Monday, September 30, 2019
Organizational Levels
1) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 1: Key Players (Stakeholders) and Business Ideas (Purpose). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Establishing, Refining, or Monitoring? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. In my opinion refining is the most appropriate leadership challenge for the above scenario. Developing superior graphic design products and services through Innovation, teamwork and leadership is Listo’s mission. Due to the expansion of the company teamwork and leadership have been affected most. New employees are less trained thus, they lack proper leadership quality. People in habit of working for a small company where they knew each and everyone suddenly had to work for a large company where their opinions and values were not concerned. Thus keeping in mind of these situations refining in management is required in Listo to achieve its mission. 2 )Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 2: Entity (Culture) and Strategy (Mission). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Defining, Shaping, or Publicizing? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response Listo’s mission is to develop superior graphic design product through innovation, teamwork and leadership. Due to sudden change in the management, employees’ adaptation in the new environment has been difficult. So shaping the management as per the company’s mission is the appropriate leadership challenge response 3) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 3: Departments (Units) and Key Results (Success Factors). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Involving, Facilitating, or Communicating? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Communicating is the appropriate leadership challenge response for the above scenario. Addition of new layers to the hierarchy creates new chain of commands which results confusion. So proper communication channels should be established regarding the new management system. 4) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 4: Teams (Groups) and Goals (Objectives). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Focusing, Unifying, or Connecting? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Connection of new hires with the previous employees is required for the team to direct towards achieving goals. If the employees are connected with each other than by implementing motivation theories they can be made unified and focused so priority should be given in connecting people. 5) Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 5: Individuals (People) and Tasks (Jobs). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Enabling, Engaging, or Empowering? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. Empowering the employees is the best option for the above case scenario. Increase in the turnover rates and absent leaves suggests that employees have lost their energy and passion working for the company. One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of concern management has shown towards the employees. Empowering employees makes them feel of importance and the fact company giving them an important responsibility generates a desire and passion to fulfill the task effectively.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Organization marketing concept
Core marketing strategy to achieve objective 4. Reference 1. Corporate objectives and how they lead to marketing objective Mission statement , a long-term view of what the organization wants to be . Marketing objective , a statement of what is to be accomplished through marketing activities . A,Sharon p. 54).Queerly founded in Australia in 1985, hey develop each product using potent blends extracted from the herbs and flowers objective of Curlicue is to proof that nature and science can come together . The company advocates the green, organic, healthy life style rather than a single perfume brand. They believe that nature and science can be beauty . Curlicue has spent over 25 years unearthing potent organic and patronymic ingredients and developing the unique Bio-Intrinsic process to create the purest, most powerful skin care. Now curlicue has became one of the famous skin care brand in the world, especially inAsian area. Curlicue insist to use nature ingredients and never been found to use any of chemicals over 25 years . They got customers' trust on their product an build the goodwill in the market . 2. Organization marketing concept Obviously Curlicue is following the marketing concept ,production concept and social concept during 25 years. Social concept: For Curlicue, this currently includes working with suppliers when sourcing new packaging materials to ensure that environmental impacts are considered with designing new and/or replacement packaging items and accessories.Curlicue takes into consideration packaging life-cycle during the design process, incorporating sourcing, material type, production processes and potential wastage, void space in packaging, and packaging risibility/respectability. Relieve International Pity. Ltd. – Action Plan 2011-16) . 1 am the one of big fans of Curlicue . Every time I got their product packing box , I can see the end of the box said ‘This carton contains 80% recycled fiber and 20% sustainable sourced fiber . Please recycle . ‘ And it can be found n their formal website : commitment about their animal testing .They continue to adhere to the strict requirements of global cosmetic regulations regarding animal testing, with utmost respect for our customers and environment. Without any doubt , Curlicue always follow the production concept and marketing concept. Nestled in the Adelaide Hills is the magnificent patronymic Curlicue Farm where many of the herbs, flowers and plants are grown for our natural skin care products. Curlicue is one of the world's most recognized skin care brands and is renowned for using the best in organic and patronymic ingredients to deliver quality skin care products. Reliquary web site ) 3. Core marketing strategy to achieve objective Curlicue offers pure and harmless products with good price. They impress the customer with the good quality and fresh fragrance. SOOT analysis : Strengths -Own organic farmland , nature ingredients , harmless to skin . Their supply chain expanded to America , Asian . Good reputation due to their environment protect . Weaknesses -Lack of creativity , lack of sale promotion activity Opportunity-More and ore customers and realize the important of nature product.Threats- With customers' realization of important of nature production , more pretenders are using 1 . Make the consumers add the whole bunch of reliance credits in our brand equity account. 2. Trying to generate the new demands in existing market and get more market shares in this niche market. 3. Increasing the wide acceptance of our brand. Relieve 2012) Based on the marketing objectives and SOOT analysis , Curlicue need to make strategy to increasing their Brand effect .
Saturday, September 28, 2019
English Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
English Class - Essay Example In a traditional educational setup, the decision making power solely rests with the teacher. When the students are not allowed their adequate share of decision making, they become more of objects rather than conscious human beings with analytic and evaluative senses. (Freire) has identified two basic types of educational concepts, namely the banking education and the problem-posing education, and has discussed the traits of both. The banking education is the typical pedagogical approach in which the teachers are in charge and the students are enslaved. In the exams, children’s memory is checked rather than their analytical skills. The problem-posing concept is on the other end of the scale. In the problem-posing educational concept, the teacher is always cognitive and never narrative. The teacher adopts a reflective approach and inculcates his own reflections in those of the students. In this system of education, neither the teacher nor the students standardize the concepts. T o them, reality keeps transforming and so do the concepts. What is the "banking system" of education? This is a system of education in which the teacher and students do not mutually exert mentally to realize the truth, but the assumed truth is fed into the students by the teacher. The teacher is always right! The teacher prepares the lesson beforehand and makes the presentation in the class.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The changing demographics in Texas have transformed electoral politics Essay
The changing demographics in Texas have transformed electoral politics - Essay Example The public policies and traditionally conservative politics of the state, together with the domineering responsibility of a leading structure, are entrenched in these cultural patterns (Zuczek, 2006). This paper will look at how the changing demographics in Texas have transformed electoral politics. Texas has diverse demographics. There has been a significant rise in the general population, with considerable increases among Asian Americans and Hispanics. Hispanics went beyond 35% of the Texas population in 2010. It is also estimated that they will have reach 41% by 2020. In addition, African Americans were approximately 30% of the Texas population during the Civil War, but are now almost 12%. Also, there is a small Native American population made up of three tribes; the Kickapoo, the Tigua, and the Alabama-Coushatta, making up 0.6% of the population. In addition, Asian Americans are approximately 2.7% of the existing population and are anticipated to rise to almost 4.2% by 2020. Angl os make up almost 52.5% of the population and are estimated to decrease as a percentage of the entire population in the next 30 years. In the first quarter of the 20th century, Texas will have a majority minority (Maxwell, Crain & Santos, 2013). The line between San Antonio and Texarkana in effect splits the subcultures of Texas. A large number of Anglos who settled west and north of this line were from the upper South and tremendously influenced by the individualistic subculture, which prefers limited government. Anglos who settled east and south of the line were by large from the lower South and fashioned by its traditionalistic culture (Zuczek, 2006). Politics in Texas is basically fashioned by the racial and ethnic makeup of the population, and, even though the concerns of minorities were historically overlooked, they are now getting increased consideration. This consideration can be accredited in part, to the rising number of minorities elected to local and state offices. Over the last ten years, the population of Texas has risen much quicker than the national average. Between 1990 and 2000, the population of Texas rose by approximately four million people (Maxwell, Crain & Santos, 2013). Movement from other states of the country with stout Republican Party traditions has played a significant part in the transformation of Texas’ conventional one-party Democratic political system into a two-party system. In spite of the sense of wide open spaces and size, Texas is an urban area, with almost 85% of the people living in urban areas. The rise in population presents new requirements on all levels of government, as will the rise in the average age of the population of the state (Maxwell, Crain & Santos, 2013). Almost 10% of the population in Texas was over 65 years old. This number is estimated to rise to 17% by 2030. In addition, significant differences in income levels and wealth exist in the state, leading to political benefits for people who have sig nificant financial resources. Therefore, the economic class has turned into a political subject and income is evidently associated to ethnicity and race, African Americans and Hispanics are more probable to get incomes lower than $15,000. Moreover, there are also significant diffe
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Rising Oil Prices and the Scottish business Essay - 7
Rising Oil Prices and the Scottish business - Essay Example Scotland has a very rich history, and it has played a significant role in bringing in enlightenment to the United Kingdom as modern economics was born from the lush green meadows of Scotland. Over the period of time, Scottish businesses have developed their core competencies and reached to a point where they are significantly contributing towards the economy of the country. An analysis of the Scottish business industry would suggest that it is dominated by heavy industry such as shipbuilding, coal mining and steel industries. This stratification of the industry within the Scottish economy suggest that it is heavily reliant on much larger industries involved mostly into Business 2 Business kind of business transactions therefore key economic variables such as rising prices hardly have the impact on them. A recent history of oil prices suggests that they are on increasing constantly due to various factors. Many analysts believed that rising demand from China and other emerging marke ts such as Brazil, Russia, and India created a strong increase in prices of oil all over the world. Besides, there are different seasonal patterns in production as well as consumption of oil, therefore, the oil prices tend to increase due to these seasonal patterns as well as strong demand from emerging markets. (IMF). Further, there is a growing increase into the production of alternative energy sources such as ethanol which is selling at high prices, therefore, the oil prices in the market are also going to replicate that process because alternative products are selling at higher prices. Further, the depreciation of the dollar against major currencies such as the Euro is also considered as one of the major factors behind the increase in oil prices. These rising oil prices, however, are being considered as a good omen for the Scottish business due to different reasons. The following section will discuss whether rising oil prices are good for Scottish businesses.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Why does America have a two-party system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Why does America have a two-party system - Essay Example The classification of the party system is on the grounds of the number of relevant parties and the amount of fragmentation that is seen in the governing bodies (McKeever and Davies 2012). A two-party system is seen where two major political parties are at the time dominating the votes. Within the two-party system, one of the parties gets to hold the majority in the legislation (Bailey et al 2010). The United States is noted to have started the system of having two parties in its governance. There are many reasons as to why it does continue to have its system like that (McKeever and Davies 2012). When the history of the United States is considered, it is found out that its roots are based on the two-party system itself. This force behind the form of tradition, where that the state itself began with, has become very important to the Americans. It has had a lot of influence on the American government (Gerring 2001). Other nations have numerous political parties whereby the candidates ge t to be elected to the offices, and when the data is analyzed, minority parties give out great contribution to this. Over the course of political history in the United States, minor third parties have come up several times (Bibby and Maisel 2003). For example, the Poor Man’s party, the liberty party, and the free soil party have come up within the American history and get to influence the politics of America slightly. But, the worst part is that the names of most of them get forgotten easily and very quickly (Bibby and Maisel 2003). Two-party system is the only system where the county gets to have ideological parties with broad political beliefs and good values that can see the country forward to a better stand (Herrnson and Green 2002). The minor parties only tend to be economic protests, and this is not what the nation needs at the moment (Campbell 2006). It needs to see progress from one stage to another in terms of a better solution to the problems and matters they are facing (Bibby and Maisel 2003). The minor parties do act as splinter parties in most situations. This paper is going to analyze the reasons why United States of America still has two party systems. Historical influence When the past political system is reviewed, the progressive party of 1912 splinted from the republicans gaining 88 electoral votes. Later on the same progressive party of 1924 gained 13 votes after splinting from the republicans (McSweene and Zvesper 1991). These groups always do not take up the goal of winning the election and transforming the nation, but conversely, they concentrate on changing the view of the current state of the electoral votes (Bowles 1993). One of the major reason as to why United States of America still continues to engage in the Two-party system is due to the reason of the great force of historical tradition (Sundquist 1983; Smith 2003). For a very long time, since the nation started with the Two-party system, the anti- federalists and the fe deralists have become used to the system so much that they cannot let go of it (Milkis and Rhodes 2007). When this system is trace, it is found that there have been five distinct party systems. These are: first party system, which was during 1796 to 1816: federalists and Jeffersonian republicans; second party system, which was during 1840 to 1896: democrats and Whigs; third party system, which was during 1860 to 1896; democrats and republicans; the fourth party system occurred during 1896 to 1932: republicans and democrats, and finally the fifth party system includes the democrats and the republicans: from 1932 to date (Sartori and Mair 2005). American political Beliefs and Values One of the other factors which have greatly inclined the two party
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Government Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Government Analysis - Essay Example They can enact this right in the voting booth, in the court of public opinion, through the judicial system, and via a host of other avenues. In the end, laws and rules are designed for the better good of society, which means that some will almost certainly disagree and strive to have a rule amended or changed. As the government has grown in size, the bureaucracy has remained in force to handle many such proposed rule changes. From Health and Human Services, to issues of the economy, to science and technology among others, the Federal Register has been designed to keep the public informed of any new or impending changes to policy. In this age of increasing technology, such changes are readily accessible via the Internet, and comments are encouraged. This epitomizes our functioning democratic form of law. It is important that individual citizens have the right and the avenue to make their voices heard in an easily accessible manner. Not everyone can travel to Washington D.C. to argue a proposed rule, but nearly everyone can write or email interested parties. This paper will examine a current rule that is being proposed by the Food and Drug Administration, analyze its rationale, discuss recent comments made, and propose a recommendation as to its feasibility. Proposed Final Rule For quite some time, the Food and Drug Administration has been grappling with a proposal to allow certain parts of cattle to be used in dietary supplements, food, and cosmetics, provided a certain procedure was followed. This rule was actually adopted in 2005, as an amendment to an earlier rule that prohibited such use. Now, the rule is back up for debate, as new research studies have been published that seem to contradict earlier findings establishing that the cattle parts were safe in the proposed food and drug items, provided the set procedure was followed. The docket number of this rule change is FDS-2004-N-0188, and the title of the rule amendment is â€Å"Use of Materials Derived fr om Cattle in Human Food and Cosmetics†, with the comment period ending May 3, 2013 (Federal Register 14012). In summary, rule 69 FR 42256, adopted back on July 14, 2004, established that the use of certain parts of a cow in food and cosmetics was to be prohibited. This was due to studies that revealed there was potential risk of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in human food (Federal Register 14012). This also applied to dietary supplements and cosmetics. After a revised comment period, and the publishing of further studies, the Federal Register opted to amend the rule back on September 7, 2005. This amended final rule allowed for the use of the small intestine of cattle in human food and cosmetics, provided an approved removal technique was used (Federal Register 14012). The small intestine, being deemed acceptable for use in cosmetics and certain food products, including dietary supplements, has now been permitted since that rule amendment in 2005. The new rule has sin ce allowed the intestine to be utilized provided it was removed by a procedure approved by the FDA, or if an organization could provide an equally effective alternative procedure that was deemed safe and reliable (Federal Register 14012). While this procedure has continued largely unchecked for the last seven years, interested parties began to conduct and publish their own studies. These studies have created enough reasonable doubt as to the safety of the small intestine, as presently being used, that the Food and Drug Administration has decided to revisit the rule. In recent years, scientific studies, most of which have been peer-reviewed, have demonstrated that there is the possibility that the colon of cattle can be infected with matter that can be harmful to humans. In
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuations Essay
The Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuations - Essay Example It is estimated to be a fifth of the universal total. The country also has a mixed economy and has sustained a steady Gross Domestic Product rate of growth, high levels of research and capital investment, and moderate rate of unemployment. The current economic situation in America is evidently different from the economic situation five years ago. The present Federal Reserve interest rate is between 0 and 0.25% and the Federal Reserve aims to maintain it until 2015. The Federal Reserve decreased the interest rate by half point in December, 2008. Also, the rate of inflation in the United States as of October 2012 was 2.16%. The current rate of inflation is 2.1% in comparison to the 3.8% rate of inflation recorded in 2008. The American inflation estimate constitutes transportation, apparel, recreation, education and communication, medical care, energy, housing, and food and beverages. Finally, the rate of unemployment as of March 2013 was 7.6%. This is equivalent to 11.7 million individ uals. On the other hand, the administration’s larger U-6 rate of unemployment, which incorporates those who are unemployed, was 13.9%. In contrast, the unemployment rate in America five years ago was 4.6% (Wallison, 2013). Question 2 The changes in interest rates, rates of inflation, and rates of unemployment can be attributed to several reasons. The changes in interest rates have been largely influenced by the activities of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reverse has had an impact on the interest rates through altering the rate at which it loans out fund to financial institutions, altering reserve requirements of financial institutions, and by influencing the supply of funds through open market activities. Also, the Federal Reverse’s Board of Governors have largely contributed to the changes in interest rates by making decisions on changes in discount rates after receiving recommendations from one or more regional Federal Reverse Banks. The changes in rates of inflat ion have been facilitated by the activities of policymakers. The rate of inflation has changed because the law makers have assessed a wide range of fundamental inflation measures to assist in recognizing inflation tendencies. The most conventional forms of inflation measures leaves out commodities that tend to fluctuate in worth often or dramatically, for example, energy and food items. The rate of inflation has decreased because law makers have attempted to steady general consumer costs (LeRoy, 2011). Finally, the rate of unemployment has also changed due to a number of factors, one of them being employment by educational attainment. University educated individuals with a degree or higher educational qualification make up the most significant employment rate with approximately 44,648,000 of them having full time employment. In addition, this group makes up the least rate of unemployment of 4.6%. The highest numbers of unemployment are made up of people who do not have high school d iplomas. These people are followed by high school graduates who do not possess college degrees. Also, people with less than a diploma constitute the least number of people who are employed, at more than 10 million. Question 3 The strategies include encouraging entrepreneurship and small businesses and lowering taxes. Small businesses in America are the base of the United States economy providing employment to a large number of people. Encouraging business startups will encourage
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Contemporary Economic Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Contemporary Economic Policy - Essay Example What is needed is not less than an energy revolution itself. This World Energy Outlook demonstrates how that might be achieved through decisive policy action and at what cost. It also describes the consequences of failure. Take oil for example, which is the world's essential supply of energy and will remain so for many years to come, even under the most optimistic of assumptions about the pace of growth and exploitation of alternative technology. But the sources of oil to meet rising demand, the cost of producing Oil and the prices that consumers will need to pay for it are extremely uncertain and constantly fluctuating, perhaps more than ever. The surge in prices in recent years drastically ending in the price spike of 2008, joined with much greater short-term price instability, have highlighted just how sensitive prices are to short-term market imbalances. They have also alerted people to the ultimately finite nature of oil (and natural gas) resources. In fact, the immediate risk to supply is not one of a lack of global resources, but rather a lack of investment where it is needed. Upstream investment has been rising rapidly in nominal terms, but much of the augmentation is due to heaving costs and the need to battle rising decline rates - especially in higher-cost provinces outside of OPEC. Today, most capital goes to exploring for and developing high-cost reserves, partly because of limitations on international oil company access to the cheapest resources. Expanding production in the lowest-cost countries will be central to meeting the world's needs at reasonable cost in the face of dwindling resources in most parts of the world and accelerating decline rates everywhere. 1. Introduction: The United Kingdom has been a net importer of energy resources (Oil and Gas) the energy sector itself has a big chunk in the over-all economy of the nation. However with the ever fluctuating and unpredictable fuel prices, it does not seem like a feasible approach to depend on traditional energy resources. A better and more mature energy policy needs to be prepared and implemented. The purpose of this paper is to highlight key energy consumption trends in the UK, review the energy policy and come up with a better approach towards dealing with the economic impact of energy. The energy industries in the UK play an innermost role in the economy by producing, transforming and supplying energy in its various forms to all sectors. They are also major contributors to the UK's balance of payments through the exports of crude oil and oil products (National Statistics Publication 2007). i) 4.8 per cent of GDP; ii) 8.6 per cent of total investment; iii) 44.3 per cent of industrial investment; iv) 137,800 people directly employed (5 per cent of indus
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Subject Matter of Experiments Essay Example for Free
The Subject Matter of Experiments Essay A well-designed experiment tells us that changes in the explanatory variable cause changes in the response variable. More exactly, it tells us that this happened for specific subjects in the specific environment of this specific experiment. No doubt we had grander things in mind. We want to proclaim that our new method of teaching math does better for high school students in general or that our new drug beats a placebo for some broad class of patients. Can we generalize our conclusions from our little group of subjects to a wider population? The first step is to be sure that our findings are statistically significant, that they are too strong to often occur just by chance. That’s important, but it’s a technical detail that the study’s statistician can reassure us about. The serious threat is that the treatments, the subjects, or the environment of our experiment may not be realistic. For example, a psychologist wants to study the effects of failure and frustration on the relationships among members of a work team. She forms a team of students, brings them to the psychology laboratory, and has them play a game that requires teamwork. The game is rigged so that they lose regularly. The psychologist observes the students through a one-way window and notes the changes in their behavior during an evening of game playing. Playing a game in a laboratory for small stakes, knowing that the session will soon be over, is a long way from working for months developing a new product that never works right and is finally abandoned by your company. Does the behavior of the students in the lab tell us much about the behavior of the team whose product failed? Psychologists do their best to devise realistic experiments for studying human behavior, but lack of realism limits the usefulness of experiments in this area. When experiments are not fully realistic, statistical analysis of the experimental data cannot tell us how far the results will generalize. Experimenters generalizing from students in a lab to workers in the real world must argue based on their understanding of how people function, not based just on the data. It is even harder to generalize from rats in a lab to people in the real world. This is one reason why a single experiment is rarely completely convincing, despite the compelling logic of experimental design. The true scope of a new finding must usually be explored by a number of experiments in various settings. A convincing case that an experiment is sufficiently realistic to produce useful information is based not on statistics but on the experimenter’s knowledge of the subject matter of the experiment. The attention to detail required avoiding hidden bias also rests on subject matter knowledge. Good experiments combine statistical principles with understanding of a specific field of study.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Process Of Brewing Beer
The Process Of Brewing Beer Beer is the worlds ancient and most generally consumed alcoholic beverage and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. The word beer comes from the Latin word bibere, meaning to drink. It is produced by the brewing and fermentation of starches, mainly derived from cereal grains predominantly malted barley, although wheat, maize (corn), and rice are widely used. Maximum beer is flavored with hops, which enhance bitterness and also acts as a natural preservative, nevertheless other flavorings such as herbs or fruit may rarely be included. The chemical equation beneath sum up to form beer: C6H12O6 à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ 2 CH3CH2OH + 2 CO2 History The history of beer making is a story of creation, dedication and honor. While wine making is a very old art that probably invented with the Phoenicians some 2,600 years ago, the art of beer making is said to be older than that of farming. Around 10,000 and 15,000 years ago, women were known to collect wild grain and utilize it to make beer by fermentation which would dependent on spontaneous air borne yeast. Along the birth of civilization correspondingly originated the skilled beer brewing. The Sumerians in around 6,000 years old developed different varieties by soaking barley bread in water. Around 4000 years ago seal, of a Goddess of brewing Hymn to Ninkasi was found in Sumerians period. In which hymn is also a process for making beer. The Babylonians around 2000 years later brought forth several further varieties. Babylonians also distributed and exported the beer and above all, there were laws on the beer. For example the king used to decide the quantity of beer that a person can consume. Beer in that was also sold on barter system. After Babylonians, Egyptians carried on the custom of beer brewing. They also developed many different varieties of beer by adding dates and other fruits. Greeks and Romans carried the tradition of beer brewing as the capture on the Egyptians. In Roman Empire beer was drank in some parts where there was no wine available. Beer of that time could not be s tored and there was no yeast introduced yet. As the culture of barley spread in in north and west, the beer brewing also grabbed attention. After that period, slowly beer brewing reached the entire world and also developed because of trade, wars, and modernization of world. Process of beer brewing The simplest way to describe the process of beer making is fermentation of Malted barley, hops, water and yeast. But sometimes to give beer a specific flavor, ingredients like wheat, maize (corn), rice, fruit, dry fruit and spices are introduced and this dependence on the region where the beer is produced. If the process is considered in detail beer brewing has different stages like malting, milling, mashing, brewing, cooling, fermentation which is followed by maturation, filtering (finishing) and packaging. What is barley? Barley is a towering grass and on the top of the stalk it has got seeds. Barley is not used for baking because it does not form good dough nevertheless it is good for brewing beer. Barley is available numerous strains and ranges that eventually influence the flavor of the beer. Malting Malting is the first step of beer making. In this process barley is prepared to be used in brewing. Barley cannot be used directly to produce the wert since the starch in its floury kernels is insoluble. As the process of malting progress it exposes the starches present in the barley. The first step is Steeping in malting in which grain is soaked in a barrel of water for approximately 40 hours. The second step is germination of the barley grain and for the grain to germinate it is spread on the flat surface in the sprouting room for roughly three to five days where the formation of rootlets instigated. The germination process produces the enzymes by breaking down. At the end of the process, the starch become soft but the enzymes is not in progress of transforming the starch into sugar. Now the barley grain is knows as green malt. Kilning The next process is kilning. Germination is stopped by drying the green malt on metal shelves in the oven (kiln house) at 50 ° C. The temperature is then raised up to 85 °C to make a light malt, or more upper for a dark malt. It is essential that temperature should be raised slowly for the reason that the enzymes in the grain are not ruined. The malted shoots are separated and then dried malts are stored in grain storage. Even though malted barley is the chief ingredient, unmalted corn, rice or wheat are added sometimes, to create diverse beer flavors in this malting process. At the end of kilning, the product obtained malt. The flavor, color and aroma of the beer would be different as there are variations in the ways of malting the barley. Milling Next process is milling and as the name suggest it is the cracking of the grain which the brewer chooses for the particular batch of beer. Milling the grain allows it to absorb the water which would eventually be mixed in order to let water to extract sugars from the malt. Mashing The following step to milling is Mashing. Mashing is the process of making the finest ground malt into a sweet syrupy fluid. Mashing transforms the starches into sugars that can be fermented and which are released throughout the malting period. The milled grains are released into warm water then are slowly heated to about 75 ° C in a big cooking container so called as mash tun. In this mash tun, the grain and heated water forms a cereal mash which dissolves the starch into the water, converting it into sugar mostly maltose. Water itself is a key ingredient in beer because water is an important part of the brewing process. This water which contains sugar is then strained through the bottom of the mash and is now entitled as wert. Brewing Brewing is one of the most an important process in beer making. The finished grains are drained out and wert are ready for boiling and this consist of several technical and chemical reactions. During this stage, vital judgments are made for the flavor, color and aroma of the beer. Different kinds of hops are added at different times throughout the boil process for either bitterness or aroma and also for preserve it. The wert is boiled for 1 or 2 hours to sterilize and concentrate it and extract the necessary essence from the hops. Cooling Cooling is the next step. The wert is shifted quickly from the brew kettle to filter out the hops through a method, and then it is taken to a heat exchanger for cooled. It is essential to rapidly cool wert to a point where yeast can be securely added, as yeast doesnt grow in high heat. Fermentation Fermentation is a vital step in brewing. The brewer now selects a type of yeast and adds it to the fermentation tank. This is where the real magic of brewing happens when the yeast, eats the sugar in the wert and turns it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. This process takes ten days. The wort finally becomes beer. Maturation Maturation which is also known as racking. The beer has now been brewed, but it can still be improved through maturation. Throughout this stage, the brewer transfers and shelves the beer into a new tank known as the conditioning tank. The brewer then just waits for the beer aging process to complete and thus its flavor also ripens. The liquid clarifies as yeast and other particles settle. Secondary fermentation saturates the beer with carbon dioxide. Finishing Finishing is the end of the brewing process. Here the beer is filtered and carbonated. Additional filtering contributes to the sparkling clarity of beer. The beer is transformed to a holding tank where it kept till it is bottled, canned or put into kegs. Filling systems ensure that air does not come into contact with the beer and is not trapped inside the container. Chemistry of beer What are the different flavor and color of beer and from where does the beer get them? There are many forms of malts. This include pale malts with are dried at a low temperature. Therefore it produces a malt that give the beer a pale golden color and a slightly bready flavor such as a pilsner. (PILSENER: A pale lager with strong flavor of hops; first brewed in the Bohemian town of Pilsen.). Mild ale malts are kilned to a bit higher temperature which produces a pale malt that gives the beer a deeper color and slightly toasted biscuit flavors. Many English ales go for this malt process. Vienna and Munich malts are simmered and lightly kilned thus helps some of the starch to convert more sugar which give the beer an orangey amber color and the classic toffees taste, furthermore nutty flavors of Oktoberfest beer and other Bavarian, German specialties. The highest temperatures are used to acquire very flavorful and aromatic malts. Caramel and Crystal malts are slowly boil until all of their starches are converted into sugars then they are kilned until they caramelize and th is caramel flavored malt gives the beer a reddish-amber color, rich flavors. Kiln the barley longer and at higher temperatures and the darker and roastier the beer will be. Just like higher roasted coffee beans. This will give the beer darker color and chocolate, coffee and espresso-like flavors. What does yeast do in beer? Each brewery has its own strains of yeast, and it is these that largely determine the character of the beer. In some yeast varieties, the cells rise to the top at the end of fermentation, and are then skimmed off. This is called top fermentation, and ales are brewed in this way. When at the end of fermentation the yeast cells sink to the bottom, the process is known as bottom fermentation, used for lager or pils. When ales are brewed yeast commonly used is known as Saccharomyces cerevisia and for lager and pils Saccharomyces calsbergensis. Some special Belgian beers use a third method where fermentation relies on spontaneous action by airborne yeasts. Alcohol percentages of beer worldwide Alcohol percentages vary by country to country. As British ale beer contains average alcohol about 4.4% whereas Belgian beers tend to have average alcohol of about 8%. In India there are 3 common types of beer which include lager beer which consist of around 4% of alcohol, about 8% is premium beer and super strong beer consist of about 15%. The strongest beer sold in Britain was Dogfish Heads which had 21% alcohol in 2003. In Japan in 2005, the Hakusekikan Beer Restaurant sold an eisbock, believed that it had 28% alcohol. The strongest beers sold in 2009 Scotlands Brew Dog Brewing released Tactical Nuclear Penguin, claiming the title of worlds strongest beer at which had 32%. Recently for Brew Dog, Schorschbrà ¤u Brewing from Germany released Schorschbock in January 2010 which consists of about 40% alcohol. Infected beer The diacetyl, light struck, oxidation, esters, phenols, over or under carbonation, acidic are some infection that beer can get. Diacetyl is instigated when there is not sufficient oxygen in wort and high temperature initial fermentation. Light struck is affect the beer when the beer is exposed to light. When air is bonded with beer oxidation takes place and the beer is spoiled which gives the beer a cardboard or paper smell. When Banana, apple flavor comes from beer the beer is affected by esters. Over or under carbonation is caused when the bottles are not sealed properly moreover this can also happen when the yeast added to the beer is wild. When bacterias like lactobacillus and bacillus attack the beer the beer is infected and this is seen when the beer gets acidic. Conclusion
Thursday, September 19, 2019
From My Cold, Dead Hands! :: essays research papers
"From My Cold, Dead Hands!" When anyone mentions â€Å"gun control,†it makes me cringe with disbelief. It is impossible for me to understand why people want to (and might some day) take away my right to gun ownership. They defend their cases by using examples of school shootings and gang violence; this is unremarkably insane to me. The idea that today’s politicians could change the laws of our great land by using the examples of a few misguided youngsters brings back into view other leaders who have done the same. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Idi Amin, Mao Tse-tung, and Pol Pot were powerful tyrants. After taking power, these men took all guns from the civilian population. Our own government has been taking the necessary steps to abolish the second amendment. Owning a gun is a right not a privilege. We, as citizens, have to protect our rights to gun ownership so we can protect ourselves if necessary. James Madison, stated, "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." ( Changes are made slowly so that the general population doesn’t notice what is happening until the changes are made. For instance, Lenin started out his carrier with everyone looking at him as a great respectable leader. But, over the 6 years of Lenin’s dictatorship more and more evidence of his cruelty emerged. Most people of his time still believed the notion of the â€Å"good Lenin†and the â€Å"bad Stalin.†When in reality few of Stalin’s policies were without roots in Leninism: Lenin built the first concentration camps; Lenin, who disbanded the last vestige of democratic government, the Constituent Assembly, devised the Communist Party as the apex of a totalitarian structure; Lenin, who first waged war on the intelligentsia and on religious believers, wiped out any traces of civil liberty and a free press. In his short reign, from 1917 until his death in 1924, Lenin created a model not merely for his successor, Stalin, but for Mao tse-tung, Hit ler, and Pol Pot; three of the worst tyrants the world has ever seen. (Remnick, Thomas Jefferson once stated, "When the people fear the government you have tyranny... when the government fears the people you have liberty." ( Tyranny, it has happened before and will happen again. It is up to us to take a stand, to hold the government back.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Plagiarism and the Internet :: Cheating Education Essays
Plagiarism and the Internet The web today has everything at your fingertips and is a savior to any student trying to research a paper and is in need of information. You are able to look up any topic you want on the internet and in seconds everything you need to start your paper is right in front of you. There are even sites that allow students to look up their topic and let them receive papers that were already written by other student on that topic. Being able to take other peoples words and thoughts seem like the easiest way to go about things. You donà °t have to do any research, you donà °t have to organize your thoughts, and there is no long process of sitting down and actually writing a paper because it is already done for you. Students who decide to plagiarize think that they are taking a short cut and finding an easier way of doing things, but really they are just getting themselves in to a whole lot of trouble. Plagiarism can be defined as stealing and passing off ( the ideas or words of another) as your own or use someone elseà °s production as your own. (Merriam Webster Dictionary) When someone is using information from the internet or any website, they must cite the source from which they received the information. Many teachers or professors are trained to detect plagiarism. They can detect plagiarism by looking at the format of the paper, and by reviewing the bibliography and seeing if it matches the sources referred to in the paper that the student has written. There are many sources on the internet today that allow professors to enter just a couple of words from the paper in which they suspect plagiarism and they are able to find the sites that they may have plagiarized from. Many professors have different ways in dealing with plagiarism. Some may take the paper away and give the student a zero without any explanation, while others will take more drastic measures and fail the student for the semester. I must admit that it is very easy to take other peoples words and idea and use them as your own.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Russell Scott Sanders: a Feminist Past
A feminist is a theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. Russell Scott Sanders, â€Å"The Men We Carry in Our Minds,†discusses his personal observation of the conflict of gender equality that grew in his mind after seeing the harsh lives of his surrounding class of people. It deals with the problems that exist between sex and social class issues. He reveals that the men in this class had no choice over their own destiny in life. Their only ways of making money to barely survive were as factory workers or soldiers. He had envied women for what he thought they had a pleasant lifestyle, spent time in the home looking after the children, compared to the difficult lives of the men having to work at the factories and go to war in the foreign land. This essay demonstrates troubles that lie between rich and poor, males and females. Sander's was born into a poor, low-class family that had only known hard labor. During his childhood he witnessed many men go to the same job day in and day out to do back breaking labor so as to support their families. From his yard he had a view of the prison and watched black prisoner's slave away against the land. Watching them were guards dressed in white that didn't raise an arm or bend their backs to do their job. Sanders claimed that, â€Å"As a boy, [he] also knewof another sort of [man], who did not sweat and break down like mules†(Sanders). He saw soldiers, who didn't work in the factories or the fields, as far as he could tell they didn't work at all. He watched these soldiers from his house on a military base in Ohio. He knew the life of the soldier conceived of little excitement except for in the time of war. Either way, he knew that he neither wanted to inherit his father's life, though after time he prospered, or join the military. As a youngster, he also saw the difference in men and women in the workplace. His ideas of women were ladies who sat around the house reading, tidying up and running errands. To him this was a life of a luxury. In his childhood, he imagined his own destiny as eventually becoming one of these two cruel identities. Due to his early opinions of gender roles in his class, he was â€Å"slow to understand the deep grievances of women†(Sander). In his lifestyle the options of each gender were bleak. He idolized them, though they suffered as men suffered when money was tight, it wasn't their fault or responsibility. As Sanders say's, ‘†¦they were not the ones who failed†(Sanders). In the past, slaves of either sex or women of any race held property in their own labor. The labor of slaves, male and female, belonged to their owners. Free women of every race were conceived as wives and mothers; their labor belonged to husbands and families (as Sanders views). Both engaged in life as well as wage labor without acquiring what more privileged men understood as â€Å"rights to work. This issue of unfairness against women comes far beyond the class differences into our individual life, developed from our past, and in effect turning into an important part of the modern life. For example, free labor was built on a concept of independence in which skill at craft work was associated with a manliness that would preserve dignity while workers earned wages and that promised in the end to release them from wage labor. Men practically symbolized labor to show their manliness by operating industrial machines in which the past women were not allowed to operate. Men [he] knew labored with their bodies. They were marginal farmers just scraping by, or welder’s steelworkers, carpenters; they swept floors, dug ditches, mined coal, or drove trucks, their forearms ropy with muscle; they trained horses, stoked furnaces, built tires, stood on assembly lines wrestling parts onto cars and refrigerators†¦. The nails of their hands were black and split, the hands with tattooed scars†(Sanders). The idea also explicitly excluded women, even wives and daughters, from wage work. Women were usually the ones who catered the men with food or any housekeeping material and taking care of their children. This idea took a transition when he went to college. Sander's was very fortunate to attend college. He himself was very surprised, for among people of his social class, it was a rare opportunity. His views of the world were put into logical perspective. His socialization with the women opened his eyes to the hardships they had to undertake, to get out of the shadow of being a female and be respected for their intellect and hard work. As he felt helpless before for being poor, they in relation felt the same for being of a different gender. He thought he'd made an alliance because of the alienable circumstances that they'd been through. To his disappointment, the females at college did not take him in as a friend, but recognize him as the enemy. Even after he had grown up, escaped his harsh surroundings, and attended college, he often had to deal with the concept of unfairness. For in their lives growing up, being daughters of rich families, they knew from birth that men would become the ones with degrees and would be successful. Sanders proclaimed, â€Å"It was not my fate to become a woman, so it was easier for me to see the graces†(Sanders). This was an example of shift for Sanders; everything he thought he knew about women was turned upside down. Sander’s jealousy over women affects his views in college which creates contradicting elements of dignity towards the women he meets in college. Although the women he meets in college distinguish him as an enemy due to him being a feminist, he still respects their point of views. All Sander want for women to understand is equality. Since the women he meets in college come from a wealthy family and have no idea the way he was raised viewing life from a low class perspective; he tries to prove to them that this world is based on social perceptions rather than human perceptions. Not having a family that works in business and attire he only viewed men as toil workers and women as wives that provide house maintenance for the family. In conclusion, Sanders should be accepted as a feminist all to the women he meets in college. Sanders realized that the women he met wanted to share in the dignity of wealthy jobs worthy of degrees and intelligence. He also realized, â€Å"The difference between [him] and these women was that they saw [him], because of [his] sex, as destined from birth to become like their fathers, and therefore as an enemy to their desires†(Sanders). Sanders main point was that it is easier to overcome gender than class. By Sanders being accepted as a feminist in college he can engage those who are clueless and let them view his perspective. He can show his sympathy that he once faced in his childhood; the envies he had towards women.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Apple Company Essay
As we did the research for Apple Company, we could found out that Apple Company is well developed in a way of their products and services towards the users. Apple had innovated their products and taking the lead of the other company like Nokia, Sony Ericsson, LG and so on by its own touch screen hand phone technology selling on market to be one of the most influential in the share market of the nationwide. As to be seen, Apple focuses its strength on building up their branding power and penetrates this power into the community of wide public. Sales of its notebooks products are very strong, and represent a huge contribution to income for Apple. Other than that, to be mentioning Apple’s weaknesses it would be the faulty screen from the Ipod Nano and its faulty batteries, ever since Apple is about to switch their chip supplier from IBM to Intel, the industry specialist would say that it might confuse the consumer. While about the opportunity contains within the Apple, they would develop ITunes and music player technology into a phone format, is to be say as the new technologies and strategic alliances offer opportunities for Apple. This work done by comparing the Apple and Microsoft of their features and specification, the complete user experience that they providing to the users from whole wide world and stacking up to against other operating system such as Linux. The Apple has fulfill the criteria of what Sun Zi had said the advantages of arriving the battlefield first will have sufficient time to prepare for the enemies.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Race and Ethnicity Paper Essay
I was born and raised in China. I would come to self – identify with the Chinese people. My roots allow me to be classified as Asian. Mandarin and Cantonese are languages I have learned to speak and read. These languages also help to identify me as Chinese. What is race? Race defines who we are. We look at people and experiences through race and culture. Both of my parents are introverted in personalities. They are soft spoken because they once lived under the fears of Communism. They taught me not to speak inappropriate things to other people. This prevented much trouble from occurring. I have been taught by the spoken and unspoken ways of my parents and teachers to utilize my race as the social lens through which I can value people and experiences. My parents shaped me early on life to not speak out about Chinese Politics. They taught me that Chinese plays a role in my cultural identification. Through generations of racial modeling, my parents passed on these oppressive limitations. What make me Chinese? What are the characteristic of a Chinese person? I really don’t know. Other identifying me as a Chinese by my skin color, hair, eyes, height, other appearance features, and the language I speak, and where I come from. I’m a quiet person in school, and when I have questions or I need help on my subjects, I hesitate to raise my hand. Since my freshman year I have been like this. I’m represented as a workaholic Chinese. I turn in every assignment and on time, for this reason, they identified me as an Asian, because of the stereotypes placed on Asians my behavior and attitude contributed to people’s reasoning. My ethnic identification exposed me to a cultural clash. For example, we had a critical thinking class last year, for summer camp. We read an article in our class, part of the paragraph described a Chinese person taking a sample food. He liked it because it was free. Therefore, the rest of the class considered Chinese people to be greedy. People always judge us by our conversations, actions and jokes. We do not need such a race consciousness in order to know who we are. It is hard to identify one’s self. It shouldn’t be based on where you were born, where you come from or the color of your skin. I don’t want to be a Chinese nor any other ethnic background. If an American gave birth to her offspring in China, and her baby was raised there they may face the same cultural biases as I have. The baby would probably speak Chinese, use chopsticks, and dress like a Chinese person, but that does not make them Chinese. Racism will never end unless the word race is not used any more. We must stop separating Chinese, American, and Mexican groups.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Banyan Tree
Competitive strategy From the outset, the objective of Banyan Tree brand-building was to create a sustainable platform upon which to grow – even if cheaper competitors and similar concepts stepped into their space. However, after owner, Ho Kwon Ping did his survey on corporate landscape before the success of Banyan Tree, harsh conclusion that his businesses were not sustainable. Banyan Tree needed a proprietary advantage to counter cost pressures. It could be a patented invention, but they were not technologically inclined.So the alternative Banyan Tree came up with, was to build a consumer brand which had to be not only sustainable, not only in Asia, but in a globalised marketplace. If Banyan Tree is to survive in a global marketplace – and hospitality is perhaps one of the most global, because high-end tourists can easily choose between say, Portugal or Phuket, Greenland or Greece – they must be able to be among the best of breed, not only in their own backyard but in whatever markets their customers will go to.Their strategy was the only way they could be a price-maker and not a price-taker. Any enterprise, even with innovations, can only set its own price until cheaper competitors emerge. In Banyan Tree’s case, innovative features – such as pool villas and tropical spa pavilions – are no longer a monopoly for them. If imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, they can take solace in being flattered.But, with competitors emerging, the only way they can remain above price wars is to leverage the brand to generate a price premium and customer loyalty. Branding makes a tremendous difference in creating competitive advantage. Much of their decision-making regarding a new venture is determined by its impact on their branding. This imperative for survival, rather than vision for success, is the fundamental driving force behind Banyan Tree, against their competitors.
Christopher McCandless: Hero
It was a tragedy that Christopher McCandless died in Alaska; but he was not wrong in rejecting American society and what it stood for in the modern day. Jon Krakauer’s book, Into the Wild, tells the true story of Christopher McCandless and why he left his home and his family and how he managed to survive for so long after he left. The book deals with the people he meant and grew close to, and his impact on their and other people’s lives. Chris decided to leave all the deceit and lies within his own family. He chose to leave all his material goods behind and use only what he thought he absolutely needed. He left the world he knew as a young, rich man on his way to law school to become a street urchin in the wild. He left Chris McCandless and became Alexander Supertramp. Within his own family, there was a web of lies and deceit that would have made Richard Nixon look good. His father had another family with a ex-wife and children that Chris didn’t know much about. One summer, he took his Datsun up to the town in which he grew up. There he found his father’s ex-wife and her children and did some math. He figured out that it would have been impossible for his father to be completely loyal to his current wife and his children (Chris and his sister). His father had most certainly continued having relations with his ex-wife after he and Chris’s mom had been married. Chris could barley look at his father and was ashamed of him and the rest of the family who knew about the other family and had failed to tell Chris. Chris was right to leave all of that behind, try to move on and be his own person. I believe that once Chris had done some exploring and cooled down quite a bit, he would have gone back to see his family. Chris left all of his money to charity when he left and took little with him to Alaska. He wanted to go through his journey using few supplies and using only what he knew or could gain for himself. He did this because he wanted to escape the material world that his father and mother had created for themselves and that he, up until his departure, had been caught up in himself. I believe that what he did was necessary for him to feel better and for him to be happy in his life. I think it was very brave of Chris to have the courage to do this. Krakuer writes â€Å"He buried his Winchester deer-hunting rifle and a few other possessions that he might one day want to recover. Then, in a gesture that would have done both Thoreau and Tolstoy proud, he arranged all his paper currency in a pile on the sand – a pathetic little stack of ones and fives and twenties – and put a match to it. †(Chapter 4, page 29). Chris burned his money and buried his possessions so he could be free of the material bindings that were weighing him down. He wanted to experience the freedom that Thoreau, Tolstoy, and countless other have felt. Chris was very brave in leaving his material goods behind, and I admire that bravery and his attitude towards the wild. Chris left behind his education and decided to become an outdoorsman. At the time he studying to become a lawyer at law school. He was an extremely intelligent young man and he had a great deal of potential. Wayne Westerberg said â€Å"You could tell right away that Alex was intelligent, Westerberg reflects, draining his third drink. ‘He read a lot. Used a lot of big words. I think maybe part of what got him into trouble was that he did too much thinking. Sometimes he tried too hard to make sense of the world, to figure out why people were bad to each other so often. †(Chapter 3 pg. 18). He stated that Chris often tried to comprehend people and why they were bad to each other. I think that it was difficult for Chris to be a lawyer because often the attorneys have to be cruel and judgmental towards other people and that was something that Chris had a very hard time doing. He was a kind, idealistic young man who was just plain nice by nature. I think that if he had become a lawyer he would have regretted it and found a way out. Chris had an extremely big heart and that is something that everyone should admire. He wanted to escape from law school and exiting into the wild seemed to fit perfectly. In that way he left behind not only law school, but also all of the other problems and issues that were slowly destroying his character. McCandless’s choice to leave behind the life he knew to become Alexander Supertramp was most certainly worthy of admiration. It takes tremendous courage to do what Chris did and though he did not make it out his journey alive, he will go down in history as a hero to some, and a fool to others. I choose to think of McCandless as a hero, and someone to be applauded. He chose the life of a adventurer over the life of a successful and wealthy lawyer. He should be admired for his choices and by many he is. The people who execrate Chris will always be around, as will the ones who admire him. I admire McCandless for his choices, and I will encourage others to do the same because what he did is certainly worthy of recognition. He sought to be true to himself, an admirable goal for all.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Sexual Harassment (Violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of Case Study
Sexual Harassment (Violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) in Burger King - Case Study Example the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that Carrols employees subjected women in dozens of restaurants to unwanted touching, obscene comments, strip searches, exposure of genitalia, and rape. As will be illustrated in the paper, sexual harassment results from unwelcomed conduct that is of sexual behavior. This paper also relates this case to the ideas and issues of human resource management as we have learnt in class. It commences with an introduction of what happened, then relation to human resources and my personal assessment, and finally my recommendation to the individuals and organizations involved in the case. Burger King Restaurants, the largest franchisee is paying $2.5 million in order to settle federal claims of sexual harassment. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission says the agreement with Carrols Corp. covers 89 female employees around the country. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleged that Carrols employees subjected women in dozens of restaurants to unwanted touching, obscene comments, strip searches, exposure of genitalia, and rape. However, the Burger King Restaurants Company did not admit any wrongdoing and said in a statement that it settled the case to avoid litigation costs. This particular settlement required Burger King Restaurants to improve its ability to respond to harassment charges. Syracuse, N.Y.-based Carrols owns and operates more than 570 Burger King Restaurants in 13 states. Carrols was accused of sexual harassment and a widespread violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Burger Kings largest franchisee--Carrols Restaurant Group Inc. a greed to a $2.5 million settlement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on Tuesday, this marked the end of a 14-year sexual harassment case in which Carrols was accused of widespread violation of Title VII of The Civil Rights Act. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the money will go to 88 former employees and one current
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Works Ethics Focusing on Engineering Ethics Term Paper
Works Ethics Focusing on Engineering Ethics - Term Paper Example To enhance the effectiveness in engineering work the association has a code of ethics that every engineer must follow. First, a professional engineer must follow some fundamental canons in regard to completion of their expertise duties. They are required to perform services in areas within their competence. Safety, welfare, and health of the public should be held paramount. The statement offered by a professional engineer must be released in a truthful and objective manner. Engineers must be trustees or faithful agents for clients or employers. They should conduct themselves responsibly, ethically, honorably, and lawfully in order to enhance the reputation and honor of their professional importance. Secondly, professional engineers’ duties are guided by regulations of practice. Regarding their duties towards the society, they need to notify the appropriate authority in case of circumstances endangering property or life of people before they overrule any judgment. Engineers sha ll not disclose data and facts without the preceding consent of an authorized employer or client according to the law (Davis 34). The only documents engineering shall use will be those in conformity with the standards applicable. They shall not use and allow associates in business or their names to engage in dishonest or fraudulent enterprises. Following their performances in their areas of competency, they also need to act appropriately. Engineers serving publicly as advisors, employees or members of a department shall not give directions with respect to solicited services either provided by themselves or business in public or private engineering practice.Â
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Selection of research subjects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Selection of research subjects - Essay Example population, is to convey the opinion that such disproportional representation is not fair and does not make the most of the diversity available, while bordering on racist inclinations and gender inequality, as well. It also attempts to put forth a convincing argument, with evidences, to uphold the fact that inclusion of the blacks, as well as, the female population would certainly lead to a better prospect for the industry, since to throws up lurking talent, while also paving way for a more balanced research. This not only wipes out grievances that exist in the non-represented part of the population, but also promotes equality and brotherhood. Clinical research is a particularly difficult topic. In most research communities industrial and federal agencies have been, for more than a decade, refusing to obtain information about inconsistent drug effects on patients based on race, ethnicity, gender and age. I will discuss the model development, study design in relate to clinical trials. Also I will talk about the participant factors in general and my personal factors. The last point I will be discussing is the ethnically diverse patients. ANALYSIS SELECTION OF SUBJECTS The ideal path towards success for any industry, is to make the most out of the man power and talent pool available. Under such circumstances, the selection of candidates is a crucial phase. Priority attached to a particular strata or section of the society, while leaving out the others, is often dangerous as it paves way for inequality and further, it does not recognise the talent of the rest of the masses. Our core industry and area in this article, is that of the U.S. clinical research, wherein majority of the individuals enrolled for the research are white males. The very mention of 'white males' highlights the fact that two important sections of the society---the females and the blacks are not very prominently represented in the enrolment. In the Model Development the proposed Model for Clinical Trial Participation was developed based on a literature review and experiences with subject participation. Analysis and use of the model in implementation of clinical trials may be helpful in all research disciplines. The model identifies barriers and issues related to clinical trial participation, strategies that can be used for success, and outcomes for successful clinical trials. A literature review indicated that successful clinical trials depend on certain key issues and factors: study design, participant factors, issues related to ethnic diversity, the informed consent process, and physician factors. Strategies for success are identified in the model to overcome these issues and concerns, and specific outcomes are identified. Healthcare providers across disciplines can use the model prior to and during enrolment of patients into studies. A literature review revealed specific barriers and factors related to the success of clinical trials. The major barriers identified were study design, participant factors (i.e., general and personal issues related to special populations), the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Population resource environment - need in 12 hours Essay
Population resource environment - need in 12 hours - Essay Example Without the environment, humans and all other living things will find it hard to exist. Sustainable development is meeting the needs of the present generation and progressing economically without compromising the needs of the future generation (Reinhardt p.153). This makes sure that the resources, both humans and the natural environment alike, are used and developed in a way that will maintain both the present and future society. Without sustainability, natural resources will be depleted that it will compromise the future generations and endanger their very existence. This shows how important environmental protection is. Without economic progress, the nation will not be able to produce enough to maintain the growing population. But it is exactly because of the growing population that the carrying capacity of the land is jeopardized (Seitz pp.59-61). While maintaining economic progress, it is important to consider the different factors that it impacts, particularly the environment. Land and natural resources cannot be multiplied or created overnight. The growing population eats up land resources while the development and industrialization eats up the rest of the land and other natural resources in order to maintain the existence of the society. Environmental crisis exists because of the excessive use of the natural resources to the point of depletion. Other environmental costs of development are increase of harmful chemicals and toxic gases that pollutes the environment and affects humans gravely, global warming and more (Byrne and Rich pp.55-63). Though there are always new technologies and research es to find other resources that could provide the needs of the world, it continues to jeopardize the rest of the environment. Aside from that, industrialization continues to create technologies harmful not only for the natural environment but also for
Monday, September 9, 2019
Printing and Advertising Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Printing and Advertising Services - Essay Example As the paper declares the ad is clear and strategically positioned so that everyone can read it just from any angle. This strategy improves the ad's visibility. Even passengers in moving vehicles can see it and perhaps put their seat belts on (if they did not have them on). The ad will then have reminded them that road safety is paramount and is the collective responsibility of not just law enforcers, but the passenger's as well. The ad depicts a man seated comfortably at the back seat, with no seat belts on; perhaps oblivious of the potential danger he is exposing himself to. This helps to show that the notion that passengers sometimes have; they think the back seat is "safer†. As the report stresses the billboard portrays an effective message; it tells people or passengers what they must not do if they want to be safe on the roads. In case they do not wear seat belts, they will be victims of their mistakes and negligence. Perhaps the ad also reinstates the need to be responsible road users, whether as passengers, drivers or pedestrians. Looking at the current accident trends, statistics suggest that 50% of all road accidents are preventable, among them by using seat belts. What a better way to pass this message than through the three-dimensional and colorful billboard ad! Car manufactures place seat belts in cars for a good cause. They realize that in case of an accident action and reactions forces will be involved.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Business Plan for an Offshore Engineering Services Coursework
Business Plan for an Offshore Engineering Services - Coursework Example This location inhabits companies offering identical and similar services and a couple of technical universities from where the personnel intake is relatively easy. Huge investment is warranted in machines, equipments and human resources. However, the company wishes to start with few leased equipments and machines that need huge investment. The land for office premises is planned to be taken on a rental basis, which has to be paid for one year at the time of commencement of business. Thalatech (name of the firm) is a start-up firm, which has exciting business opportunities in the UK market where it is intended to concentrate its business in the first few years. The firm plans to provide technical services for offshore telecommunication projects - cable installation and surveys- throughout the country and expand its business to foreign countries in the near future. The service includes power cable installation for connecting oil platforms and its surveys for companies engaged in oil production and distribution. The major activities of the company involve the installation and maintenance of submarine fiber optic cables and other marine engineering services. ... This is the reason why it is planned to be located near to sources (i.e., similar firms and technical universities) of abundant workers-skilled and unskilled. The company envisages to providing professional service and advice to keep itself far ahead of its competitors, domestic and global. It firmly believes that it could capitalize the abundant business opportunities where its competitors are lagging behind. Falcon is likely to achieve 150 % of what its competitors are doing because of favourable location (near to airport) and other completive advantages such as personalized and professional service. A pilot market study to explore the key aspects of business finds that the firm would be able to achieve a substantial growth in sales over the next two years from the date of commencement of business. 1.2 Finance Required As the nature of the service of the proposed company is of highly technical and demands high professionalism, huge amount of funds is needed to finance the investment in various equipments machines and workforce. The company, therefore, plans to start with leased equipments that need huge investment. Moreover, in the beginning, the firm plans to hire only highly qualified and experienced staff, who have proved their mastery over the field. In addition to that, a very few unskilled laborers are to be deployed and trained by technicians and experienced staff. This also incurs costs. The office premises (land and office building) and other initial legal charges are also to be met by the start-up capital apart from those mentioned above. All these need huge capital and the company plans to raise funds for these needs through that contributed by shareholders. 1.3 Financial
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 81
Essay Example On the onset of the operating of the business demographically our target market is mostly women 25-40 years of age working full-time and earning above average income. We are planning to operate the company in the U.S and following are the strategies that we intend to apply. Our business is called â€Å"Holistically shredded†. We deliver total body and mind transformations via tailored personal training sessions, professional nutritional meal plans, naturopathy consultations and motivational support. Our business will be operating from Hard Candy gym at Sydney CBD. Legal form of ownership is sole trader as it is easy to establish. Our products and services include various personal training sessions, professional nutritional meal plans, and naturopathy consultations and also provide motivational support. Various recreational exercises including squat, leg extension, and others are major part of our products and services. We also frame various nutritional and diet plans for various people; these plans vary accordingly with the interest of individuals (Czinkota, 2012). Furthermore, we also facilitate our customers by motivating and encouraging them to follow their diet plans. We are having separate plans for such individuals to encourage them to follow their fitness and nutritional plans. The target market the health organization would aim at would be a various number of groups of people. One of these aggregations of individuals might be individuals looking to get thinner through legitimate practices and having great to guide them through their weight reduction travel. The other target business sector might be individuals looking to prepare and increase muscle estimate and in addition bulky quality. The other assembly of individuals might be lady, men and adolescents that are searching for great cardio sessions with a qualified mentor. The recreational center will expect to give these assemblies of individuals with the offices and great
Friday, September 6, 2019
Writing Process Check Point Essay Example for Free
Writing Process Check Point Essay The writing process I read about in this class differs from the processes that I have used in the past, in that I have never used on purpose in-text citations. I do not like the look of papers that have citations in text they break my concentration when I am reading. I am trying to use them more in papers because the instructors want them, and they do make the paper look better. I always use mind-mapping, listing, and free writing. The listing and mind-mapping steps are the easiest for me to complete, and they get my mind completely focused on the task at hand. I list by making a very informal ugly outline, and that is my first step. A teacher would not credit my outlines, but they help me get my thoughts in order so that my paper flows better. Mind-mapping I do by hand with pencil and paper, I put my main idea in the middle of the page, and then draw anything related to the topic on the page in little bubbles. The step that is the most difficult for me is designing a thesis statement that grabs the attention of the audience, includes everything my paper is about. The thesis statement is something that I have never tried to do, so it is a little scary. I will be able to overcome this obstacle over thesis statements in this class when we learn about them. I know after that week I will be able to make a proper thesis statement for my final project. Reference Page: Steps in the Writing Process, Axia College Material
Thursday, September 5, 2019
2006 Fifa World Cup Germany History Essay
2006 Fifa World Cup Germany History Essay In these few years, because the economy recession, many industries have been affected, such as tourism industry, airline industry, auto industry and so on, the event industry is not the exception. There are two definitions of event from Business Dictionary (n.d.), occurrence happening at a determinable time and place, with or without the participation of human agents. It may be a part of a chain of occurrences as an effect of a preceding occurrence and as the cause of a succeeding occurrence, and arrival of a significant point in time. In project management, an event marks the point in time when a task is completed. There is many type of event in the industry, such as promotion event, marketing event and so on. This report will focus on one sport event, Fifa World Cup 2006 in Germany. At the beginning of the report, it will give the history of football, the World Cup and the background of the World Cup 2006. Economy, another beneficiary, security, infectious disease issue, sponsor, s ocial impact and environment are the main parts. At the last is the conclusion. 2. History of football: Football is a worldwide game, and it can be said that (FIFA, n.d.) it is the most popular game in the world, and its history is more than a hundred years. It was begun in 1863 in England, originally rugby football and association football was the same thing, when they were branched off, the Football Association in England was formed becoming the sports first governing body. It can be said actually this was a type of exercise date back to the second and third centuries BC in China. In that time, it was called Tsu Chu, the material and the size of the ball was different, of cause, the rule was different. 3. History of the World Cup: The first World Cup tournament was taken place on Uruguay in 1930 (BBC, 2001), at that time just had thirteen nations competed, and just only four European countries. The final winner was the host Uruguay, and the second was Argentina. In 1934, the game was moved to Europe, and Italy both hosted and won the game. In 1938, the game played in France. As we know, because of the World War II, the tournament had to be stopped and then the tournament returned to South America on 1950 and Brazil hosted it. It was the most chaotic in World Cup history, and many teams had a long way to travel between matches. Because of the aftermath of World War II had passed, so the event was moved on to Switzerland on 1954. In 1958, perhaps the worlds greatest player (Pele) was appeared, and the country that was to dominate world football for the next 12 years. In 1962 the tournament was returned to South America. The games location was changing between Europe and South America, in 1966, it came back to th e home England, and it had an exciting final in Wembley. In 1970, football got into another special time because of the satellite technology, and pitch red and yellow cards were used for the first time in Mexico. In 1974, the World Cup became the new FIFA World Cup and it was hosted by West Germany. In 1978, the final was between the Dutch and the host Argentina. Spain hosted the tournament in 1982, the involved teams were expanded from 16 to 24. In 1986, the World Cup was back to Mexico, another greatest player was appeared at that time, Diego Maradona of Argentina. The 1990 tournament was returned to Italy, finally West Germany took the crown from Argentinas hand. 4. 2006 game background: The last FIFA World Cup was opened on Germany on 2006, it could be said that it was the biggest event on 2006 (FIFA, 2006a). At the semi-final, Italian put down the host team Germany, it was a hard road, they had to spot-kick to terminate the game. At the end of the game, Italian team handed the World Cups crown. There was a historical time on the final game at Berlins Olympic Stadium, a French player got a red card, he was Zinedine Zidane, one of the greatest players in the world. The World Cup was not the stage for the Italian, the host team finished as top scorers with 14 goals, thereinto five goals were from the Golden Shoe winner Miroslav Klose. The football month was not only attracted 3,359,439 spectators (FIFA, 2006) to attend matches in the 12 great stadiums, but also there was over 30 billion people watched those match through TV, internet etc globally. 5. The economy The economy was one of the benefits the host country could get. Fortunately, this event gave very positive effect to the country, its economy and improved countrys imagination; actually, some events can lead the local economy down (DW, 2006). It was generated over 300 million Euros from tourism industry, 2 more billion Euros from retail and 50,000 jobs were created during the World Cup weeks (4 weeks). 40 million was made from ticket sales, the World Cup Organising Committee said that the net profit was 56.5 million Euros and they would put the money into German Soccer Federation (DFB) and German Soccer League (DFL). It was announced that, the DFB earned around 140 million Euros from the event (DW, 2006). Other numbers, Germany used nearly 4 billion Euros to hold the mega event, and 15 million more visitors had been welcomed by Germany. 6. Another beneficiary: The benefit was not just the Italian had, there was another major winner children (FIFA, 2006b). A joint fundraising campaign which was called six villages for 2006, and it was between SOS Childrens Villages and FIFA. The campaign was collected over 21 million Euros, this money would give to over eight hundred orphaned and abandoned children globally. Furthermore, over five thousand children and one thousand would be benefited from a new ancillary social and educational projects. 16.2 million Euros was the total number on collection, which was from three thousand people, and they pledged their support to SOS Childrens Villages as sponsors (FIFA, 2006b). Originally, the organization thought that those sponsors might make a long term commitment to SOS Childrens Villages and they were expected to support an additional one million Euros per year on next over five years, but the total income was expected to over 21 million Euros (FIFA, 2006b). In addition, FIFA donated the income, which was from fines in yellow and red cards at the Germany World Cup, the number was over three hundred thousand Euros. There were many other companies donate money to this campaign, such as the Infront Sports and Media, they donated all proceeds generated from the commercial public viewing licences in Germany, it surpassed seven hundred thousand Euros. Another big income, which was from the FIFA World Cup TV Ticket Show, it generated more than six hundred thousand Euros into the campai gn. Moreover, many famous footballer, such as Pele, Shevchenko, Rooney, Cannavaro etc, they took time from their busy plan to support this fundraising campaign. Through this fundraising campaign, we can see that, during the mega event, it can generate a big number of money and they will use this event to do some other activities such as the fundraising campaign, but we have to consider, it has a good side but it may has a bad side too (FIFA, 2006b). 7. The impact on security: Because of the World Cup event is globally, there was some problem on security area. For example, around two hundred football team fans were arrested by police during the match between German and Polish, and it made a big chaos for the event and the city (Kelso, 2006). Actually this happen had been predicted before because of the two sides of fans would bring their enmity to Dortmund stadium. Although this trouble was happened in the city centre during the game, the people who were inside the stadium were still focus on the match. One of the reasons why the Polish did it was because they had resentment at their opponents behavior at the past. Another reason was because some hooliganism involved. On 2005, there was another demonstration clash between Polish and German, and the result was quite badly. Before the match day, fifty five people had been arrested by German police and four of them carried knife, but it was not enough to stop the problem, at the end of it, around two hundred fans had been arrested by the police in the city centre (Kelso, 2006). A French policeman, he dead because of the two sides fans crashed at the 1998 World Cup. There was an example of the impact on security, because this was the mega event, everything become happened wa s possible and those consequence should be considered (Kelso, 2006). 8. Infectious disease issue: There were some health issues during the global mega event. Actually, the 2006 World Cup was related to some infectious disease, and here was an example in Munich in International Broadcast Centre (IBC) (Eurosurveillance, 2006). A group of people with gastrointestinal symptoms was informed on the local health department on 15 of June. The local health department began to do something for it at that evening, if they did not do that, the consequence would be hard to measure. Those patients came from different countries, such as Mexico, the United States and so on. They had a same point, it was they were all employed by IBC temporarily. At that time, the hygiene precautions were immediately begun, such as disinfecting surfaces and providing hand disinfection liquids in sanitary areas, and multi-language information leaflets was given to people, the local health department also checked the other people through peoples stool sample, unfortunately there were five were proven to be positive for norovirus. Afterward, genotype GGII.4-2006a had been found and totally there were 61 cases of gastroenteritis were linked to the norovirus outbreak in Munich. When you look this example, will you consider to go to this mega event? In this kind of mega events specially on global events have some health issues are quite normal, it just depends it will be serious or not and how to solve the problem by the organization (Eurosurveillance, 2006). There were some other infectious disease events during the World Cup event. For example (Eurosurveillance, 2006), it was reported the biggest measles outbreak was related the event in Germany. The situation was concerned by the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) and it had been rising, visitors were also given warning by various European national public health institutes during the event. Totally, 1406 measles cases were found in North Rhine-Westphalia between 1 Jan and 7Jun 2006, when the World Cup began, the number of cases still increased. Another infectious disease event was an outbreak of haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony, Hambury and Schleswig-Holstein in Northern Germany, and 15 cases were found totally (Eurosurveillance, 2006). 9. The World Cup and its sponsors: Totally, there were 15 sponsors such as Yahoo, Budweiser, McDonalds, Gillette, Toshiba Philips and so on, they had to pay a heavy of cost to be called as an Official Partner of the mega event (Times, 2006). Furthermore, there were six national suppliers such as Postbank, ODDSET, Deutsche Bahn and so on, it was said that they had to paid around thirteen million Euro to use the rights of Fifa logos and trademarks on their advertising, it was a quite big amount of money. After the event, it was reported that although the demand was over supply, Fifa would make most of the money through the sponsorship deal, in fact, the agreement of the deal was worth over seven hundred million Euro. The problem was appeared, if Fifas exclusivity was not guaranteed no one would agree to pay the money to Fifa, and the contract was all according safeguard Fifas position for every eventuality. It was an example; there was an agreement with Hamburger Sportverein (HSV) for the use of its stadium in Hamburg. Obviously HSV has its own sponsor, AOL, and the stadium is always called AOL Arena Stadium. During the World Cup, the name was changed to Fifa World Cup Stadium Hamburg, Yahoo took the opportunity to become the title sponsor in this period of time and a legal agreement had been enshrined (Times, 2006). It had to be mindful the feeling on non-alcoholic drinks sponsors by Fifa, the Coca Cola. Totally (Times, 2006), there were 12 official fan festivals in those host cities, the contract with Coca Cola was that to supply of virtually every other drink. Because of Coca Cola, many milk suppliers became angry, because they had to wait Coca Cola agreed to supply non-flavoured milk product. It was said that (Times, 2006), brand protection is very important to the organization of the World Cup 2006 by Max Duthie, a sport lawyer with Hammonds. He also said (Times, 2006), Lawyers have been intimately involved in devising strategies and drafting legal agreements to prevent ambush marketing. He continued to add, Fifa will have been liaising, too, with local authorities and the police in order to prevent, as a hypothetical example, Pepsi turning up before a game and handing out thousands of Pepsi T shirts to fans, to that, once inside, sections of the ground could appear devoted to Pepsi. It was said that, in the UK trading standards officers always get involve with event organizes to flight with counterfeit merchandising and intellectual property infringement at sports event (Times, 2006). Actually, the local authorities were persuaded to help Fifa to clamp down on trade mark infringement, and it had been criticised in Germany. At that time, the trademark protection was not the responsibility of public authorities. The official list of licensed manufacturers and samples of their products were sent to customs, because Fifa wanted to protect their own rights. Anyway, it was just the tip of the iceberg although Fifa was fighting for themselves hardly. Ticketing conditions was another problem Fifa had to consider, they planned it carefully to prevent touting. This problem was not only on this event, it is an increasing global problem in modern football. There were some potential intellectual property infringement, such as player disciplinary issues and anti doping regulations, and those mean that when the event was begun, lawyers could not stop their work. We receive numerous queries from businesses who want to check that their campaigns do not infringe Fifas intellectual property. Like many rights holders in modern sport, Fifa protect their rights aggressively, so anyone thinking of exploiting the buzz around the World Cup for advertising purposes has to be very careful, Nick White, a sports lawyer with Couchman Harrington said that (Times, 2006). The inter relationship has never been complex that between sponsors, rights holders, teams, players and spectators, and it has never more intertwined with the law. Just before the World Cup kicked off, the chairman of Crystal Palace Simon Jordan caged his former employee Iain Dowie with his legal action. It is hard to be thought that this chairman was so rely upon to this post employment few years ago. The World Cup 2006 was not just between players, spectator, organization, local people, the government and so on, stakeholders had a quite big range such as lawyer. Something looks like very simple, but actually it is not (Times, 2006). 10. The social impacts from the World Cup 2006: It is known that all sport events have different range of impacts to the community, especially on host communities, sometimes they have focused on economic rather than the social effects. Social impacts have been identified as (Jones, 2007); changes in the structure and functioning of patterned social ordering that occur in conjunction with an environmental, technological or social innovation or alteration. Munich is an example. According a study (310 people was surveyed), 88% of people supported the strengthening of the sense of communities and the relationship improvement between people of different ethnic origin, over 50% of them agreed it strongly and only 8% of them disagreed (Jones, 2007). In terms of the quality of life becomes important. In Munich (Jones, 2007), the co-hosting of the World Cup 2006 led to an increase in shopping facilities was disagreed by 70% people. Therefore, the government used another way to solve it, it was to extend the opening time for shops in the city centre, and also it was allowed them to open on Sunday. Two-thirds respondents thought that, it was a positive impact, actually they prefer to go shopping on Sunday rather than on Saturday. Another impact was because the World Cup, related events have been increased. The World Cup gave a lot of benefit to the host city such as on economy, social well-being and so on. Because of the event, the city has been renewal, many respondents said that, the improvement of the local infrastructure, although the citys situation was not bad at before. It is a quotation from the local people (Jones, 2007), thanks to the good planning by the local council there was no chaos on the road as I am commuting between Munich to Nuremberg every day. Through the quotation it can be seen, the traffic was quite good during the mega event and the local council had done their work. Although there were a lot of benefits, there also had some disadvantages. For example, noise level was increased during the event (Jones, 2007). 11. The environment: Through the event, the organization and the government had done a lot, included on environment. It was a project called Green Goal (UNEP, 2006), its aim was to protect the environment, cut greenhouse gas emissions from transportation area and electricity generation during the event, defeating the waste mountain was another aim. The project was supported by the United Nations Environment Programme mainly. Because of the project, the greenhouse gas emissions had been reduced drastically, 50% from 3.2 million fans to take public transport (UNEP, 2006). Totally, 70% of journey had been made on public transport, foot or bicycle and it was just 30% made by private car (UNEP, 2006). 12. Conclusion: In conclusion, the World Cup 2006 tournament was a quite successful mega event in general, only the Olympic game can compare it. Actually, a mega event has to spend a lot of work on it, and the infrastructure could be complicated. This event led a lot of benefit to the country and those host cities such as on economy, generated a lot of jobs and revenue although the country had to spend a big budget to hold the game. However, there were some disadvantages, such as on security, health issue and so forth. Anyway, according to the study, the general situation was accepted by many residents. The next World Cup will be happened on this year, also it will have many impact for the host country on many area. Event is not always been succeeded, it could also be unsuccessful, so just wait and see for the next game.
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