexual desire for Tom and is very open in the way she is.Myrtle is always fighting for her place Her flower name suggests a fleshy yet beautiful climbing plant vigorously moving upwards.(Ivan Strba) this is the perfect representation of Myrtle as she is a climbing plant doesnt have the ability to climb, this is a symbolism for her trying to climb vigorously up the social ladder to the upper class. There is always something holding her back, which is background, where she lives the valley of ashes. The valley of ashes is a giga ntic trash burning operation(Litkicks mystery spot series). It was the channel between Great Neck and Manhattan. It is where myrtles husband George runs a decrepit auto garage.This is also where Myrtle is murdered, she is still seen as a sexual object through her injuries left breast was swinging loose like a flap the mouth was wide open and ripped at the corners it also shows how she never belonged in the higher social class with the imagery mingled her thick, dark blood with the dust this implies that is was wrong what she was trying to do with Tom and how it would of always ended earnestly as she was stuck in this fantasy.Myrtle always felt like her and Tom were going to end up together get married to each other right away where as Tom alwaysthought of her as nothing to a greater extent than an object since her social status is simply unworthy of any more profound engagement(Ivan Strba) even though Myrtle knows this she is still constantly luring him in, even though he has made up a stupid lie that he cannot leave Daisy because she is catholic she still has some sort of hope that one day he will think of her as more than just a mistress.You could also argue that she is in it purely for the specie and has no intention of a relationship with Tom, Ivan Strba touches on this subject constantly attempts to lure Tom into her womb this could be a symbolism of pregnancy where Myrtle knows if she were to get pregnant Tom would give all the money he had to make sure that, that baby would have no link back to him, therefore she would get what she wants.Jordan Bakers slight masculinity and indifferent record is the representation of the piffling percentage of women who were strong enough to stand on their own and didnt rely on the security of men for wealth and social class. Underneath Jordans bitchy hysteria she is extremely vulnerable, she constantly has this front that she doesnt need anyone to protect her. Jordan barely even acknowledges men, for example the f irst time she meets Nick she pretends she doesnt care is almost imperceptibly but she does secretly lips fluttered.This is evidence that she doesnt give much away to people completely emotionless, especially men as she doesnt want to destroy this veneer of survival which has an element of tragedy as you feel sympathy for the character as to what could of made her this way. Jordan is depict as self-sufficient distancing from any emotional entanglement(Ivan Strba), which reflects her relationship with Nick, or lack of one for that matter as Nicks opinion of her changes like a shot as he finds out she cheated to win a golf tournament Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never institutionalise deeplyI was casually sorry, and then I forgot. This is the first of many lies Jordan tells, this portrays that Jordan feels as though she has to lie to play the game she cant be seen as a woman who is sweet and innocent or it will ruin this image that she has created for herself.By playing with Nicks feelings she is showing authority of the character and not letting him chance on control this is why she is with Nick because he is vulnerable compared to other characters such as Tom or Gatsby, as he doesnt have as much money as them, Nick also judges that sheavoids relationships with clever men that might see through her(Ivan Strba) and has a lower status, therefore she knows he wont have power over her.Jordan is the perfect example of new women and the freedom they claimed after the World War, and with characters like Nick who simply does not know quite how to handle this cool, unbalanced independent woman of the 1920s(Ivan Strba) they allow women to play with their feelings.Daisy Buchanan is objectified by several men and is not resistant to the objectification. With her lack of personality and beautiful looks, she has lost all identity through the desire for the veneer of glamour and wealth. The character of Daisy is made up of this image that everyone else has of her e xists only as a fragile veneer, a shinning radiance of Gatsbys construction.The center report of Toms wealth(Ivan Strba) she is constantly being refereed to objects rather than a person, a center piece is the idle way to describe her, as they are pretty to look at, but there is nothing to them, they are simply there to look good. Daisy has no identity and tends to hide behind the men, especially Gatsby and Tom. Daisys love for Gatsby is un real, this makes her a dislikable character as it creates frustration for the reader, as she doesnt have brass section or the sprit to pursue it.You could say that Daisy is scared to be with Gatsby as he is from West Egg, which was seen as the place of new money this could bring her doubt as she wouldnt want to risk the life style she has now as Gatsbys money is new, whereas East Egg was almost like certain money, from inheritance etc. Also Tom places doubt in her head about Gatsbys money certainly not for a common swindler whod have to steal the ring he out on her finger, this could most definitely influence Daisys hesitance towards the life with Gatsby as she just wants a life for herself.The love between The Buchanans can be seen as superficial, a love that was established for legal elbow room(Min Jae hogsheadgastby.blogspot) but then turned into something more real between the couple, although adultery appears in both characters, there is something there that I stopping either one from leaving, it could be love or it could be to maintain his veneer of happiness through wealth and social class. They are seen as what society wanted, happily married, with money what many people called the American dream.Gatsby is the ultimate sacrifice for Daisy, she is the one who causes his death and shedoesnt even have the decency to go to his funeral leaving was Daisys scapegoat, which shows the lack of back bone she has, and she just runs away when things get bad she and Tom had gone away early that afternoon Its simply symbolic of the ephemeralness of wealth during the time period.Overall I think that the women are important in the novel, as the men wouldnt be who they are without the women, they may not be the most important but the novel needed females in order for it to work. It is good representation of the changes in the roles women had in the 1920s and also the different personalities the women had and Fitzgerald portrayed this well through the female characters.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
10 Worst Computer Viruses of All Time
10 beat pop Computer Vir usances of All Time Computer ready reckoner estimator computer computer computer computer computer vir subprograms poop be a nightmargon. nearly foot wipe aside the information on a surd drive, tie up traffic on a reckoner net establish for hours, turn an innocent machine into a zombie and replicate and send themselves to opposite computers. If youve neer had a machine f tout ensemble victim to a computer computer virus, you may wonder what the fuss is rough. But the concern is understandable fit in to Consumer Reports, computer viruses helped contri entirelye to $8. 5 billion in consumer losses in 2008 source MarketWatch. Computer viruses argon merely one resistant of online threat, but theyre arguably the best kn suffer of the bunch.Computer viruses stool been roughly for m either years. In fact, in 1949, a scientist secernd John von Neumann theorized that a self-replicated course was possible source Krebs. The computer indust ry wasnt even a decade old, and already well-nighone had figured out how to throw a monkey wrench into the figurative gears. But it took a few decades before programmers known as hackers began to build computer viruses. While slightly pranksters created virus- same(p) programs for large computer systems, it was really the introduction of the somebodyal computer that brought computer viruses to the publics attention.A doctoral student re latishd Fred Cohen was the foremost to describe self-replicating programs designed to modify computers as viruses. The prognosticate has stuck ever since. Old-school Viruses Some of the earliest viruses to infect personal computers included the Apple Viruses, which attacked Apple II computers and the Brain virus, which could infect PCs. In the well(p) old days (i. e. , the early 1980s), viruses depended on humans to do the big(a) work of loting the virus to other(a) computers. A hacker would save the virus to disks and then select the d isks to other people.It wasnt until modems became putting green that virus trans burster became a real chore. Today when we telephone of a computer virus, we usually imagine more or lessthing that transmits itself via the meshwork. It might infect computers finished e-mail messages or corrupted weave links. Programs bid these cease break up much faster than the earliest computer viruses. Were going to conceive a impression at 10 of the worst computer viruses to cripple a computer system. Lets go away with the Melissa virus. Worst Computer Virus 10 Melissa In the spring of 1999, a man named David L. Smith created a computer virus based on a Microsoft Word macro instruction.He built the virus so that it could public exposure done e-mail messages. Smith named the virus Melissa, saying that he named it after an exotic dancer from Florida source CNN. pic Daniel Hulshizer/alpha fetoprotein/Getty Images A courtroom photo of David L. Smith, the alleged condition of the Mel issa virus. Rather than shaking its currency fall inr, the Melissa computer virus tempts liquidators into opening a document with an e-mail message like Here is that document you asked for, dont furnish it to anybody else. Once set outd, the virus replicates itself and sends itself out to the top 50 people in the recipients e-mail hatch book.The virus string out rapidly after Smith unleashed it on the world. The United States federal administration became very interested in Smiths work according to statements name by FBI officials to Congress, the Melissa virus wreaked havoc on government and private sector networks source FBI. The increase in e-mail traffic forced few companies to discontinue e-mail programs until the virus was contained. after a lengthy examination process, Smith lost his case and collard a 20-month jail sentence. The court similarly fined Smith $5,000 and forbade him from accessing computer networks without court authorization source BBC.Ultimately , the Melissa virus didnt cripple the Internet, but it was one of the first computer viruses to rifle the publics attention. Flavors of Viruses In this article, well look at several different kinds of computer viruses. Heres a quick guide to what well realise The general term computer virus usually covers programs that modify how a computer works (including damaging the computer) and sens self-replicate. A true computer virus requires a legion program to run properly Melissa use a Word document. A twist around, on the other hand, doesnt require a host program.Its an diligence that sack replicate itself and send itself through computer networks. Trojan horses ar programs that claim to do one thing but really do a nonher. Some might defile a victims hard drive. Others can create a backdoor, allowing a remote user to access the victims computer system. Next, well look at a virus that had a sweet name but a nasty effect on its victims. Worst Computer Virus 9 ILOVEYOU A year after the Melissa virus hit the Internet, a digital menace emerged from the Philippines. Unlike the Melissa virus, this threat came in the form of a wrench it was a standalone program capable of replicating itself.It bore the name ILOVEYOU. pic Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images A screenshot of the ILOVEYOU computer virus The ILOVEYOU virus initially traveled the Internet by e-mail, near like the Melissa virus. The subject of the e-mail said that the message was a love letter from a secret admirer. An adjoinment in the e-mail was what motilityd all the trouble. The original convolute had the file name of LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU. TXT. vbs. The vbs extension pointed to the language the hacker utilise to create the worm Visual Basic Scripting source McAfee.According to anti-virus softw atomic number 18 harvest producer McAfee, the ILOVEYOU virus had a wide range of attacks It copied itself several magazines and hid the copies in several folders on the victims hard drive. It added bran - refreshing files to the victims registry keys. It replaced several different kinds of files with copies of itself. It sent itself through Internet Relay Chat clients as well as e-mail. It put throughloaded a file called WIN-BUGSFIX. EXE from the Internet and executed it. Rather than fix bugs, this program was a password-stealing masking that e-mailed secret information to the hackers e-mail address.Who created the ILOVEYOU virus? Some think it was matchlessl de Guzman of the Philippines. Filipino authorities investigated de Guzman on charges of theft at the time the Philippines had no computer espionage or sabotage laws. Citing a lack of evidence, the Filipino authorities dropped the charges against de Guzman, who would neither con mansion nor deny his responsibility for the virus. According to some estimates, the ILOVEYOU virus caused $10 billion in damages source Landler. Gotcha As if viruses, worms and Trojan horses werent enough, we alike have to worry about virus hoax es.These ar fake viruses they dont actually cause any harm or replicate themselves. Instead, the creators of these viruses hope that people and media companies treat the hoax as if it were the real wangle. Even though these hoaxes arnt straight off dangerous, they are quieten a problem. Like the son who cried wolf, hoax viruses can cause people to ignore warnings about real threats. Now that the love fest is over, lets take a look at one of the nigh widespread viruses to hit the Web. Worst Computer Virus 8 The Klez Virus pic Joe Raedle/Getty Images Fortunately for consumers, theres no shortage of antivirus software suites on the market.The Klez virus marked a new direction for computer viruses, setting the bar high for those that would follow. It debuted in late 2001, and variations of the virus plagued the Internet for several months. The basic Klez worm give a victims computer through an e-mail message, replicated itself and then sent itself to people in the victims addre ss book. Some variations of the Klez virus carried other harmful programs that could render a victims computer inoperable. Depending on the version, the Klez virus could act like a normal computer virus, a worm or a Trojan horse.It could even disable virus-scanning software and pose as a virus-removal tool source Symantec. Shortly after it appeared on the Internet, hackers modified the Klez virus in a way that made it far more than effective. Like other viruses, it could comb through a victims address book and send itself to contacts. But it could likewise take a nonher name from the contact key out and place that address in the From field in the e-mail client. Its called spoofing the e-mail appears to come from one source when its really coming from somewhere else. Spoofing an e-mail address accomplishes a couple of goals.For one thing, it doesnt do the recipient of the e-mail any good to block the person in the From field, since the e-mails are really coming from soul else. A Klez worm programmed to spam people with sixfold e-mails could clog an inbox in short order, because the recipients would be unable to tell what the real source of the problem was. Also, the e-mails recipient might recognize the name in the From field and therefore be more receptive to opening it. Antivirus Software Its important to have an antivirus program on your computer, and to keep it up to date.But you shouldnt use more than one suite, as multiple antivirus programs can interfere with one a nonher. Heres a list of some antivirus software suites Avast Antivirus AVG Anti-Virus Kaspersky Anti-Virus McAfee VirusScan Norton AntiVirus some(prenominal) major computer viruses debuted in 2001. In the next section, well take a look at work out ruby-red. Worst Computer Virus 7 statute Red and Code Red II pic Chris Hondros/Getty Images The CERT Coordination Center at Carnegie-Mellon university published an advisory alerting the public to the dangers of the Code Red virus. The Code Red and Code Red II worms popped up in the summer of 2001.Both worms exploited an operating system vulnerability that was found in machines running Windows 2000 and Windows NT. The vulnerability was a damp overflow problem, which means when a machine running on these operating systems receives more information than its buffers can handle, it starts to overwrite adjacent memory. The original Code Red worm initiated a distributed denial of helper (DDoS) attack on the White House. That means all the computers septic with Code Red tried to contact the Web servers at the White House at the same time, overloading the machines.A Windows 2000 machine infected by the Code Red II worm no longer obeys the owner. Thats because the worm creates a backdoor into the computers operating system, allowing a remote user to access and control the machine. In computing terms, this is a system- take compromise, and its bad news for the computers owner. The person behind the virus can access info rmation from the victims computer or even use the infected computer to grant crimes. That means the victim non only has to guide with an infected computer, but overly may fall under suspicion for crimes he or she didnt commit.While Windows NT machines were vulnerable to the Code Red worms, the viruses effect on these machines wasnt as extreme. Web servers running Windows NT might crash more often than normal, but that was about as bad as it got. Compared to the woes experienced by Windows 2000 users, thats not so bad. Microsoft released software patches that addressed the certification vulnerability in Windows 2000 and Windows NT. Once patched, the original worms could no longer infect a Windows 2000 machine however, the patch didnt remove viruses from infected computers victims had to do that themselves.What do I do now? What should you do if you find out your computer has been hit with a computer virus? That depends on the virus. some antivirus programs are able to remove v iruses from an infected system. But if the virus has damaged some of your files or data, youll need to restore from backups. Its very important to back up your information often. And with viruses like the Code Red worms, its a good idea to completely reformat the hard drive and start fresh. Some worms allow other leering software to load onto your machine, and a simple antivirus sweep might not catch them all.Worst Computer Virus 6 Nimda pic SMobile Systems The Symbian Skull Virus affects cell phones, causing them to bring out a series of skull images like this. Another virus to hit the Internet in 2001 was the Nimda (which is admin spelled backwards) worm. Nimda spread through the Internet rapidly, becoming the fas running propagating computer virus at that time. In fact, according to TruSecure CTO Peter Tippett, it only took 22 minutes from the moment Nimda hit the Internet to reach the top of the list of reported attacks source Anthes. The Nimda worms primal gets were Interne t servers.While it could infect a home PC, its real purpose was to bring Internet traffic to a crawl. It could travel through the Internet using multiple methods, including e-mail. This helped spread the virus across multiple servers in record time. The Nimda worm created a backdoor into the victims operating system. It allowed the person behind the attack to access the same level of functions as whatever account was logged into the machine currently. In other words, if a user with limited privileges activated the worm on a computer, the attacker would also have limited access to the computers functions.On the other hand, if the victim was the administrator for the machine, the attacker would have full control. The spread of the Nimda virus caused some network systems to crash as more of the systems resources became f unrivalleder for the worm. In effect, the Nimda worm became a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. Phoning it In Not all computer viruses focus on computers. S ome physical object other electronic devices. Heres just a small sample of some highly portable viruses CommWarrior attacked smartphones running the Symbian operating system (OS). The Skulls Virus also attacked Symbian phones and displayed screens of skulls sooner of a home page on the victims phones. RavMonE. exe is a virus that could infect iPod MP3 devices made surrounded by Sept. 12, 2006, and Oct. 18, 2006. Fox News reported in March 2008 that some electronic gadgets leave the factory with viruses pre-installed these viruses attack your computer when you sync the device with your machine source Fox News. Next, well take a look at a virus that affected major networks, including airline computers and bank ATMs. Worst Computer Virus 5 SQL Slammer/Sapphire pic Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images The Slammer virus hit South Korea hard, natural it off from the Internet and leaving Internet cafes like this one relatively empty. In late January 2003, a new Web server virus spread acros s the Internet. Many computer networks were unprepared for the attack, and as a result the virus brought down several important systems. The Bank of Americas ATM service crashed, the city of Seattle suffered outages in 911 service and Continental Airlines had to cancel several flights due to electronic ticketing and check-in errors.The culprit was the SQL Slammer virus, also known as Sapphire. By some estimates, the virus caused more than $1 billion in damages before patches and antivirus software caught up to the problem source Lemos. The progress of Slammers attack is well documented. Only a few minutes after infecting its first Internet server, the Slammer virus was doubling its number of victims every few seconds. Fifteen minutes after its first attack, the Slammer virus infected nearly half of the servers that act as the pillars of the Internet source Boutin.The Slammer virus taught a valuable lesson Its not enough to reconstruct sure you have the latest patches and antivirus software. Hackers will always look for a way to exploit any weakness, smashicularly if the vulnerability isnt widely known. While its still important to try and head off viruses before they hit you, its also important to have a worst-case-scenario plan to fall back on should incident strike. A Matter of Timing Some hackers program viruses to sit dormant on a victims computer only to unleash an attack on a specific date.Heres a quick sample of some known viruses that had time triggers The Jerusalem virus activated every Friday the 13th to destroy data on the victim computers hard drive The Michelangelo virus activated on March 6, 1992 Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475 The Chernobyl virus activated on April 26, 1999 the 13th day of remembrance of the Chernobyl meltdown disaster The Nyxem virus delivered its payload on the third of every month, wiping out files on the victims computer Computer viruses can make a victim feel helpless, vulnerable and despondent.Next, well look at a virus with a name that evokes all three of those feelings. Worst Computer Virus 4 MyDoom pic Alex Wong/Getty Images The MyDoom virus inspired politicians like U. S. Senator Chuck Schumer to propose a National Virus Response Center. The MyDoom (or Novarg) virus is another worm that can create a backdoor in the victim computers operating system. The original MyDoom virus there have been several variants had two triggers. One trigger caused the virus to begin a denial of service (DoS) attack starting Feb. 1, 2004. The second trigger commanded the virus to stop distributing itself on Feb. 2, 2004. Even after the virus stopped spreading, the backdoors created during the initial infections remained vigorous source Symantec. Later that year, a second outbreak of the MyDoom virus gave several search engine companies grief. Like other viruses, MyDoom searched victim computers for e-mail addresses as part of its replication process. But it would also send a search request to a se arch engine and use e-mail addresses found in the search results. Eventually, search engines like Google began to receive millions of search requests from corrupted computers.These attacks slowed down search engine services and even caused some to crash source Sullivan. MyDoom spread through e-mail and peer-to-peer networks. According to the security firm MessageLabs, one in every 12 e-mail messages carried the virus at one time source BBC. Like the Klez virus, MyDoom could spoof e-mails so that it became very difficult to runway the source of the infection. Oddball Viruses Not all viruses cause severe damage to computers or destroy networks. Some just cause computers to act in odd ways. An early virus called Ping-Pong created a bouncing ball graphic, but didnt seriously damage the infected computer. there are several joke programs that might make a computer owner think his or her computer is infected, but theyre really harmless applications that dont self-replicate. When in doubt, its best to let an antivirus program remove the application. Next, well take a look at a pair of viruses created by the same hacker the Sasser and Netsky viruses Worst Computer Virus 3 Sasser and Netsky pic David Hecker/AFP/Getty Images Sven Jaschan, creator of the Sasser and Netsky viruses, leaves the Verden Court. somemultiplication computer virus programmers escape detection.But once in a while, authorities find a way to track a virus back to its origin. much(prenominal) was the case with the Sasser and Netsky viruses. A 17-year-old German named Sven Jaschan created the two programs and unleashed them onto the Internet. While the two worms behaved in different ways, similarities in the code led security experts to believe they both were the work of the same person. The Sasser worm attacked computers through a Microsoft Windows vulnerability. Unlike other worms, it didnt spread through e-mail. Instead, once the virus infected a computer, it looked for other vulnerable systems.It contacted those systems and instructed them to transfer the virus. The virus would scan random IP addresses to find potential victims. The virus also altered the victims operating system in a way that made it difficult to shut down the computer without cutting off power to the system. The Netsky virus moves through e-mails and Windows networks. It spoofs e-mail addresses and propagates through a 22,016-byte file bail source CERT. As it spreads, it can cause a denial of service (DoS) attack as systems collapse while trying to handle all the Internet traffic.At one time, security experts at Sophos believed Netsky and its variants accounted for 25 percent of all computer viruses on the Internet source Wagner. Sven Jaschan spent no time in jail he received a sentence of one year and nine months of probation. Because he was under 18 at the time of his arrest, he avoided being tried as an adult in German courts. grisly Hats Just as youd find good and bad witches in Oz, you can find go od and bad hackers in our world. One common term for a hacker who sets out to create computer viruses or compromise system security is a black hat.Some hackers attend conventions like the Black Hat conference or Defcon to discuss the impact of black hats and how they use vulnerabilities in computer security systems to commit crimes. So far, most of the viruses weve looked at target PCs running Windows. But macintoshintosh computers arent immune to computer virus attacks. In the next section, well take a look at the first virus to commit a mackintosh attack. Worst Computer Virus 2 Leap-A/Oompa-A pic Kevin Mazur Archive 1/WireImage/Getty Images We can thank Weird Al Yankovic for warning us of the dread Stinky Cheese virus.Maybe youve seen the ad in Apples Mac computer marketing campaign where Justin Im a Mac Long consoles John Im a PC Hodgman. Hodgman comes down with a virus and points out that there are more than 100,000 viruses that can strike a computer. Long says that those viru ses target PCs, not Mac computers. For the most part, thats true. Mac computers are partially nourished from virus attacks because of a concept called security through obscurity. Apple has a reputation for keeping its operating system (OS) and computer hardware a closed system Apple produces both the hardware and the software.This keeps the OS obscure. Traditionally, Macs have been a distant second to PCs in the home computer market. A hacker who creates a virus for the Mac wont hit as many victims as he or she would with a virus for PCs. But that hasnt stopped at least one Mac hacker. In 2006, the Leap-A virus, also known as Oompa-A, debuted. It uses the iChat instant messaging program to propagate across vulnerable Mac computers. After the virus infects a Mac, it searches through the iChat contacts and sends a message to each person on the list.The message contains a corrupted file that appears to be an innocent JPEG image. The Leap-A virus doesnt cause much harm to computers, but it does show that even a Mac computer can fall prey to malicious software. As Mac computers become more popular, well probably see more hackers create customized viruses that could damage files on the computer or snarl network traffic. Hodgmans character may withal have his revenge. Breaking into Song While computer viruses can pose a serious threat to computer systems and Internet traffic, sometimes the media overstates the impact of a particular virus.For example, the Michelangelo virus gained a great deal of media attention, but the actual damage caused by the virus was pretty small. That might have been the inspiration for the stress Virus Alert by Weird Al Yankovic. The song warns listeners of a computer virus called Stinky Cheese that not only wipes out your computers hard drive, but also forces you to listen to Jethro Tull songs and legally shift your name to Reggie. Were down to the end of the list. What computer virus has landed the number one spot? Worst Computer Vir us 1 squeeze WormThe latest virus on our list is the dreaded Storm Worm. It was late 2006 when computer security experts first set the worm. The public began to call the virus the Storm Worm because one of the e-mail messages postulateing the virus had as its subject 230 dead as storm batters Europe. Antivirus companies call the worm other names. For example, Symantec calls it Peacomm while McAfee refers to it as Nuwar. This might sound confusing, but theres already a 2001 virus called the W32. Storm. Worm. The 2001 virus and the 2006 worm are completely different programs. pic Gabriel Bouys/AFP/Getty ImagesProfessor Adi Shamir of the Weizmann Institute of Sciences in Israel is the leader of the Anti-Spyware Coalition. The Storm Worm is a Trojan horse program. Its payload is another program, though not always the same one. Some versions of the Storm Worm turn computers into zombies or bots. As computers become infected, they become vulnerable to remote control by the person behi nd the attack. Some hackers use the Storm Worm to create a botnet and use it to send spam mail across the Internet. Many versions of the Storm Worm fool the victim into downloading the application through fake links to news stories or videos.The people behind the attacks will often change the subject of the e-mail to reflect current events. For example, just before the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, a new version of the worm appeared in e-mails with subjects like a new deadly catastrophe in China or Chinas most deadly earthquake. The e-mail claimed to link to video and news stories related to the subject, but in reality clicking on the link activated a download of the worm to the victims computer source McAfee. Several news agencies and blogs named the Storm Worm one of the worst virus attacks in years.By July 2007, an official with the security keep company Postini claimed that the firm spy more than 200 million e-mails carrying links to the Storm Worm during an attack that spanned s everal days source Gaudin. Fortunately, not every e-mail led to someone downloading the worm. Although the Storm Worm is widespread, its not the most difficult virus to detect or remove from a computer system. If you keep your antivirus software up to date and flirt with to use caution when you receive e-mails from unfamiliar people or see strange links, youll save yourself some major headaches. MalwareComputer viruses are just one kind of malware. Other types include spyware and some kinds of adware. Spyware spies on what a user does with his or her computer. That can include logging keystrokes as a way to discover login codes and passwords. Adware is a software app that displays ads to users while they use a larger application like a Web browser. Some adware contains code that gives advertisers extensive access to private information. require to learn more about computer viruses? Take a look at the links on the next page, if you dare. COMPUTER VIRUSES Markus Hanhisalo Department of Computer ScienceHelsinki University of engine room Markus. e-mailprotected fi This report briefly introduces computer viruses and how they effect network security. I have introduced todays virus situation. Many people are afraid of viruses, mostly because they do not know much about them. This report will guide you in the event of a virus infection. Computer viruses and network security is important. at that place are things that are not public information. in that locationfore it is good to be a weare of possible network security problems. pic Table of Contents 1. Introduction to computer viruses 2. prevalent information about computer viruses . 1 Different Malware types 2. 1. 1 Viruses 2. 1. 2 Trojan 2. 1. 3 Worms 2. 2 Macro viruses 2. 3 Virus sources 2. 3. 1 wherefore do people write and spread viruses? 2. 4 How viruses act 2. 4. 1 How viruses spread out 2. 4. 2 How viruses activate 2. 5 Viruses in different platforms 2. 5. 1 PC viruses 2. 5. 2 mac viruses 2. 5. 3 Other platforms 3. How to deal with viruses 3. 1 What are the signs of viruses 3. 2 What to do when you find viruses 4. How to protect from viruses 4. 1 How to provide against viruses 4. 2 Different anti-virus programs 5. Computer viruses in Finland 5. A questionnaire survey in Finland about viruses 5. 2 It is going to be a criminal act to make viruses in Finland 6. How computer viruses have spread out around the world 7. Computer viruses and network security 8. Conclusions pic 1. Introduction to Computer Viruses The person might have a computer virus infection when the computer starts acting differently. For instance getting slow or when they turn the computer on, it says that all the data is erased or when they start writing a document, it looks different, some chapters might be missing or something else ubnormal has happened.The next thing usually the person whose computer might be infected with virus, panics. The person might think that all the work that have been done is missing. T hat could be true, but in most cases viruses have not done any harm jet, but when one start doing something and are not sure what you do, that might be harmful. When some people try to get rid of viruses they invalidate files or they might even format the whole hard disk like my cousin did. That is not the best way to act when the person think that he has a virus infection. What people do when they get sick?They go to see a doctor if they do not know what is abuse with them. It is the same way with viruses, if the person does not know what to do they call someone who knows more about viruses and they get professional help. If the person read electronic mail at their PC or if they use diskettes to transfer files between the computer at work and the computer at home, or if they just transfer files between the two computers they have a good possibility to get a virus. They might get viruses also when they download files from any internet site. in that respect was a time when people were able to be sure that some sites we secure, that those secure sites did not have any virus problems, but nowadays the people can not be sure of anything. There has been viruses even in Microsofts download sites. In this report I am going to introduce different malware types and how they spread out and how to deal with them. Most common viruses nowadays are macro viruses and I am going to spend a little more time with them. I am going to give an example of trojan horses stealing passwords. 2. General information about computer viruses 2. 1 Different malware typesMalware is a general name for all programs that are harmful viruses, trojan, worms and all other similar programs 1. 2. 1. 1 Viruses A computer virus is a program, a block of executable code, which attach itself to, overwrite or otherwise replace another program in order to reproduce itself without a knowledge of a PC user. There are a couple of different types of computer viruses boot sector viruses, parasitic viruses, m ulti-partite viruses, companion viruses, link viruses and macro viruses. These classifications take into account the different ways in which the virus can infect different parts of a system.The manner in which each of these types operates has one thing in common any virus has to be executed in order to operate. 2 Most viruses are pretty harmless. The user might not even notice the virus for years. Sometimes viruses might cause random damage to data files and over a long period they might destroy files and disks. Even benign viruses cause damage by occupying disk space and main memory, by using up CPU processing time. There is also the time and expense wasted in signal detection and removing viruses. 2. 1. 2 Trojan A Trojan Horse is a program that does something else that the user musical theme it would do.It is mostly done to someone on purpose. The Trojan Horses are usually masked so that they look interesting, for example a saxophone. wav file that interests a person collecting sound samples of instruments. A Trojan Horse differs from a destructive virus in that it doesnt reproduce. There has been a password trojan out in AOL land (the American On Line). Password30 and Pasword50 which some people thought were wav. files, but they were disguised and people did not know that they had the trojan in their systems until they tried to change their passwords. 9 According to an administrator of AOL, the Trojan steals passwords and sends an E-mail to the hackers fake name and then the hacker has your account in his hands. 2. 1. 3 Worms A worm is a program which spreads usually over network connections. Unlike a virus which attach itself to a host program, worms always need a host program to spread. In practice, worms are not normally associated with one person computer systems. They are mostly found in multi-user systems such as Unix environments. A classic example of a worm is Robert Morrisis Internet-worm 1988. 1,5 pic Picture 1 An example of a worm. . 2 Macro vi rus Macro viruses spread from applications which use macros. The macro viruses which are receiving attention currently are specific to Word 6, WordBasic and Excel. However, many applications, not all of them Windows applications, have potentially damaging and infective macro capabilities too. A CAP macro virus, now widespread, infects macros attached to Word 6. 0 for Windows, Word 6. 0. 1 for Macintosh, Word 6. 0 for Windows NT, and Word for Windows 95 documents. What makes such a virus possible is that the macros are created by WordBASIC and even allows DOS commands to be run.WordBASIC in a program language which links features used in Word to macros. A virus, named Concept, has no destructive payload it merely spreads, after a document containing the virus is opened. Concept copies itself to other documents when they are saved, without affecting the contents of documents. Since then, however, other macro viruses have been discovered, and some of them contain destructive routines. Microsoft suggests opening files without macros to prevent macro viruses from spreading, unless the user can verify that the macros contained in the document will not cause damage.This does NOT work for all macro viruses. Why are macro viruses so successful? Today people appropriate so much data, email documents and use the Internet to get programs and documents. Macros are also very easy to write. The problem is also that Word for Windows corrupts macros inadvertently creating new macro viruses. pic Picture 2 New macro virus by corruption 12 Corruptions also creates remnant macros which are not infectious, but look like viruses and cause false alarms. Known macro virus can get together and create wholly new viruses. picPicture 3 Macro virus growth, July 1995 to May 1997 12 There have been viruses since 1986 and macro viruses since 1995. Now about 15 percent of virus are macro viruses. There are about 2. 000 macro viruses and about 11. 000 DOS viruses, but the problem is that macro viruses spreads so fast. New macro viruses are created in the work-place, on a daily basis, on typical end-user machines, not in a virus lab. New macro virus creation is due to corruption, mating, and conversion. Traditional anti-virus programs are also not good at detecting new macro viruses.Almost all virus detected in the Helsinki University of Technology have been macro viruses, according to Tapio Keihanen, the virus specialist in HUT. Before macro viruses it was more easy to detect and repair virus infections with anti-virus programs. But now when there are new macro viruses, it is harder to detect macro viruses and people are more in contact with their anti-virus vendor to detect an repair unknown macro viruses, because new macro viruses spread faster than new anti-virus program updates come up. 2. 3 Virus sources Viruses don not just appear, there is always somebody that has made it and they have own reason to so.Viruses are written everywhere in the world. Now when the info rmation flow in the net and Internet grows, it does not matter where the virus is made. Most of the writers are young men. There are also few university students, professors, computer store managers, writers and even a doctor has written a virus. One thing is common to these writers, all of them are men, women do not waste their time writing viruses. Women are either smarter or they are just so good that never get caught. 1 2. 3. 1 Why do people write and spread viruses? It is difficult to know why people write them.Everyone has their own reasons. Some general reasons are to experiment how to write viruses or to test their programming talent. Some people just like to see how the virus spreads and gets famous around the World. The following is a list from news group postings alt. comp. virus and tries to explain why people write and spread viruses. ? they dont understand or favor not to think about the consequences for other people ? they simply dont care ? they dont consider it to be their problem if someone else is inconvenienced ? hey draw a false preeminence between creating/publishing viruses and distributing them ? they consider it to be the responsibility of someone else to protect systems from their creations ? they get a buzz, acknowledged or otherwise, from vandalism ? they consider theyre fighting ascendance ? they like matching wits with anti virus vendors ? its a way of getting attention, getting recognition from their peers and their names (or at least that of their virus) in the papers and the vicious List ? theyre keeping the anti virus vendors in a job . 4 How viruses act Viruses main mission is to spread out and then get active. Some viruses just spread out and never activate. Viruses when they spread out, they make copies of self and spreading is harmful. 2. 4. 1 How viruses spread out Viruses mission is to hop from program to other and this should happen as quickly as possible. Usually viruses join to the host program in some way. They e ven write over part of the host program. A computer is infected with a boot sector virus if it is booted from an infected floppy disk. Boot sector infections cannot normally spread across a network.These viruses spread normally via floppy disks which may come from virtually any source ? unsolicited demonstration disks ? brand-new software ? disks used on your PC by salesmen or engineers ? repaired hardware A file virus infects other files, when the program to which it is attached is run, and so a file virus can spread across a network and often very quickly. They may be spread from the same sources as boot sector viruses, but also from sources such as Internet FTP sites and newsgroups. Trojan horses spread just like file viruses. A multipartite virus infects boot sectors and files.Often, an infected file is used to infect the boot sector thus, this is one case where a boot sector infection could spread across a network. 2. 4. 2 How viruses activate We are always afraid that viruses do something harmful to files when they get active, but not all the viruses activate. Some viruses just spread out, but when viruses activate they do very different things. Might play a part of melody or play music in the background, show a limn or animated picture, show text, format hard disk or do changes to files. As an example, in one unnamed company over a long period of time, the files in a server were corrupted just a bit.So backup copies were taken from the corrupted files. And after they noticed that something was wrong, it was too late to get back the data from the backups. That kind of event is the worst that can happen for the uses. There is also talk that viruses have done something to hardware like hard disk or monitor. Viruses can not do any harm to hardware but they can do harm to programs and for example to BIOS so that computer does not start after that. Usually you can start the computer from a boot diskette if the computer does not start otherwise. 2. 5 Viruses in different platforms 2. 5. PC viruses Viruses are mostly written for PC-computers and DOS environment. Even though viruses are made for DOS environment, they are working also in Windows, Windows95, Windows NT and OS/2 operating systems. Some viruses like boot sector viruses, do not care what about operating systems. 1 2. 5. 2 Macintosh viruses Macintosh viruses are not as a big problem as PC viruses are. There are not so many viruses in Macintosh operating system. Macintosh viruses has been found mostly from schools. How many Mac viruses there are? I found out that there are about 2-300 Mac-specific viruses.There are virtually no macro viruses which have a Mac-specific payload, but all macro viruses can infect on Macs and other platforms which runs Word 6. x of better. 2. 5. 3 Other platforms Viruses can be found from in almost any kind of computer, such as HP calculators used by students like HP 48-calculators and old computers like Commodore 64 and Unix computers too. 1 In gene ral, there are virtually no non-experimental UNIX viruses. There have been a few Worm incidents, most notably the Morris Worm,. the Internet Worm, of 1988. There are returns which scan some Unix systems for PC viruses.Any machine used as a file server (Novell, Unix etc. ) can be scanned for PC viruses by a DOS scanner if it can be mounted as a logical drive on a PC running appropriate network client software such as PC-NFS. Intel-based PCs running Unix e. g. Linux, etc. can also be infected by a DOS boot-sector virus if booted from an infected disk. The same goes for other PC-hosted operating systems such as NetWare. While viruses are not a major risk on Unix platforms, integrity checkers and audit packages are frequently used by system administrators to detect file changes made by other kinds of attack. . How to deal with viruses 3. 1 What are the signs of viruses Almost anything odd a computer may do, can blamed on a computer virus, especially if no other explanation can readily be found. Many operating systems and programs also do strange things, therefore there is no reason to immediately blame a virus. In most cases, when an anti-virus program is then run, no virus can be found. A computer virus can cause unusual screen displays, or messages but most dont do that. A virus may slow the operation of the computer but many times that doesnt happen.Even longer disk activity, or strange hardware behavior can be caused by legitimate software, harmless prank programs, or by hardware faults. A virus may cause a drive to be accessed unexpectedly and the drive light to go on but legitimate programs can do that also. One usually reliable indicator of a virus infection is a change in the length of executable (*. com/*. exe) files, a change in their content, or a change in their file date/time in the Directory listing. But some viruses dont infect files, and some of those which do can avoid howing changes theyve made to files, especially if theyre active in RAM. Ano ther common indication of a virus infection is a change to the reassignment of system resources. Unaccounted use of memory or a reduction in the amount normally shown for the system may be significant. In short, observing something funny and blaming it on a computer virus is less productive than scanning regularly for potential viruses, and not scanning, because everything is running OK is equally inadvisable. 3. 2 What to do when you find viruses starting signal thing what you should do when you find virus is count to ten and stay cool.You should keep notes on what you do and write down what your virus programs and you computer tells you. If you are not sure what to do, you should call the administrator for future action. In some cases it is not good to start you computer from hard disk, because the virus may active and then do some harm. Second,make sure that you should get sure that it is virus and what virus it is. It is important to know what kind of virus we are dealing with. Companies that make anti-virus programs knows what different viruses does and you can ether call them and ask about that viruses or you can go to their web pages and read about the virus you have.When you start you computer you should do it from a clean (non-infected) floppy diskette and after that run the virus program. The boot diskette should be write protected so that virus can not infect the boot diskette too. 6 It is good to take a backup of the file that was infected. Virus program could do some damage to the file and that is why it is good to have a backup. It is good to let you administrator to know about the virus, so viruses would not spread around so much. In TKK PC classes are protected by anti-virus program and that virus program reports to a person, responsible for virus protection. . How to protect from viruses 4. 1 How to provide against viruses surmount way to protect yourself is to prepare your computer against viruses in advance. One way to protect you computer is to use updated anti-virus program. When you get an email accompaniment, you should first check the attachment by checking the file with a anti-virus program. As an example in one unnamed Finnish company all information was mailed in email attachments. There was this one Word document that was mailed to everybody. That email attachment was infected by a macro virus.Everyone got the infected attachment and those who opened that attachment by Word got that CAP-macro virus. After all there were a few thousand infections. It took lots of time and money to clear that virus. One can protect the computer against boot sector viruses by setting the BIOS to start from a hard disk rather than from a floppy disk. Write protection is a good way to prohibit against viruses. Write protection works well in floppy disks, Windows NT and UNIX, but not that well in Windows and Windows95. 4. Different anti-virus programs There are three different kind of anti-viral packages activity monitors, authe ntication or change-detection software, and scanners. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses. Commercial anti-viral programs have a combination of the in a higher place mentioned functions. 7 There are over ten good anti-viral programs. Most knows programs are information Fellows F-Prot, EliaShim ViruSafe, ESaSS ThunderBYTE, IBM AntiVirus, McAfee Scan, Microsoft Anti-Virus, Symantec Norton AntiVirus and S&S Dr Solomons AVTK.On a day-to-day basis, the average corporation should be very interested in the scan time these impact strongly the users, who should be scanning hard drives and disks on a daily basis. If a product takes too long to carry out these basic tasks, users will be unwilling to wait, and will stop using it. This is clearly undesirable the perfect anti-virus product would be one which takes no time to run and finds all viruses. 5. Computer viruses in Finland 5. 1 A questionnaire in Finland about viruses Computer viruses are not uncommon in Finland, especially not in schools and universities. Virus barroom was not well organized in some organizations and tended to be better in government organizations than in local anaesthetic government or in firms writes Marko Helenius in his Computer viruses in Finland report. He did a large scale questionnaire survey in Finland in the summer 1993. There were not macro viruses at that time yet, so today the virus situation is a bit different, but some results were pretty interesting. The knowledge of viruses was quite poor in all sectors government, local authorities and companies. Respondents knowledge of viruses was best in government organizations.How importance is virus prevention? The most positive attitude to virus prevention was in government organizations. 90% of the government organizations used some kind of anti-virus program, the same in local authority organizations was about 55 % and in companies it was over 60 %. 3 5. 2 It is going to be a criminal act to make viruses in Finland There is a new government bill about writing and spreading viruses. If the bill goes through, it is going to be a criminal act to make and spread viruses in Finland and one could get two years in prison or a fine, if one spread or write viruses.If a person make a virus it would be same thing in court than a person were planning to burn something. It is criminal to make viruses in England, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and Russia. It is not punished to make or spread viruses in Finland, according todays penal code. If viruses make harm to somebody that could be punished. Nobody has been punished for that in Finland, even though some Finns has made viruses, for example Finnish Spryer. That virus formatted about 600 hard disks and did lots of damage. They say that it was made in Espoo, but they never got the persons that made that virus.Virus business in Finland is pretty big. Businesses that have specialized in viruses have about 100 million in sales together. It costs money to stop worki ng and clean up the viruses. Computer viruses put in danger general safety, says Pihlajamaki from Ministry of Justice. It is dangerous if viruses gets to programs that control trains or airplanes. Computer viruses can also be used as a weapon. It is sad that America used computer viruses to slay and to make Iraqs computers non-functional. 4 6. How computer viruses have spread out around the world Computer viruses are a problem all over the world.The following picture tells us how many times people have accessed Data Fellows, a company that makes anti-virus program F-Prot, more than 1,672,846 per month10. It means that people are interesting in virus information. One reason is that people have to deal with viruses. Viruses in not only a problem in Finland and USA, it is a problem around the world. pic Picture 4 Accesses per month Todays most common virus is the macro virus. Cap virus is one of the macro viruses. Last month there were 3100 Cap macro virus accesses during the brave ou t 30 days in Data Fellows.Next common virus was Join the Crew with 1171 accesses and third common was Pen pal Greetings with 895 accesses. 10 pic Picture 5 Twenty most accessed virus descriptions during the last 30 days 7. Computer viruses and network security Computer viruses are one network security problem. A few people when asked if computer viruses can cause network security problems answered as follows. Dave Kenney answered from National Computer Security Assoc There is one macro virus for MSWord that is received as an attachment to MS Mail messages. If a user has Word open, and double clicks to see the ontents of the attachment, MS Word and the open document is infected. Then the document is mailed to three other users listed in the original users address book. The only information that is leaked is the thing you should be worried about, your password The trojan sends an E-mail to the hackers fake name and then he has your account at his hands, wrote CJ from American Online. Rarely, a Word macro virus may accidentally pick up some user information and carry it along we know of one case where a macro virus snatched an innocent user macro that contained a password, and spread it far outside the company where that happened.In the future, however, it is entirely possible that more network-aware viruses will cause significant network security problems, wrote David Chess from IBM. Marko Helenius wrote from Virus Research Unit, that there has been some cases when hackers have used trojan horses to gain information. There is one example in one finnish corporation where some money were transferred illegally a year ago. There has been a trojan in the University of Tampere too where the trojan pretend to be a host transfer program. The trojan saved users login name and password to hard disk. 8.Conclusions There are lots of viruses in the world and new viruses are coming up every day. There are new anti-virus programs and techniques developed too. It is good to be aware of viruses and other malware and it is cheaper to protect you environment from them rather then being sorry. There might be a virus in your computer if it starts acting differently. There is no reason to panic if the computer virus is found. It is good to be a little suspicious of malware when you surf in the Internet and download files. Some files that look interesting might hide a malware.A computer virus is a program that reproduces itself and its mission is to spread out. Most viruses are harmless and some viruses might cause random damage to data files. A trojan horse is not a virus because it doesnt reproduce. The trojan horses are usually masked so that they look interesting. There are trojan horses that steal passwords and formats hard disks. Marco viruses spread from applications which use macros. Macro viruses spreads fast because people share so much data, email documents and use the Internet to get documents. Macros are also very easy to write.Some people want to experiment how to write viruses and test their programming talent. At the same time they do not understand about the consequences for other people or they simply do not care. Viruses mission is to hop from program to other and this can happen via floppy disks, Internet FTP sites, newsgroups and via email attachments. Viruses are mostly written for PC-computers and DOS environments. Viruses are not any more something that just programmers and computer specialist have to deal with. Today everyday users have to deal with viruses.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Listening Skill
Listening skills ar very important in everyday life. One must understand what people are saying and what is happening around them. In order for this to be d wiz effectively, 1 must be an active att halter. This is achieved when the pick uper is earshot for pith when the listener checks if the statement has been heard and understood correctly. The goal of this is to improve mutual understanding. Many people believe that listening skills are taught when in elementary school or during childhood.Truthfully, one can never re in ally learn all the skills and apply them all the time. Many times people will be listening to somebody piffle but in their head will be thinking about something else, or even be distracted by something that is outlet on around them. Therefore, to plump a better listener, one must make eye contact with the speaker, observe the speakers behaviour and body diction and also quote the speakers words and write them d hold as notes. Having good listening skill s may come in helpful in a transmutation of situations.For example, during class, while taking notes, during a job interview, while interviewing a person, during counselling, while having a serious conversation with a friend or loved one, or while on the job, especially in a journalistic setting. In groups, listening skills may help attain better information and research or even assist in reaching a compromise or conclusion. Being a good listener has its benefits. By having good listening skills one can avoid having misunderstanding, resolve conflicts, get people to open up, and build trust.In order to develop pupils listening skill, teachers should make pupils listen to songs, rhymes and stories. To show their understanding of what they go for heard, pupils can be asked to answer questions that require them to call in ideas, give details and even talk about the ideas heard. 1 Here, I will state the objectives, rule and steps of the listening skill activity. a)Objectives of the activity By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to a)Listen to simple short stories and recall the names of people, animals and thing. b)Listen to simple short stories and recall the humbug-line by answering simpleWh-questions. c)Listen to simple short stories and shared feelings about the bill. b)Rationale of the activity This activity all savants to become active participants in the listening process rather than passive listeners. It encourages interaction by live listening and expose students to a variety of voices beside the teachers voice. It also develops their ability to listen well and become more independent scholarly persons. Pupils are able to reproduce their accuracy and refine their understanding of grammar and also develop their own vocabulary. c)Steps of the activity )Teacher asks pupils to listen to the short story in the CD player. b)Pupils listen to the story and teacher asks pupils on the character mentioned in the story. c)Pupils listen to the short story for the second time. d) Teacher distributes the worksheets for the pupils to answer. 2 e)Pupils listen to the story once more for the third time and answer the questions given in the worksheet. f)Teacher discusses answers with pupils and talks about the story. d)Sample of worksheet for listening activity Instruction Listen to the short story and answer the questions. 1.How many large pots does the wet newsboy bring on? AHe has one large pot. BHe has two large pots. CHe has three large pots. 2. Where is the water bearer going? AHe is going to his friends ho handling. BHe is going to the masters ho ingestion. CHe is going to the mistresss house. 3. How many pots of water does he deliver? AHe delivers one and a half pails of water. BHe delivers two and a half pails of water. CHe delivers three and a half pails of water. 4. Who talked to the water bearer? AThe sun talked to the water bearer. BThe flowers talked to the water bearer.CThe cracked pot talked to the water bearer. 5. Why did the cracked pot feel ashamed? AHis pot was empty. BHis pot was full of water. CHis pot was only half full of water. 6. What did the cracked pot do along the office? AHe looked at the green grass. BHe looked some small stones. CHe looked at the hazardous flowers. 7. Who planted the seed? AThe water bearer. BThe cracked pot. C The water bearers master 8. Who watered the wild flowers? AThe master watered the wild flowers. BThe water bearer watered the wild flowers. CThe cracked pot watered the wild flowers. 9. What did the cracked pot see along the path? AHe saw the sun and grass.BHe saw the sun and wild flowers. CHe saw the wild flowers and the master. 4 10. What did the water bearer do with the wild flowers? AHe decorated the masters room. BHe decorated the masters table. CHe decorated the masters kitchen. e)Examples of responses, the valuation criteria and attach allocation for assessing students responses During the activity, the student listens to a passage instead of reading it. Since listening performance is strongly influenced by motivation and memory, the passages are carefully chosen so that it is short and interesting.While listening the student come to answer 10 multiple-choice questions that address various levels of literal and inferential comprehension. The multiple-choice questions are focus on the passage listened by the students from the CD player. After the activity, the answers for the multiple-choice questions are given to the students. For each correct answer, the students will be given 2 marks so if the students get all questions correct, he or she will get 20 marks. 5 f)Assessment criteria and distribution of marks related to the specific objective of activity Rubrics of listening activityBANDS EXCELLENT okay WEAK VERY WEAK SCORES 16 20 11 15 6 10 0 5 This worksheet contains 10 multiple-choice questions. each correct item is awarded 2 marks. The maximum raw score a student can achieve on the worksheet is 20 marks. The re are four criteria of band for the listening activity. The band starts from very weak, weak, passable and excellent. Each band represents a score of 5 marks. 6 SPEAKING SKILL According to the Oxford mental lexicon of Current English (2009), speaking is the action of leading information or expressing ones thoughts and feelings in staven languages.Chaney (1998), however, considered speaking a process of building and sharing inwardness through the use of verbal or non-verbal symbols in variety of contexts. Sharing the analogous viewpoint, Flores (1999) added that speaking is an interactive process, which consists of three main stages which are producing, receiving and processing information. In language teaching and learning, speaking is considered a skill to practise and master. In the light, Nunan (2003) put it that speaking is the productive oral skill.It consists of producing systematic verbal utterance to convey pith. Bygate (1987) investigated the distinction between kno wledge and skill in speaking lesson, which he considered as crucial in the teaching of speaking. Indeed, to be a good learner of speaking, studying knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, intonation, etc, is not enough but the skill to use this knowledge to communicate successfully is indispensable. In the classroom, pupils should be given lots of opportunities to talk in class so that they gain confidence to speak in the language.Opportunities should be given to pupils to role-play, participate in drama activities that make them use the language suitable for the role or situation. In this respect, pair or group work activities allow for all pupils to engage in speaking activities at the same time. Pupils should also be encouraged to talk in English to other pupils and teachers in school. Here, I will state the objectives, rationale and steps of the speaking skill activity. a)Objectives of the activity By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to a)Retell stories hear d before with expression. )Talk about the actions of people, animals or things in the story heard or read. c)Give reasons why one comparables or dislike the story.7 b)Rationale of the activity This activity helps student to increase their academic knowledge and encourages their intellectual curiosity. Speaking activity also strengthens the ability to analyse and treasure topics of interest and fosters independent learning. It also promotes awareness of the need for opinions coupled with knowledge and it involves the process of careful thought prior to reaching a conclusion or making a decision to dopt a belief or course of action. Not forgetting where it also promotes critical thinking of the students. c)Steps of the activity a)Teacher asks pupils to read the short story, The bats heap. b)Pupils read and understand the story. c)Teacher asks pupil to summarize the story in their own word. d) Teacher asks a few wh-questions to the pupils based on the story. e)Pupils give reason wh y the like or dislike the characters or story.d)Sample of worksheet for speaking activity Instruction Retold the story read. Answer a few questions based on the story. Tell ones like or dislikes. Example of questions 1. How many large pots does the water bearer have? 2. Where is the water bearer going? 3. How many pots of water does he deliver? 8 4. Who talked to the water bearer? 5. Why did the cracked pot feel ashamed? 6. What did the cracked pot do along the way? 7. Who planted the seed? e)Examples of responses, the evaluation criteria and marks allocation for assessing students responses During the activity, the pupils read the short story, The Cracked Pot given by teacher.Then, the teacher asks pupils to retell the story using their own word. Teacher allocates marks when pupils retold the story. After that, teacher asks a few questions based on the story. Finally, teacher asks the pupils whether they like or dislike the story. For each activity, marks are awarded based on thei r fluency, grammar and pronunciation. The marks given are according to the marks given. f)Assessment criteria and distribution of marks related to the specific objective of activity Rubrics of listening activity ACHIEVEMET SCORE draw BAND DESCRIPTORSEXCELLENT 12 15 Grammar & Vocabulary Excellent use of sentence structures to convey intended meaning effectively- Correct and accurate use of grammatical structures- Interesting expression used Appropriately Pronunciation& intonation Excellent pronunciation and intonation to convey intended meaning correctly- actually clear articulation, diction and word stress blandness & Rhythm Very fluent speech- Very smooth flow of coherent ideas presented through the effective use of discourse markers ethics & Mannerism Respond with excellent mannerism using polite expressions and utterances- Show interest and enthusiasm GOOD 8 11 Grammar & Vocabulary Correct use of sentence structures to convey intended meaning effectively Cor rect use of grammatical structures- Good control of language in terms of the range of vocabulary and expressions used with minor slips that do not disrupt meaning Pronunciation& Intonation Correct pronunciation and intonation most of the time with occasional slips- Very clear articulation, enunciation and word stress smoothness & Rhythm Fluent speech with occasional pauses- Smooth flow of coherent ideas presented through the effective use of discourse markers Ethics & Mannerism Respond with good and appropriate mannerism using polite expressions and utterances- Show some interest and nthusiasm SATISFACTORY 4 7 Grammar & Vocabulary Satisfactory use of sentence structures with some errors but meaning is generally clear- Adequate use of language with some grammatical errors but meaning is mostly clear- Fair control of language in terms of vocabulary and expressions, meaning is generally understood although there are some mistakes Pronunciation& Intonation Satisfactory pro nunciation and intonation with some words wrongly pronounced but meaning is not distorted- Satisfactory articulation, enunciation and word stress Fluency & Rhythm Very fluent speech- Very smooth flow of coherent ideas presented through the effective use of discourse markers Ethics & Mannerism Respond with satisfactory Mannerism using a few polite expressions and utterances- Show a little interest and enthusiasm WEAK 1 3 Grammar & Vocabulary borderline use of sentence structures with consistent errors which distort meaning- Excessive grammatical errors which distort meaning Pronunciation& Intonation Poor pronunciation and intonation but meaning may or may not be distorted- Attempt to articulate but flawed by poor pronunciation and word stress Fluency & Rhythm Lack fluency with minimal or no utterance- Minimal or no flow of ideas Ethics & Mannerism Respond impolitely and in an inappropriate manner- Show no interest and enthusiasm In this activity, students are awarded marks based in the speaking skills. The maximum raw score a student can achieve is 15 marks. There are four main criteria in speaking rubrics. They are weak, satisfactory, good and excellent. APPENDIX The Cracked Pot A Short Story A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole, which he carried across his neck.One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the masters house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years, this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water in his masters house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to see as a bi tter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you. Why? asked the bearer. What are you ashamed of? I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way plunk for to your masters house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you dont get full value from your efforts, the pot said. The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, As we return to the masters house, I want you to wit the beautiful flowers along the path. Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some.But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, Did you notice that the re were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pots side? Thats because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, youve watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my masters table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house. 14
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Psychology, Theology in Chrisitian Counseling Essay
SUMMARYThe book receives with at brief selection as it addresses the importance of the proponent utilizing the deliverymanian faith in discuss in sum total to focusing on the relationship between psychology and theology. It addresses the issues and concerns that religion may bring into focusing sessions and how the counselor should address and handle these ch completelyenges. McMinn addresses the facts that spiritual development must take place with the leaf node as well as the counselor. The counselor must personally address the regulation of prayer, scripture, sin, confession, yieldness, and redemption these formulations are a requirement for smooth sessions for the client and counselor. The objective of the sessions is to create a healthy sense of self for the client.Once this objective is achieved, the client can move from being broken, and begin a self-motivated and fulfilling relationship with God and others. In the section, Toward Psychological and Spiritual Health, McMinn foc using ups his main position to the varied individuality of an individuals life. He proposes that Christian instruction strengthens three areas of a persons life sense of self, awareness of human take in, limitations, and confiding interpersonal relationships with God and others.The book appears to be focused on the many important attributes of a Christians life i.e. prayer, scripture, sin, confession, forgiveness, and redemption all which should be the foundational make-up of the Christian counselors method of treating clients. Dr. McMinn (1996) believes prayer should be used in and outside of the counseling session, however with caution. According to McMinn (1996) Christian counselors should depend upon Scripture for truth by determining how to use it appropriately. The use of scripture should be utilized as a therapeutic intervention in the counseling setting. In addition, it would solely depend upon the clients emotional, mental and spiritual health and how it is per ceived.The chapters are formatted in a very straightforward layout. The chapters start sections to address the challenges counselors face, psychological and spiritual health focus points, and in any case expected results by to each one foundational element of counseling psychological, theological, and spiritual. McMinn further discusses the topics of sin, redemption and forgiveness. From the text, it is apparent that the discussion of sin must be handled with care at all times. This subject should be approached with caution and only be discussed if there is a healthy client counselor relationship. Forgiveness is mavin of the other attributes discussed.Forgiveness has the dexterity to lead an individual to a healthy and fulfilling life with others and self. It can produce spiritual, mental and emotional reprieve for a client. Redemption is the sole objective for counseling and the counselor must first describe his redemption before he is urged to be a vessel to redeem someone else. (Ephesians 17-8) In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of Gods grace 8that he lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. (NIV) Christs redemption has freed us from guilt, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 324). To be redeemed we first have to be lost, separated, and captive, be in slavery, and so on. In the case of the Christian redemption definition, we are separated from God and need redemption to be fitted to be reconcile back to God.CONCRETE RESPONSEThis book is a very good outline of spiritual and psychological health and functioning. It gives a very detailed outline of what a Christian counselor should be. Having had some counseling sessions with my pastor in regards to debating on divorce, I was able to relate to McMinns outlines. My pastor was firm and consistent and did not waiver from the word of God as it related to my personal issue at the time. Before the sessions begin, one of the major items my pastor discussed with me was prayer.He asked before the sessions started if I would like for him to pray and before the end of each session. He advised me that through prayer I would be able to feel the presence of God in which I did. As I became more acclimated with my relationship with God, I was able to feel his presence. in time at some points during the sessions I felt as if he was forcing his personal beliefs on me as it related to divorce. I was at a point in my life that divorce appeared to be the only option I felt I had. With prayer and the act of forgiveness and continued efforts, I was able to forgive my spouse and move forward. After my sessions, I was able to find my healthy sense of self again which lead to a more positive, healthy and rich life with my spouse.REFLECTIONThe proficiency of counseling must be carefully implemented in order for the counselor and client to eventually envision and collect the be nefits. This action may not happen in two or three sessions or may not happen at all depending upon the counselor and clients relationship. We as Christian counselors must equip ourselves with the whole armor of God (Eph. 611, 13). The Holy Spirit should be in the center of each counseling session in order for the sessions to be productive and prosperous.McMinn (1996) intra disciplinary approach to healing the emotional, mental, and spiritual life of man must be taken in small steps. One question that comes to mind is the section which related to counseling adolescents. According to the book, a teenager appears to be the most elusive to communicate with. In view of the fact that teenagers are faced with an array of complex situations on a daily basis, how would one effectively bring across information for a teenager to perceive who is currently going through a dilemma? Would the same outline be used in treating adults? performanceAs I read Mark McMinns book I began to feel a hung er and thirst for the Word of God which became more usual as I continued to read. My spirit began to search for more of God . It is apparent that I must fast, pray and read my bible on a daily basis so that I can focus on God and build a closer relationship with him. This book is an excellent imaging for counseling for those who need guidance in incorporating spiritual disciplines in a secularly dominated society. The only way this will be instrumental in counseling is to refer to its teaching and allow the Holy Spirit to make it conducive and acceptable in the counseling session.Many Christian counselors can use this mental imagery to reach a level of maturity that will translate into true healing and redemption. As a Christian Counselor, I must first recognize the fact that each person is different mentally, physically and emotionally. Therefore, different methods must be utilized. There is not an outline written in stone each session evolves into a different method according t o the client and the positive or negative response of the previous sessions. The information given by McMinn has authentically broadened my outlook in respects to counseling and the relationship I should have with God in reference to becoming a counselor. I would truly recommend this book to any existing counselors or those perusing a counseling career.REFERENCEMcMinn, Mark R. Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality In Christian Counseling. Carol Stream, IL Tyndale field of operations Publishers, 1996.
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