Wednesday, July 31, 2019
A Multi-national state
A Multi-national state is a nation-state which composed of various cultures which often competes for the control. Because of this, there is instability within that state which can be overcome by several methods. One of these methods is by having certain federations within the state. Through this, each nation is granted with certain powers within the state. The positive side in this is that it is easier to regulate, since these nations manage themselves. However, it could lead to problems resulting to competition between these nations. They should be given proper delimitations to avoid further conflicts (Xhaferi, 1998). Another method to maintain peace in a multinational state is the secession or the withdrawal of a nation within the state. This is achieved by complete separation of the nations. An example would be the separation of Czechoslovakia where Slovakia has seceded thus leaving Czech Republic. The positive side of this secession is that the nations become completely separated. They become individual nations which is greatly different back when they are still merged with the other nations. The problem however, is that division of these nations would take them back to scratch, wherein they would have to work on becoming an individual nation. It is like starting a new country or nation from square one. This would require the attention of the whole nation wherein their cooperation is the biggest help in the success of their newly separated nation. They will also have to work on establishing their international relations (Xhaferi, 1998). There is also another method to maintain peace in a multi-national state. This involves public mobility which could lead to civil wars. This would force the nation to take action which would lead to the formation of federations or the initiation of secession. This would however be very costly as well as damaging for those who will engage in the civil war. Â Â
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Language and structure Essay
Language and structure are used in Kew Gardens to create certain effects though language and structure. One of the main meanings presented in Kew Gardens is how man kind is part of a larger picture. Furthermore, Virignia Wolf depicts a bigger picture through the use of extended metaphors. For example, the use of a snail and comparing this to the path of human life, and how it is scattered with obstacles. Imagery is used to create many effects as stated above in the first paragraph. One type of language used by Virginia Wolf is extended metaphors. For example, Wolf writes â€Å"The snail, whose shell had been stained red, blue and yellow. †In the following quote the shell is described with many adjectives to describe the beauty of life. For example, she writes â€Å"blue and yellow. †The use of the following evidence once again emphasises the use of imagery to create the effect that life is eternal and beauty. However, the use of imagery is some what of a contradiction from a normal snail emphasising to the audience that although man envisions a perfect picture of everything it may not seem the case. There is also a greater use of personification in the language to create meaning. For example, â€Å"tongue shaped leaves†and â€Å"yellow gloom of the throat†The following quote just like the snails idealises things. By idealising flowers just like the snail it juxtaposes with the description given of people within the text. Emphasising to the audience that humanity is part of a bigger cycle. Presenting to the audience how human life is intertwined with the flowers in the garden that is essential for our survival. Wolf’s tone and style can be considered very descriptive with little action. The use intense description makes nature sound tranquil and pleasant whilst the deliberate lack of description on human does the opposite creating meaning that man is not as great as it assumes. For example, Wolf gives the descriptions of the of an old, poor women as ‘Sugar, flowers, kippers greens. ‘ Emphasising my point above that through description Wolf makes humans sound dull and self centred. Furthermore, another point which can be emphasised is that Wolf uses language in order to make humans be portrayed as judgemental people. However, through the use of descriptive language on the parks it shows that nature can be appreciated by all. â€Å"The ponderous woman looked through the pattern of falling words at the flowers. †This quote creates a meaning to the audience that although Victorian society is divided by class. Our lives as humans are short and in insignificant and that like nature and the park we are forgotten and we become that cycle of intense beauty. This point can be suggested to have been created by Virginia Wolf because in Victorian society they followed the Bible which states ‘ashes to ashes dust to dust. ‘ Which can be interpreted just like Kew Gardens that we enter with and we end with nothing. However, we ourselves are part of humans nature. Lastly, through dialogue action Virginia creates the effect that going against nature results in disastrous consequences. For example, as the old man states in his dialogue â€Å"heaven was unknown to the ancients as Thessaly, William and now, with this war, the spirit matter is rolling between the hills like thunder†, and â€Å"women! Widows! Women in black! This quote by the old man demonstrates that although man wishes to feel invincible the message of peace and cooperation has to happen just like nature with man in harmony. Therefore, Virginia Wolf through tone and style and dialogue shows how nature and man live side by side. Furthermore, that although man wishes to be invincible and conquer everything through the old man we as humans acknowledge just like nature that we have to live in harmony to accept our existence.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Capital Budgeting Decisions
The purpose of the report is to help the GM (A Large Carpentering Firm) to take the investment decision. GM wants to replace one of its existing sawing machines with the new one. For this purpose, two alternate sawing machines are considered, machine A is fully automated while machine B operates on standard technology. The problem is to find out which machine will be best suitable for replacement through using capital budgeting techniques such as NPV, IRR and pay back period method. There is clear objective to evaluate proposed Machines (A and B) with the help of various techniques of capital budgeting techniques. Another purpose is to guide management of GM on selection of best alternative through applying practical as well as theoretical aspects of capital budgeting. In order to evaluate the Machine A and Machine B through using capital budgeting methods, following methods have been used. Pay back period method is one of the most used methods used for capital budgeting decisions. It measures the length of time required to recollect the expenses made on the project in first year. It helps to analyst to know whether to undertake the project or not. Longer pay back periods are not desirable for investment purpose as compare to project where cost of project is recovered in less time (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2011). This method does not consider time value of money and cash inflows are subject to any present value factor as in case of other methods. In case GM firm, Mr. David wants to evaluate two machines on pay back period basis. Calculations are as under: Pay Back Period of Machine A: 4 years + [(660,000-644,000)/ (1,094,000-644,000)] years                                                            = 4 years +0.053 years                                                            = 4.053 years Pay Back period of Machine B: 3 years + [(360000-304000/ (390000-304000)] years                                                            = 3.65 years Net present value is the difference of present value of cash inflow and present value of cash outflows. This method is used in capital budgeting decisions and helps in evaluating the profitability of project or investment. This method considers time value of money, so, it is regarded as one of best method to evaluate the project for capital budgeting purpose (Pratt, 2010). Net Present Value of Machine A: Present value of cash inflows for Machine A – Present values of cash outflows for Machine A                                    = $ 718,132.88 - $ 660,000                                      = $ 58132.88 Net Present Value of Machine B: Present value of cash inflows for Machine B – Present values of cash outflows for Machine B                                    = $ 43483.24 Internal rate of return refers to an interest rate where all the present value of cash inflows and cash outflows become zero. This interest rate is the rate at which project will earn if that project is selected (Drake and Fabozzi, 2012). This method of capital budgeting is used to analyze the attractiveness of the project. Project or investment is selected in case IRR is more than the firm required rate of return. Project or investment is rejected where IRR is less than the firm required rate of return. In the case of GM Company, the required rate of return is 13 %. On analyses if it has been found that IRR of Machine A or B is greater than that machine will be selected which has highest IRR (Fridson and Alvarez, 2011). On the basis of above analysis, the key findings are as under:  $                                   58,132.88 Rankings of Machines as per the method On the basis of various factors and ranking procedure applied to choose either machine A and B, it is concluded that GM firm must invest in Machine B to receive the outflows in less time period with highest IRR. As regards to NPV, Machine A has to be selected but it is also true that both machines have positive NPV (Staubus, 2013). There are many other factors that firm must considered while taking the investment decisions. Every investment requires outflow of cash at the beginning keeping in mind that such investment will provide higher benefits in future years (Bull, 2007). Therefore, decision related to plant and machine must be evaluated using capital budgeting methods but it is also important to consider factors like technology used in machine, other cost related with machine and functional capacity of the machine. In case of GM firm, Mr. David should consider following factors: Brigham, E. F. and Ehrhardt, M. C. 2011. Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Mason: Cengage Learning. Bull, R. 2007. Financial Ratios: How to use financial ratios to maximize value and success for your businesses. Elsevier. Drake, P. P. and Fabozzi, F. J. 2012. Analysis of Financial Statements. John Wiley & Sons. Fridson, M. S. and Alvarez, F. 2011. Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide. John Wiley & Sons. Menicucci, E. 2014. Fair Value Accounting: Key Issues Arising from the Financial Crisis. Springer. Mumba, C. 2013. Understanding Accounting and Finance: Theory and Practice. USA: Trafford Publishing. Pratt, J. 2010. Financial Accounting in an Economic Context. John Wiley & Sons. Staubus, G.J. 2013. The Decision Usefulness Theory of Accounting: A Limited History. Routledge.
Describe three important reforms that occurred during the Progressive Essay - 3
Describe three important reforms that occurred during the Progressive Era in American history. Describe what each one of them was, and why each one was an important reform - Essay Example Some of the communities were based on religious ground. Another first reform was the abolitionism; a movement gained the strength during the first half of the nineteenth century. The driving motive in removing what many people believed was the great slavery’s great moral. The second reform started with removing slavery issues during civil war and a continuous reconstruction. The progressive era was seen as the third reform. The America’s progressive movement was meant to address some of the social issues that came up in Us after the civil war due to industrialization. Progressive movement addressed some of the long-term issues like the suffering of women (Jaycox, 43). America changed big time after the civil war. The frontier was already settled, where the America emerged as one of the world’s industrial and agricultural power. During this period, there was imperialism experiment, development of great cities, and large numbers of the immigrants were accepted. The American community was bustled with industrial expansion, optimism, and wealth. Most Americans benefitted from the rising American industrial power Large numbers of the American subsisted on the edge of the economy. The women and children toiled in the mills and sweatshops for the pitiful sums. Poor children were unavle in attending the school. The health programs were not stable and the products were unhealthy. The working conditions of the employees were not safe and there was no protection of the work place. The old age, widows, orphans, and women had no protection schemes. The state hospitals and prisons for the mentally ill was commonly the horror houses. The state governments operated on the spoils system. The legislators in the various states were not chosen through direct vote. The trusts and the monopolies gained a greater power in the economy of America. A growing movement in prohibiting the alcoholic
Sunday, July 28, 2019
An Evaluation of Fossil Fuel,Hybrid Energies Alternative Fuel Essay
An Evaluation of Fossil Fuel,Hybrid Energies Alternative Fuel - Essay Example It concludes by recommending an amalgamation of the two energy forms, and increased development of the hybrid energy sources, so that an endless supply of cheap and clean energy can be provided. Harris Kamran Environmental Studies Research Paper 11 August 2011 An evaluation of fossil fuels and hybrid energies as alternate fuel Background: The availability of abundant, cheap, and clean energy is a prerequisite for the advancement and progress of any country, both in terms of technology and society (Eltawil, Zhengming, & Yuan, 2009). This means that energy supplies make the bedrock of development. The most commonly used forms of energy come from the traditional sources, which are termed fossil fuels due to the process of their development; these fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas (Glaser, 1968), and originate from the fossilized remains of plants and animals. Hence, they are organic in nature, and widely available around the world (Glaser, 1968), since their availability does not depend upon artificially generated raw materials or rare minerals. These fuels have been widely used all over the world for energy production, not only because of their rampant availability, but also because of their cheap production costs and low cost of the yield (Glaser, 1968). However, the produce is often not well-refined, or even if it is refined, it is not entirely clean, so that these forms of energy are associated with phenomena such as greenhouse gases and global warming (Glaser, 1968). Owing to their organic composition, these fuels give off copious amounts of carbon, sulfur, and other chemicals when burned, leasing not only to the destruction of the ozone layer (Glaser, 1968), but also to human medical conditions and the destruction of ecosystems (Keatinge & Donaldson, 2004). These threats to the well-being of the geo-sphere at large have resulted in a concern about their continued and increased used by the growing population (Glaser, 1968), and experts have expressed d oubt about the safety and practicality of these fuels in the present day society (Glaser, 1968). Another issue is the limited, albeit abundant, supply of these fuels, which is threatened to run out anytime in the future (Glaser, 1968). Due to these reasons, there is an increased research into hybrid forms of energy as alternate energy sources. These energy sources include, but are not limited to, solar power, hydropower, hydrogen fuel cells, techniques such as MED, MSF, and Reverse Osmosis, wind energy, tidal energy, biofuel, and other techniques that offer a relatively clean and unlimited supply of energy (Eltawil, Zhengming, & Yuan, 2009). This paper purports to discuss some of these alternate energy sources, especially as they compare to the traditional fossil fuels, to determine the worth and value of these hybrid energy sources in the mainstream market and their application both industrially and domestically. It begins with by presenting the advantages and disadvantages of both energy forms, discussing the infrastructure and policies of the government with regard to the development of these energy forms, a comparison of the impact on the environment of these energies, both the traditional and hybrid forms, comparison and discussion
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Administrative Agencies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Administrative Agencies - Essay Example It created a state of rivalry and conflict and paved the way towards torture, crimes, clashes, violence and wars. Subsequently, the wise and sage stratum of society felt the immediate need of rules and regulations in order to maintain peace and harmony in human societies. Social norms, values, law and order came into being, where different departments were established to make laws, implement these laws and announce punishment to those, which break the prevailing statutes of law and deviate from the right path determined and decided by the political authorities; consequently, the administrative agencies were got their decisive place in all human societies. Like all parts of the globe, administrative agencies were also established in the USA, which is certainly the outcome of the intellect and hard work made by the legislature of the country. Administrative agencies are created by the federal Constitution, the U.S. Congress, state legislatures, and local lawmaking bodies to manage crises, redress serious social problems, or oversee complex matters of governmental concern beyond the expertise of legislators. (Quoted in The administrative agencies have performed outstanding role in the USA in respect of the sustenance of a strong and powerful political system on the one hand, and an integrated and law-abiding social set up on the other. These agencies have rendered exemplary services for the rescue of the masses in crises, disasters, natural calamities and catastrophes of national and state scales. In general, Vago observes, administrative agencies were created to deal with a crisis or with emerging problems requiring supe rvision and flexible treatment. (2009, 130) But they have proved their worth in trade, commerce, communications, housing, travelling, teaching, nursing and even legislative and judicial services through administrators, councilors, mayors, governors, magistrates and police officials. From saving the lives during
Friday, July 26, 2019
Raisin in the Sun - Response Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Raisin in the Sun - Response - Term Paper Example Racial issue was also on the rise during the same period. America began to see a trend of sexual equality. Self supporting women, who were often colored, faced more criticism since they were forced into unconventional gender roles (Weiss, 2000).This shift in gender roles was felt by the citizens of society and is evident in literature and art of that period. A sun Raisin in the sun responds to this gender role conflict in an explicit manner; gender discrimination and role conflict are apparent in dialogues of the male as well as female characters throughout the play. Gender Discrimination and Drift in Gender Roles Portrayed In the Play In the opening act of the play, the main male character of the story, Walter expresses his biased beliefs regarding the opposite sex and his frustration about losing authority in these words: ‘You don’t understand about making men feel like they can do something’. This clearly expresses the conflict and insecurity that the male memb ers in sex role transition face. There are many instances in the play that reflect prejudice against women, for example, at one point, Walter comments on women generally: ‘The world’s most backward nation of women!’ Similarly, stereotyping is also evident in the second act, where Walter is sitting with his friends, talking about women: ‘If there is anybody you cannot persuade to take a larger view of life, it is a woman.’ The play also reflects the biased attitude of male members of the 1950’s society towards a woman seeking a professional education, since it was not in accordance with the typical role. Walter says in the second act: ‘Aint many girls who decide to be a doctor’, and he also mentions in the third act that he clearly wants his sister married as soon as possible and he doesn’t care whether she becomes a doctor or not. The other main male character in the play, Asagai, despite being romantically in love with Wal ter’s sister Bennie, expresses his biased opinion of women in second act by stating ‘Just being loved should be enough for a woman’; implying that a woman should desire nothing more out of life. Female roles in the play are very strong and all three of them express the gender discrimination and sex role conflict in the society via different dialogues. Mama for example despite being a mature and strong willed person, is reluctant to travel alone to Europe and starts comparing herself with stereotyped white women who roam around, unaccompanied by their males. Ruth, Walter’s wife who is a bit more modernized than mama, shows the typical determination of a 1950’s woman by mentioning in the last act, that she will work hard to pay the installments no matter what: ‘I’ll work in all the kitchens of America, ill strap my baby at my back if I have to’. ‘A Raisin in the sun’ also depicts the power and strength of the predeterm ined gender roles. The women themselves find it difficult to place their selves or other women out of that prescribed gender role. Like at one point in the second act of the play, Mama says to her daughter ‘What do you mean by leaving the house looking like this’; which implies that the older woman finds it unconventional that a woman should go out while leaving the house in a mess, while the younger woman thinks it is normal to do so. The frustration of not
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Mortgage Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mortgage Crisis - Essay Example Subprime borrowers, with low rates of 7% to 8%, will see rates reset at numbers like 11%. Prime borrowers are seeing rates jump to 20% and more causing them to come near to defaulting on their loans. This increase in rates will create a domino effect altering most of the financial markets. The mortgage crisis is simply one side of the coin. With the failing economy mortgage lenders and banks are finding it hard to find the cash to support the foreclosures. With the low house demand and the growing defaults companies like American Home Mortgage Investment Corp. and Delta Financial Corp., filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Bigger banks are suffering losses as they write down their losses with even a company like Merrill Lynch posting its largest loss in 94-years. With the drop in employment rates and the economy in one of its worst positions for more than a decade a recession seems to be on the way. How bad the crisis will be and how it will alter the consumers lifestyle is what has to be determined as the mortgage crisis takes the country by storm. Being a mortgage collector I have the opportunity to review some of the ARM's, interest only and flexible payment/negative amortization loans. I have found that they are all positioned as tools to help the borrower afford the house for a moment.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Derivatives and Alternative Investments Coursework
Derivatives and Alternative Investments - Coursework Example If the swaps market were less liquid than it is, market mortgage lenders would find it more difficult and expensive to manage the interest rate risk of the prepayment option in fixed rate mortgages (Greenspan 2004). The extensive use of interest rate swaps means that volatility of the swap spread can affect a large range of market participants, as they rely on a stable relationship between the interest rate swap rate and other interest rates in using swaps for their hedging objectives. For this reason, trading activity that would stabilize the swap spread performs a useful role in ensuring that market participants can rely on the market for their trading and hedging needs. By market convention, the fixed-rate payer that has a long swap position in a fixed/floating interest rate swap is called the taker or buyer of the swap, while the floating-rate payer that has a short swap position in the fixed/floating interest rate swap is called the provider or seller of the swap. The fixed-rate payer and the floating-rate payer of an interest rate swap are called the counterparties of the swap. ... For instance, a fall in the market prices of the fixed/floating interest rate swaps will make the existing swap contract a liability to the counterparty with a long swap position and an asset to the counterparty with a short swap position. Conversely, a rise in the market prices of the fixed/floating interest rate swaps will bring a gain to the counterparty with a long swap position and a loss to the counterparty with a short swap position. Financial managers should be able to determine at any time the market values of the individual swap contracts held by their firms, if they want to manage the swap positions of their firms in a prudent fashion. In the following, we shall develop and discuss models for determining the market values of existing long and short swap positions. Credit risk and interest rate or market risk are the two major types of risk inherent in an interest rate swap position. In this section, some brief comments on the credit risk are followed by a more detailed exa mination of the interest rate risk. Since interest rate swaps are private contractual agreements between two counterparties, they are of course subject to a credit or default risk: the counterparty might not meet its interest payment obligation. However, it should be pointed out that the credit risks in interest rate swaps are relatively unimportant for two reasons. First, because entering into an interest rate swap agreement is a voluntary market transaction performed by two counterparties, a counterparty’s credit standing must be acceptable to the other counterparty If one counterparty’s credit standing has not reached the par, then a letter of credit from a
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver Research Paper
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver - Research Paper Example Mel McGinnis is a forty-five year old cardiologist and Terri is his second wife. Both have been married for four years and have been together for five. Nick, the narrator, and Laura are also married and have been together for only eighteen months. In this short story, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love, Raymond Carver uses symbolism, language and gestures to examine the different kinds of love – spiritual, intellectual, romantic, sensual, brutal, possessive, unrequited and parental love - in order to find the meaning of true love. It is interesting to note that the setting of the story is limited both in terms of time and place. The action of the story takes place as the couples sit around the kitchen table over the course of an evening. No one gets up to do anything else except to get out a second bottle of gin. This â€Å"limited†setting is balanced with the characters’ limited understanding of what â€Å"love†is all about. No one seems to have a firm understanding of what love really is. Each person has his own definition of love. For Mel, love is something spiritual, Terri associates love with violence and possessiveness while Nick and Laura delight in romantic and physical love. At the start of the story, Nick, the narrator, explains that â€Å"The gin and tonic water kept going around, and we somehow got on the subject of love.†Mel insists that spiritual love is the only real love. He believes that â€Å"real love was nothing less than spiritual love.†His background Sebastian 2 as a seminarian before attending medical school has taught him this. The topic of conversation then turns to Terri’s abusive former husband, Ed. Both Terri and Mel debate whether or not Ed really loved Terri. Terri was once married to this man who abused her, a man who â€Å"went dragging me (Terri) around the living room. My head kept knocking on things †¦.(and Terry insists that) People are different , Mel. Sure, sometimes he may have acted crazy. Okay. But he loved me. In his own way maybe, but he loved me. There was love there Mel. Don’t say there wasn’t†(Carver). Mel insists that what Terri and her ex-husband had was not love. â€Å"I sure as hell wouldn’t call it love. †¦. If that’s love, you can have it†(Carver). Ed’s love for Terri was an obsession. He was so obsessed with Terri that he did not want anyone to have her if he could not have her for himself. Ed was a passionate man who could not control his emotions. He resorted to violence when he realized that he had lost Terri to another man. He attempted to kill her but ended up killing himself. Although Terri is a battered woman who was abused by her husband, she still loved him. When Ed was on his death bed, she loved him so much that she sat by his side until the moment he died. Mel finds it hard to believe that there could be love in a relationship where one partner physically abuses the other. He says his definition of love is different in which â€Å"you don’t try to kill people.†Laura, on the other hand, says that she is not in a position to judge whether it was love or not because she is not aware of the circumstances and does not really know what happened. This shows that one’s definition of love is not necessarily shared by others. Professor Fred Moramarco in his essay â€Å"Carver’s Couples Talk About Love†, is of the view that Carver’s stories express â€Å"puzzlement about the odd and battered condition of love in the contemporary world†- â€Å"a world of serial relationships where one year’s love is the next year’s courtroom adversary†. He further reiterates that â€Å"the transience of contemporary Sebastian 3 relationships creates a need for the characters –
Ethics And Governance Essay Example for Free
Ethics And Governance Essay It raises the interelated notions of individual rights, fairness, equality and entitlement. The principles vary in numerous dimensions. These issues explore the appropriate distribution of social and economic benefits and related costs. There are five principles included an equal share for each individual, a share according to the needs of each individual, a share according to the efforts of each individual, a share according to the social contribution of each individual and a share according to the merits of each individual. There are three theories of distributive justice included Libertarianism, Utilitarian and Egalitarianism. Libertarianism approach It is a theory that defends unlimited laissez-faire capitalism as the only morally justified regime. Libertarian required for the maximization of freedom and liberty or the minimization of violations in these as long as the corporations don’t harm other’s freedom and not breaking the law. Following Locke, Nozick, the entitlement theory depends on the original acquisition of holding, the legitimate transfer of holdings to/ form others and the illegal acquisition of holdings. Libertarianism is doesn’t consider actual distributing in society. It means that the right of every individual to unlimited utilization of his own person (self-ownership); and the right to unrestricted, or relatively mildly limited, appropriation of external resources without suffering others and fraud from these transactions. In addition, an individual has exclusive right to all the goods that are product of use of his talents and efforts and he has either the right to appropriate all natural resources, which he finds and takes before others. Whether the distribution is just depends solely on how holdings were acquired. Property rights are derived from an individual’s basic moral rights, which take priority over all social or legislative arrangements imposed by society. This theory is interested only in this that the above procedures are satisfied and that nobody has used violence to take some goods from others. Forceful intervention of the state for the sake of helping the poor is not allowed. Therefore, any taxation involves violating of libertarianism and allowing some people to own other people. As my choosing company PARKnSHOP Supermarket which organized by Hutchison Whampoa Limited, it is affecting environment that stop handing out plastic bags automatically for customers. For libertarian view, they have used the libertarian approach on their corporate actions and the legitimacy of their actions. The customers have their freedom and choice and right to buy something with plastic bag. Everyone kwon that the plastic bag offered by PARKnShop’s which is not good for the environment. However, most of people like to buy something with plastic bag because they have their freedom and self-ownership. For libertarian, it is ethic for PARKnSHOP’s can offer biodegradable bags and do the promotion on use biodegradable bags and involuntary levy on bags to the customers. It is because PARKnSHOP’s is rewarded so long as they are not breaking the law and don’t harm other’s freedom. However, it’s has some arguments against the libertarianism. It is because any taxation and helping environment involves violating of libertarianism. But, it always helping environment and do a lot of community activities such as involvement in the â€Å"Say No to Plastic Bags†campaign. Utilitarian approach Utilitarianism is the ethical doctrine that the moral worth of an action is solely determined by its contribution to overall utility. Following John Stuart Mill, utilitarian approach is a theory that takes as its primary aims the attainment and concern with maximum possible personal happiness of a society as a whole, which should ultimately determine what is just or unjust behavior. This goal is to be achieved in such a way that one first checks what makes every particular individual in a society happy, then sums up all these various wants and preferences, and finally finds out how to satisfy the greatest number of them. John Stuart Mill acknowledged that the society can receive more return from the more efficient laborer and it is just that talented workers can receive the greater remuneration. It is obtain efficient us of the resources if allow people to benefit from labor. A redistribution of resources increases general happiness of a society. However, the arbitrary and great disparity of distinctions and advocate strict equality may cause the unjust behavior and may cause social breakdown. It is because it would have an adverse influence on the working motivation of the able individuals, and thereby on the overall wealth of the society. Therefore, the utilitarian standard is essential for resolving any conflict between rival principles of justice and increases the allover happiness of a society. The main task is to find a balance between factors that point towards equality and those ones that go against it. It seems that the utilitarian view can be found in PARKnSHOP’s. For PARKnSHOP’s, it concerned with the maximization of happiness of society. It’s has providing a lot of jobs opportunity for the people. Also, PARKnSHOP’s are willing to do the supports community programs, which operate at the grassroots level, usually focused on local, global environment-related issues. It’s always giving back to society and help to create a better end and achieved to the utilitarian. However, it is not mean that can justify the ends. It is because the plastic bag of PARKnSHOP’s is a big problem. The research from the Friends of Earth (HK) shows shoppers want a bag whose need to pay 20 cents for each one. If the levy is constrained, they will initiative to reduce plastic use. One of the reasons of this research is because of they have already build up a habit of using plastic bags. They are driving a change with making profit and contributions. It is a big problem and not concerned with the maximization of personal happiness and argues to the Utilitarian View. Egalitarian approach John Rawls explores the egalitarian approach and tries to determine principles of just society with the help of hypothetical contract among members of a society. His hypothetical introduces the notion of an abstract social contract to establish principles of justice. It is supposed by John Rawls that individuals who make this contract primarily care for their self-interest, that they are rational, well informed about human nature and functioning of society, and that they are placed under so called veil of gnorance. They are also assumed to know nothing about those of their characteristics, individual situation and circumstances that might influence impartiality of the decision-making. In egalitarian, that all members of a society should have the equal social, political, and economic rights and opportunities. John Rawls addressed that each person h as equal right to the most extensive scheme same basic liberties and defends this notion that every individual would be assured justice as equal treatment for all once the veil of ignorance is removed. In addition, John Rawls addressed that social and economic inequalities are to meet two conditions. The two conditions are economic inequalities are allowed but only if they benefit even the least advantaged individuals and attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair quality of opportunity. The basic social structure, not the transactions between individuals, should establish justice as a cooperative project for the mutual benefit of society, and minimize the socioeconomic consequences or random natural differences between people. For PARKnSHOP’s, the stakeholders of it is included employees, customers, suppliers materials, wholesales, creditors, government and the environment society. It seems that the equalitarianism can be maintained. It’s paid the high taxes. It’s has always been committed to serving the community through involvement in the territories many social services for all stakeholders as well as charity work such as World Wide Fund for Nature. In addition, they are care about the welfare of people and built up the Li Ka Shing Foundation for the people who in hospital, education, construction and support the community activities and benefit people worldwide. It’s help people in need around the world and gives the equal social, political, and economic rights and opportunities for the people. It is the mutual benefit of society, and minimizes the socioeconomic consequences or random natural differences between people. Moreover, It’s gives the equal job opportunity to the minority and women.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Dreaming in Cuban Essay Example for Free
Dreaming in Cuban Essay All summer she has lived in her memories . . .. Her past, she fears, is eclipsing her present. In Celias life, it always has. Celia is caught in the folds of time. Her central memory is that of Gustavo Sierra de Armas, the married Spaniard with whom Celia, when she was a very young department store clerk in Havana, had an intense love affair that was truncated by his unannounced departure. For twenty-five years, until the triumph of the revolution, Celia writes to Gustavo on the eleventh day of each month, keeping the un-mailed letters in a satin lined box. I watch the sun rise, burning its collection of memories, she writes to Gustavo and later, Memory is a skilled seducer who hover around the mid-century of life recall the rumors of multiple seductions by the dictator at the presidential palace. For Celia, these rumors become present reality, with Celia as one of the seduced. He does not age, nor does she. In Celias reveries, memory is most often sensualized and is always infused and injected with imagination. Memory is scripted, the script becoming more real than fact. As Celias daughter Felicia will tell her son Ivanito, Imagination, like memory, can transform lies to truths . . . . The matriarch of the novels dreamers, Celia seems engaged in an eternal wait that is never concluded, never satisfied. Her life, like her time, is arrested, moving then in long, elliptical swirls like patterns drawn on the sand by her beloved sea, whose waters envelop her again and again at critical junctures, cleansing and caressing her, then depositing her once again on shore, amid the folds of time. Three generations of Cuban women dominate this marvelously told story of a family divided by politics and the Castro revolution in Cuba. Celia del Pino is the effective head of the family. She is a loyal follower of Castro who watches the beaches near her small home to protect from a surprise attack from the assumed enemies of the regime. Her daughter Felicia also remains in Cuba, but has no interest in politics and has recurring bouts of insanity but finally dies when she succumbs to a fanatical version of Cuban Santeria religion. Her sister Lourdes immigrates to the United States and exalts in her own version of the American dream becoming a successful owner of a small bakery chain. Lourdes is as bitterly anti-Castro as her mother is pro. Finally we have Pilar, daughter of Lourdes and born the very year that Castro took power. Raised in Brooklyn, but with strong feelings of her Cuban roots, Pillar is a punk artist and later musician. She is caught with a foot in both words, nostalgic for Cuba and her grandmother, but fully rooted in the cultural scene of New York City. There are other members of the del Pino family who play lesser roles and Celia’s late husband, Jorge, plays the most curious role, a bit of magic realism as he spends several years in conversation with Lourdes after he has died. Only gradually does he fade away leaving Lourdes in a position where she can finally pay a visit to her aging and dying mother in Cuba. Dreaming in Cuban is told in segments related by numerous narrative consciousnesses, usually in the third person, from time planes that move backward and forward but follow a general linear chronological direction. What we learn of Lourdes comes primarily from the third-person narrative segments devoted to her and, secondarily, from the reflections of her daughter and her mother in the sequences narrated by or devoted to them. Lourdes has passed into exile, like so many of her contemporaries in 1961, with her husband Rufino Puente and their two-year-old daughter, Pilar. Lourdes has tried to force roots into the northern soil of Brooklyn, and genuinely believes that she has done so. In fact, when they leave Miami in a secondhand Chevy, unable to bear the endless brooding over their wealth, the competition for dishwasher jobs of Rufinos family, which has been ostentatiously prominent in Havana society, it is Lourdes who insists that they move ever northward, in search of the cold. New York City, finally, is cold enough. As enterprising and dynamic as Maria de los Angeles Mina Lopez in Roberto Fernandezs much praised 1988 novel Raining Backwards, Lourdes has founded the Yankee Doodle Bakery, and in time opens a second one. A fighter and a survivor, she has prospered. Lourdes takes pride in her love of order, her practicality. A take charge person who sees right and wrong in uncomplicatedly absolute terms, Lourdes becomes a volunteer auxiliary policewoman on a neighborhood beat, slapping her nightstick over and over into her palm before she goes out on patrol. Always estranged from her distant mother, Celia, who has been sent away to Havana by her own mother, never to see her again, Lourdes feels her parental affinity is with her father, Jorge del Pino, who railed over the years in Cuba at what he termed tropical squalor and who comes to New York to die of cancer. In Cristina Garcias 1992 novel Dreaming in Cuban, Cuba is a pivotal presence. The work examines, through a wealth of female and male characters, with emphasis upon the matrilineal chain, the intense experience of Cuban ness. The island country of Cuba is portrayed from within and without, and the distance from it is measured through the fictive evocation of exile, exile once removed, and inner exile. Different views of Cuba both inspire and result from divergent exiles. I have chosen to approach the topic of Cuba as text and context in the novel through an analysis of three female characters: Lourdes del Pino Puente, a Cuban exile living in Brooklyn; her daughter Pilar, age 13 when the novel opens; and Lourdess mother, Celia del Pino, who has by choice indee insistence remained behind in Cuba, in her seaside home. In Cuba, Lourdes sister Felicia feels this unleapable distance even from her adored son Ivanito, with whom she has a powerful spiritual bond. What is he saying? his mother wonders about him. Each word is a code she must decipher, a foreign language, a streak of gunshot. Even with her boy, to whom she is more closely bound than to any other being save her mother, Felicia is unwillingly but undeniably alone. Between Ivanito and his older twin sistersstiff, unbending adherents to the regimethere is also estrangement based on language as vital posture, the sum and expression of ones stance in the world she inhabits. He will never speak his sisters language, account for his movements like a cow with a dull bell. The novels title, Dreaming in Cuban, suggests an idiom of belonging, a collective, ever imperfect antidote to isolation and estrangement. What Celia terms the morphology of survival†must always take into account the grammar of this culture specific language, Cuban. Lourdes believes herself impervious to any such considerations. Yet the sight of a lone elm set in concrete causes her to wonder if this individual is Dutch elm disease set the last of the dying species. Is it a metaphor for her own exile and separation? There are other signs as well. The New York City rivers along which Lourdes walks and patrols flow gray, absorbing the light, usually unable to return it as reflection, their color and coldness evocative of metal. Breezes from the sluggish river seem to inscribe [Lourdes] skin with metal tips. Gray is also the color of ash. Felicias third husband, falling onto the wires of a carnival ride in Cuba, turns to ash and blows northward, where he had wanted to go. For Lourdess mother, gray is also the color of memory: Memory cannot be confined . . .. Its slate gray, the color of undeveloped film. That memory has been free to follow Lourdes northward, and that she would permit it to do so is a thought she would surely deny. In her daughter Pilars memories, her mothers toucans and cockatoos, released when the revolutionaries took over the Puente hacienda, also flew north in confusiona confusion, which Lourdes emphatically rejects; she abhors all ambiguity. Yet the northern clime has inspired in her inordinate hungers. The first is an erotic appetite for Rufino, which leads her husband to install a bell in his workshop so as to be always available to her and which finally leaves him spent and weary, and the second is a concomitant craving for pecan sticky buns, which brings about a weight gain of 118 pounds. In Rufino, Lourdes is reaching for something beyond him, something he cannot give her; she may well seek in this physical union a reintegration she cannot attain, a reconnection with her remembered life left behind, with the Cuba she knew. The sticky buns, with their impossible forbidden sweetness, may be the closest Lourdes can come in exile to the sensorial bombardment, richly evoked in the pages of Dreaming in Cuban, of her island home. In Cuba, Lourdes sister Felicia feels this unleapable distance even from her adored son Ivanito, with whom she has a powerful spiritual bond. What is he saying? his mother wonders about him. Each word is a code she must decipher, a foreign language, a streak of gunshot. Even with her boy, to whom she is more closely bound than to any other being save her mother, Felicia is unwillingly but undeniably alone. Between Ivanito and his older twin sistersstiff, unbending adherents to the regimethere is also estrangement based on language as vital posture, the sum and expression of ones stance in the world she inhabits. He will never speak his sisters language, account for his movements like a cow with a dull bell. The novels title, Dreaming in Cuban, suggests an idiom of belonging, a collective, ever imperfect antidote to isolation and estrangement. What Celia terms the morphology of survival†must always take into account the grammar of this culture specific language, Cuban. Lourdes believes herself impervious to any such considerations. Yet the sight of a lone elm set in concrete causes her to wonder if this individual is Dutch elm disease set the last of the dying species. Is it a metaphor for her own exile and separation? There are other signs as well. The New York City rivers along which Lourdes walks and patrols flow gray, absorbing the light, usually unable to return it as reflection, their color and coldness evocative of metal. Breezes from the sluggish river seem to inscribe [Lourdes] skin with metal tips. Gray is also the color of ash. Felicias third husband, falling onto the wires of a carnival ride in Cuba, turns to ash and blows northward, where he had wanted to go. For Lourdess mother, gray is also the color of memory: Memory cannot be confined . . .. Its slate gray, the color of undeveloped film. That memory has been free to follow Lourdes northward, and that she would permit it to do so is a thought she would surely deny. In her daughter This is Cristina Garcia’s first novel. She was born in Havana, Cuba in 1958 but grew up in New York City. She attended Barnard College and the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. She has been a correspondent for Time magazine and lives in Los Angeles with her husband Scott Brown. Works Cited 1. DREAMING IN CUBAN, By Cristina Garcia, 245 pages New York: Ballantine Books, 1992. ISBN # 0-345-38143-2
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Procter Gamble: Business Model
Procter Gamble: Business Model Business level strategy: Procter and gamble (Strategies and recommendations) Executive Summary William Procter and James Gamble founded Procter and Gamble in the year of 1837, and started working as a candle and soap maker. It is a consumer goods manufacturing company whose slogan is improving lives and moving towards betterment with time. Unique Selling Preposition of Procter Gamble is â€Å"our one product is equal to one vaccine towards the betterment of consumers†. It sells the products in more than 180 countries around the globe. It has also undertaken a number of brands, one of them are Revlon. The product being offered by Procter Gamble are health care, grooming, beauty, home care and fabric, family and baby care, pet care and snacks. Some of the company’s items earned a profit of $1 billion each year and some around $50 million annually. Procter Gamble is on maturity stage and potential competitors are Unilever, L’Oreal. It is facing fierce competition by competitors. Since it is one of the most growing companies, it has captured thousands of mi nds all over the world. It operates in countries like China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, India, Indonesia etc. the strategies of Procter Gamble in order to sustain its goodwill and profitability in the market are: availability of its products, concentration on growing opportunities, evolving more products, concentrating on most strong and profitable markets, devoting and dedication towards research and development etc. products being offered by the company are Ariel, Tide, Vicks, Crest Tooth Paste, Gillette products, Head Shoulder shampoo, Olay, Oral-B, Pantene, Always, Bounce, Herbal Essence, Ivory soap, Gain, Whisper, Mr. Clean, Puffs tissues, Safeguard soaps etc. OVERVIEW OF OFFERINGS AND CUSTOMER SEGMENTS OF THE COMPANY PROCTER AND GAMBLE Procter and Gamble is an American based company, known as PG mostly, is one of the largest and leading multinational consumer goods and manufacturing company which operates all over the world (Ranker, 2015) since 1837 till Today and offering jobs to the millions of people from all around the world (PG, 2015). Procter Gamble was founded and named on William Procter and James Gamble. It deals with multiple natures of products such as hair care products, personal care products including cosmetics (Nguyen, 2013), tissues, odor control products, home care products such as detergent and much more (PG, 2014). Company says â€Å"We are in the business of making life better every day, our each packet is equal to each vaccine towards the betterment and enhancement†(PG, 2014) and it is working firmly on that. Millions and billions of customers uses PG’s products which satisfies their needs and demand they like it to be (PG, 2014). Multiple of brands are associated with this company whose profitability touches more that $1 Billion each year (PG, 2015). Some of those star brands are Ariel, Tide, Vicks, Crest Tooth Paste, Gillette products, Head Shoulder shampoo, Olay, Oral-B, Pantene (PG, 2014), Always, Bounce, Herbal Essence (Forbes, 2014), Ivory soap, Gain, Whisper, Mr. Clean, Puffs tissues, Safeguard soaps which earns net profit of Billions of US Dollars every twelve months (PG, 2014). Procter and Gamble serves more than 180 countries and 6.5 million customers across the globe (PG, 2014). It operates in Asia (Japan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, New Zealand, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Pakistan, Turkey, and Bangladesh etc) (PG, 2015), Latin America, North America and Western Europe. It has its head quarters in Singapore for Asian region (Lafley, 2008). Critical discussion And Strategies of Procter and Gamble: One of the most important and say efficient strategy of Procter Gamble is availability of its products (Global-Operations, n.d.). Products manufactured by this company are highly available worldwide and are being offered and sold on convenience stores, super markets, hotels, motels, retailers, wholesalers, drug stores and intermediaries (MIT, 2015). The product availability of the company gives it an edge and makes it far superior that its competitors like Unilevers etc (SlideShare, 2015). Consumers get products easily and effortlessly when they are in need of a vaccine to make their life better (Favaro, 2013). The availability and accessibility of the specific products makes it brand brawny and hefty (PG, 2015). This in turns makes customer loyalty towards the brand much tough and muscular with time and targeted customers start trusting the brand, and same is the case with Procter Gamble (PG, 2015). Supply chain of the brand is as strong as it needs to be in order to result in a s uccessful chain management (Favaro, 2013). Likewise many other competitors of the brand, PG a further strategy is Research and Development (Riley, 2014). Brand devote approximately $2 billion each year on its RD department contains 8000 employees around the world (Ng, 2015). In spite of having 8000 employees in its RD department, company somehow failed to initiate a further brand successfully (Nisen, 2013). Hence, it faced intricacy regarding the department. One of the professors, named Charles Fine suggested the company to have a view on the world as innovation lab (SlideShare, 2012). Subsequently they start sourcing innovation through valued supply chain network as they deals the customer on one on one basis because of which they are rich on the drawbacks as well as the complains for products (MODE, 2015). This step resulted in innovation success rate three times than it was before. To take advantage of the advice, PG also launched its own website which motivates and welcomes innovations as well as feedback by the targeted customers, shareholders, stakeholders, partners and general public for further enhancement of the products (Khosla Sawhney, 2014). Another significant strategy being applied by Procter Gamble as an efficient and effective tool is change management (GCI, 2014). The company observes and on the blink of an eye takes action to bring up the change and exploit the opportunity to meet consumer’s expectation on the very first place (Neff, 2014). As competition is growing faster and fastest, very next moment involves business bodies in the shock of sudden and significant change. PG is a brand, who knows splendidly about their vision (Tode, 2014). Company takes change management as its one of the most crucial and unavoidable manner (Lafley, 2014). Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care, said by Theodore Roosevelt (Forbes, 2012). Famous saying that is being followed by PG as it should be as it focuses and devotes more of its attention and care to the products who works as stars in portfolio and because of which entire corporation is enjoying free lunches, such as US market is strongest market being targeted by PG (SlideShare, 2012) and they are continuously treating it as focal point with jam-packed devotion and dedication in order to make it strongest (PG, 2014). Before finishing the strategy, I more point to be mentioned is Procter Gamble’s strategy is concentrating on improving operations, at least better than competitors (SlideShare, 2013). This is one of the rich ways to win customers trust and loyalty towards the brand (PG, 2014). When introducing to one more line of attack of Procter Gamble, it is essential to say that to uphold and retain its brand image; it is all about captivating trust and confidence from the targeted segment of market (Pakistan-Business-Journal, 2015). At the end of the day, all the steps, strategies, planning, developing and designing starting from a scratch is followed by a reason of winning trust and loyalty from customers because when nothing else seems to be helpful, this tactic does and it is not a piece of cake to get one’s trust. It takes abundant of efforts and plentiful of care, since one slip can destroy the whole. One more strategy being introduced recently by Procter Gamble is â€Å"Connect+Develop†. In this age of advancement, where the whole of the universe has become a global village, the connection is necessary for any company to float up in the lively market with its loyal consumers. However, in this social age, in which each and every individual is socializing has made us little more aware about our surroundings and circumstances taking place in this village (PG, 2015). Bruce Brown, Chief Technology Officer said â€Å"this strategy has helped us to deliver a number of successful and leading innovations which has accelerated the growth of Procter Gamble critically†. The company is by hook or by crook managing to uphold this strategy and maintain its prospering innovation rate. Laura Becker, General Manager said that they wanted develop and connect themselves in order to deliver products that has a greater level of innovation such as Swiffer Dusters which has broken down the innovations for market place manipulation. Moreover, she also stated that a category of products will be made that changes marketplace, and attracts customers which claim that they require the company’s products as they fulfill their requirement as per their wishes (PG, 2012). RECOMMENDATIONS In order to maintain its position in the market, Procter Gamble should keep an eye on its most profitable brands and products to even polish them so that not any competitor would have been able to eradicate the demand of leading products. For example, Swiffer Dusters-a product introduced by PG which changed the direction of market trend so seriously. As market conditions and market trends are changing so drastically these days, Procter Gamble should have a close look than its competitors to innovate and exploit opportunity from the changing trends of market. If brand to be a brand get successful innovations, it could have touch top position in the markets as well as in the sights of consumers, investors, shareholders, stockholders and regulating bodies. Creating a recommendation culture could aid to Procter Gamble for being more victorious and unbeaten company in the market. Motivating and encouraging culture could be proved as back bone behind the success of the brand. Managing change as soon as possible could also be proved as a strong tool behind the success. Since incorporating change in this unpredictable competing environment cold give support to the accomplishment of goals, reaching to the vision and creating win-win situation at the end of both, consumers and company. Better growth opportunities to the employees will in return adds to employee’s sincerity and dedication towards work. Employees, who are the core bodies of any organization, will work dedicatedly and devotedly for their organizations, this will result in better quality works and services to the organization. Quality assurance and image building could also prove to be helpful to capture the minds of targeted consumers. CONCLUSION Procter Gamble was founded by William Procter and James Gamble. It deals with multiple products such as hair care products, personal care products including cosmetics. Millions and billions of customers uses PG’s products which satisfy their needs and demand. Procter and Gamble serves more than 180 countries and 6.5 million customers across the globe. One of the most important and efficient strategy of Procter Gamble was found to be its item’s availability. Consumers get products easily and effortlessly when they are in need of a vaccine. The availability and accessibility of the specific products makes it brand brawny and hefty. This in turns makes customer loyalty towards the brand much tough and muscular with time and targeted customers start trusting the brand, and same is the case with Procter Gamble. Supply chain of the brand is as strong as it needs to be in order to result in a successful chain management. The company observes and takes action to bring up cha nge and exploit the opportunity to meet consumer’s expectation at instant. Company takes change management as its one of the most crucial and unavoidable manner. Bibliography Favaro, K., 2013. Does PG Need Product Innovation or Strategic Innovation?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Favaro, K., 2013. Does PG Need Product Innovation or Strategic Innovation?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Forbes, 2012. The Perfect Marketing Strategy for Soap, Soda, and Startups. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Forbes, 2014. Procter Gamble. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. GCI, 2014. The Strategy Behind PG’s Divestments. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Global-Operations, n.d.. Where We Operate. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Khosla, S. Sawhney, M., 2014. The wisdom of less: How Procter Gamble can grow by shrinking. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Lafley, A., 2008. PG’s Innovation Culture. Innovation, Volume 52, pp. 1-8. Lafley, A., 2014. The wisdom of less: How Procter Gamble can grow by shrinking. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. MIT, 2015. Bringing process innovation and creativity into operations. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. MODE, 2015. Care Quotes. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Neff, J., 2014. As PG Looks to Cut More Than Half Its Brands, Which Should Go?. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Ng, A., 2015. PG: Company Strategies and Challenges. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Nguyen, L., 2013. Copy of PG STRATEGIC ANALYSIS. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Nisen, M., 2013. PGs Ex-CEO Used A 5-Step Formula To Make Billion Dollar Decisions. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. PG, 2012. PG Names New C+D Leader, Aims Acceleration of Open Innovation Work. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. PG, 2014. Committed to responsible operations. 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PG, 2015. PG Moments. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. PG, 2015. PG Views: Company Strategy. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. PG, 2015. The Power of Purpose. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Pakistan-Business-Journal, 2015. Procter Gamble Pakistan (pvt) Ltd.. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Ranker, 2015. All Procter Gamble Brands. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Riley, J., 2014. Marketing Strategy PG Takes the Axe to its Brand Portfolio. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. SlideShare, 2012. pg marketing strategies. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. SlideShare, 2012. Procter Gamble Strategic Analysis. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. SlideShare, 2013. PG. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. SlideShare, 2015. Procter Gamble Strategic Analysis. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015]. Tode, C., 2014. How PG’s mobile social strategy helps build its brands. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2015].
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Cell Migration Essays -- Biology
Introduction Cell motility is currently one of the â€Å"hottest†areas in biology. An example of normal healthy migration is in adult skin, when cells migrate from the inner tissue to the outer layer to form a protective coating of dead skin cells. However, when referring to tumors, cell migration is dangerous. Skin tumors arise in the epidermis. The tumor then invades the dermis, creating a metastatic lesion, which breaks down tissue, including bone. This paper experiments with the two forms of morphology, elongated and rounded. The elongated morphology is dependent on Rac, a signaling protein. When GDP binds to the Rac, the signal is off and when GTP binds, it is turned on. The rounded morphology is dependent on a signal from Rho and ROCK, two more signaling proteins. Rho only sends a signal to move when it is activated by GTP. When protease activity is inhibited, elongated cells convert to the rounded form, and continue migration. So, to inhibit the movement of tumor cells, it is necessary to stop the elongated and rounded morphology. This experiment used Y27632, which inhibits Rho and PI, a protease which inhibits Rac. Through the use of these two inhibitors, Sahai and Marshall attempt to determine what exactly is most effective in preventing tumor movement and which signaling proteins activate which morphology. Methods I.) Distinct Modes of motility have different requirements for Rho and ROCK activity a. Methods 1. BE (colon carcinoma), LS174T (colon carcinoma), SW962 (squamous cell carcinoma), WM266.4 (melanoma), A375P, and A375m2(melanoma) cells were analyzed to test for cell invasion relative to the controls used. 2. The two controls used were TAT-C3 (which inactivates the RhoA, Rho... ...the elongated cells would not accomplish much. Tumor cells can also change the shape of movement that they use, so these inhibitors that stop the signaling in the cells may not be as effective as hoped. Though they would stop the rounded cells, the cells might be able to switch to an elongated shape and continue in their migration to other areas of the tissues. There are other methods, though, that would cause elongated cells to switch to the rounded cell shape for their migration. Sahai and Marshall are hoping that with further research, these two treatments may be combined to stop the migration of the cancerous cells and be a realistic, useable treatment for cancer in the future. Works Cited Erik Sahai and Christopher J. Marshall - "Differeing modes of tumour cell invations have distinct requirements for Rho/ROCK signalling and extracellular proteolysis." Cell Migration Essays -- Biology Introduction Cell motility is currently one of the â€Å"hottest†areas in biology. An example of normal healthy migration is in adult skin, when cells migrate from the inner tissue to the outer layer to form a protective coating of dead skin cells. However, when referring to tumors, cell migration is dangerous. Skin tumors arise in the epidermis. The tumor then invades the dermis, creating a metastatic lesion, which breaks down tissue, including bone. This paper experiments with the two forms of morphology, elongated and rounded. The elongated morphology is dependent on Rac, a signaling protein. When GDP binds to the Rac, the signal is off and when GTP binds, it is turned on. The rounded morphology is dependent on a signal from Rho and ROCK, two more signaling proteins. Rho only sends a signal to move when it is activated by GTP. When protease activity is inhibited, elongated cells convert to the rounded form, and continue migration. So, to inhibit the movement of tumor cells, it is necessary to stop the elongated and rounded morphology. This experiment used Y27632, which inhibits Rho and PI, a protease which inhibits Rac. Through the use of these two inhibitors, Sahai and Marshall attempt to determine what exactly is most effective in preventing tumor movement and which signaling proteins activate which morphology. Methods I.) Distinct Modes of motility have different requirements for Rho and ROCK activity a. Methods 1. BE (colon carcinoma), LS174T (colon carcinoma), SW962 (squamous cell carcinoma), WM266.4 (melanoma), A375P, and A375m2(melanoma) cells were analyzed to test for cell invasion relative to the controls used. 2. The two controls used were TAT-C3 (which inactivates the RhoA, Rho... ...the elongated cells would not accomplish much. Tumor cells can also change the shape of movement that they use, so these inhibitors that stop the signaling in the cells may not be as effective as hoped. Though they would stop the rounded cells, the cells might be able to switch to an elongated shape and continue in their migration to other areas of the tissues. There are other methods, though, that would cause elongated cells to switch to the rounded cell shape for their migration. Sahai and Marshall are hoping that with further research, these two treatments may be combined to stop the migration of the cancerous cells and be a realistic, useable treatment for cancer in the future. Works Cited Erik Sahai and Christopher J. Marshall - "Differeing modes of tumour cell invations have distinct requirements for Rho/ROCK signalling and extracellular proteolysis."
Comparing the Orpheus Myth and Conrads The Secret Sharer :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays
Parallels in the Orpheus Myth and Conrad's The Secret Sharer The myth of Orpheus and his descent into the underworld is paralleled in Joseph Conrad's "The Secret Sharer," revealing a common theme, the narrator's self-fulfillment through the conclusion of his symbolic and inward quest. This parallel, which may be called archetypal, serves to increase the reader's sense of identification with Conrad's narrator, and it lends an otherworldly tone to the work as a whole. Likewise, these echoes of Orphic material lead the reader through three stages. These are a modern and secular rendition of the descent into the unknown, followed by a symbolic rebirth or rejoining of the fractured portions of the complete self, and finally the parting with the previous 'self' that ostensibly existed in the initial state. The reader finds an initial parallel between the myth and story through Conrad's 'sea,' as compared to Orpheus' 'underworld,' along with the surface of the quest motif. The ship in "The Secret Share" is described as "at the starting point of a long journey" (Conrad 273), and as being "very still in an immense stillness.... [where] nothing moved, [and] nothing lived" (273). I read the stillness of the sea and the absence of life is an allusion to the stillness of death, which is the realm Orpheus takes his journey to, before turning homeward. Moreover, the stars are described in this opening scene, but do not reappear in the story until after the departure of 'the secret sharer'; the narrator's Euridice or hidden self (this hidden self aspect closely reflects the 'double' nature of the 'sharer' as well). Between these two appearances of the stars, which could only visible in an 'overworld,' the ship and its crew as consumed by "the tide of darkness" (273) that encompasses the vessel, much as Orpheus leaves behind the stars when he descends into the realm of death in Hades. On a symbolic level, both the Orpheus myth and "The Secret Sharer" use the journey as a rite of passage, or a rebirth into a greater state of self-knowledge. Orpheus comes to know the reality of death and the limitations of his powers, while Conrad's narrator makes a transition from "being a stranger to the ship..., untried as yet by a position of the fullest responsibility" (273) such that "the comfort of quiet communion... was gone for good" (273), to "the perfect communion of a sea with his first command" (113; italics mine).
Friday, July 19, 2019
Revolutions Around the World Essay -- History, Intellectual Innovation
During the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century, the colonies of the New World, and countries of the Old World, were undergoing revolutions and reforms. In North America, the United States created an economic and political powerhouse; the modern world’s first major nation to become a democracy. The Haitian Rebellion dramatically inspired other slaves and people to rise above government and be given the rights to freedom. The French Revolution practically destroyed its earlier absolute monarchy and caused the people to fight for social and political systems that treated them fairly and gave them more voice in government. The ideas and responses to the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions illustrate political uprisings in each government, change in social autonomy and a newfound sense of pride, along with intellectual shift and innovations. An additional document that would help analyze these revolutions would be a written document about a person’ s account and emotional insight to what it was like living during a revolution. A major thought for these revolutions was that the people of these regions wanted to formulate a new government in which it would grant more people freedom and would be actually able to listen to the people. In British periodicals, illustrations display British Officials being tarred and feathered; a humiliating event for anyone (Doc 2). This represents the Americans’ public opinion towards political leaders of Britain and their demand for liberty and justice. The Declaration of Independence states that the United States wants a just government that listens to the voice of the people, and is made up of the people (Doc 3). The Declaration of Independence displays how the ideas of the p... ...people into joining the revolt and other countries thinking about rebellions and revolutions (Doc 6). The political uprisings, national pride and change in social statues, along with intellectual innovations were all ideas and responses to the revolutions. The ideas and the responses to these ideas were important factors in the outcome of these revolutions. Political up rise and search for liberty caused governments to be overthrown and fought against. A sense of equality, shift in social autonomy, and nationalism led to revolutions in France, America, and Haiti. The influences of intellectual ideas led to more people being involved in the revolutions of these regions. These revolutions change the world, causing the United States to become the world’s largest power, Haitian people to gain liberty, and absolute monarchy in France to be completely overthrown.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Freedom of Speech vs. Censorship Essay
Adopted in 1791, the First Amendment, states â€Å"Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.†(Pilon) The freedom of speech documented in the First Amendment is not only a constitutional protection but also an inevitable part of democratic government and independence, which are essential values in society. â€Å"Censorship,†according to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, â€Å"is an almost irresistible impulse when you know you are right†(Sunstein). That is why the American citizen’s right to free speech should be held as the highest virtue and any censorship of freedom of speech should not be allowed, however, should be respected. Freedom of speech is essential part of democratic government because the only way truth can emerge when there is an open competition of ideas. However, there is a strong support of censors hip when people start mentioning extremely offensive opinions. Should the freedom of speech be limited in this case? The answer is â€Å"No†. â€Å"If liberty means anything at all,†writes George Orwell, â€Å"it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.†(Cox) If we want to enjoy the freedom fully, the full protection should be given to the freedom of speech; there are no compromises about it. Freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment is not just a right, which can be declared or abolished. According to the â€Å"liberty theory,†proposed by some legal scholars, freedom of speech is an essential part of the liberty of every person who pursues an individual self-determination and self-realization (Cox). Thus, freedom of speech is also a global right one that permits freedom of personal development and self-expression. Another theoretical ground to support the freedom of speech is called â€Å"tolerance theory.†It holds that the ability to teach and promote tolerance is one of the most important assets of freedom of speech (Cox). From this perspective, freedom of speech itself excludes any type of intolerance, which sometimes appears in a threatening form (religious intolerance, racial intolerance). The â€Å"tolerance theory†implies self-restraint, which is the only appropriate response to any ideas, even those that we may personally may dislike or hate. The â€Å"tolerance theory†provides a broader context for exercising tolerance in a conflict-ridden democratic society. Furthermore, in legal practice there are certain restrictions on freedom of speech imposed by the Supreme Court. They define a few categories of speech, which are considered not to be fully protected by the First Amendment. These categories include defamation, advocacy of imminent illegal conduct, obscenity and, fraudulent misrepresentation (Farber). However, if the speech does not fall within one of these categories, there are no grounds for the government to argue that freedom of speech should be restricted because of its harmful content. One of the common bases for partial censorship is proof that the freedom of speech causes imminent illegal action. The Supreme Court has already drawn a careful line between general abstract theories and political dissent on one hand and particular illegal acts incitement on the other. This line is drawn by definition of â€Å"clear and present danger†test (Farber). The government cannot sue the speaker on the basis of its tendency or possibly illegal conduct incitement. Before any speech is punished on the grounds of incitement, there is an obligatory three-part criterion that should be met. First, the speech must directly incite lawless action. Second, the context of speech must imply imminent breaking of the law, rather than call for illegal conduct at some indefinite future time. At last, there should be a strong intention to produce such conduct (Farber). Such â€Å"clear and present danger†test determines the level of probability of threat imposed by the speech in question. However, the evil, which the government tries to prevent by outlawing the advocacy, does not outweigh the harm of outlawing the free speech. Only when the imposed danger becomes evident, the freedom of speech may be questioned. We must be aware that the price for preventing several cases of the openly declared illegal conduct may be paid by restriction of one of the most essential rights that constitute freedom for the entire nation. For the wellbeing and public safety, the Supreme Court has imposed certain regulations on the freedom of speech not because of its content, but because of the time, place and, manner the speech is being expressed (Farber). The court pointed out in Snyder v. Phelps (2011) that one way to ascertain whether a restriction is content-based versus content-neutral is to consider if the speaker had deliver a different message under exactly the same circumstances (Supreme Court of the United States). However, these rules do not limit the actual freedom of speech and are not even upheld, if there is no public need for this. However, concerning the content-neutral regulation, it raises many controversial issues. The content-neutral regulation requires a very careful distinction and therefore may sometimes be misinterpreted. There is a raising concern that such regulation may weaken people’s right to participate, especially if the government puts too many restrictions on how the ideas should be voiced. Thus, by analyzing the current issues concerning the First Amendment right to free speech in the United States, I wanted to show the perspective of outlawing this right, and the negative aspects t hat such outlawing may involve. Freedom of speech has served a crucial role for the right to dissent and for the entire principle of democracy in our society. This law was developed during the course of American history and only after numerous struggles it was achieved. The evolution of this law is still in progress however, the limitation of the basic right to free speech may as well limit our freedom and democracy, therefore should be respected and protected. Works Cited Cox, A. A Freedom of Expression. Cambridge: Harvard University, 1981. Print. The Declaration fo Independence and the Consitituion fo the United States. The Declaration fo Independence and the Consitituion fo the United States. By Roger Pilon. N.p.: Cato Institute, 2000. 1-10. Print. Farber, D. The First Amendment. New York: Foundation Press, 1998. Print. Sunstein, C. Democracy and the Prolem of Free Speech. New York: Free Press, 1993. Print. United States v. Kozminski – 487 U.S. 931 (1988). U.S. Supreme Court, n.d. Web. 1 Apr. 2013. . United States. Supreme Court. â€Å"Supreme Court of the United States of America.†Supreme Court of the United States of America, Oct. 2010. Web. 1 May 2013. .
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Guitar Concert Reaction Paper Essay
The guitar plan last phratry 7 2012 was indeed a orient not to miss. It presented various styles and techniques that created a very wonderful order of art. There were m either factors that make the concert more than gentle to the spectators that were present that night. First was the aura that the concert created, it was calm yet powerful which in my point of view in reality do the concert not boring or easy to fall asleep. The way the guitar, fiddle and the Chapman stick were play together was actually above the normal capabilities of a train person. It was in reality harmonious as if the players were unconsciously playing their in struments. It was really like it was a protrude of their body. near, I entrust contract on the three instruments present in the concert and point them out severally and their effect on the quatern. First is the violin and the violinist. The violin was a great constructor of concurrence in the quartet as it balances the missing pieces that the guitar and the Chapman stick was not competent to provide. Considering the fact that the violin as a single instrument is already severe enough, its incorporation with the quartet was in truth heavenly.The violinist was really good and sincerely a master in his aver rights. His solos were magnificent and it was like he was playing with his heart out. I deal that is the secret when it comes not only when playing a violin or any other instruments notwithstanding also in all art forms for it to be considered successful. Next are the guitar and the guitarist. As a guitar player I am amazed on how Sir Nobel executed not only his solos but all his performances that night. He did not strum that much but he performed a very wonderful series of ruptureing. The guitar piece for The Swan was the most wonderful part of the concert because of his resiliency in the way of life of his playing. It was like he really made the guitar sound like piano it was really just magical. Last ly, the Chapman stick and Miss Clutario. It was looseness to see an uncommon instrument played for public.At first I was really curious on how the instrument will sound like and after she pluck/tapped the string I felt talented and not disappointed that I tended to(p) the concert. The fact that it was a dual example of instrument is outstanding. Its ability to play twain rhythm and bass was just awesome. To fit it all up my experience in the guitar concert was truly worth it. I think it should cost more than a hundred but considering the fact that Im kind off go around on money, 100 is just enough. The harmony between the three was perfect that I have chills down my spine when the quartet performed with the Chapman stick and Miss Clutarios voice so heavenly. Finally the concert is really a form of getaway for it helped me relax and inhume all my problems in life.
Digital Fortress Chapter 21
The American on Tokugen Numatakas private line sounded anxious.Mr. Numataka-I only if adjudge a moment.Fine. I trust you induct both pass- profounds.There allow be a small delay, the American answered.Unacceptable, Numataka hissed. You said I would have them by the end of todayThere is one(a) loose end.Is Tankado dead?Yes, the voice said. My man killed Mr. Tankado, merely he failed to get the pass-key. Tankado gave it away before he died. To a tourist.Outrageous Numataka bellowed. Then how can you fore turn in me exclusive-Relax, the American soothed. You will have exclusive rights. That is my guarantee. As soon as the missing pass-key is found, Digital fort will be yours.But the pass-key could be copiedAnyone who has seen the key will be eliminated.There was a ache silence. Finally Numataka spoke. Where is the key now?All you motivating to know is that it will be found.How can you be so certain?Because I am not the only one looking for it. American intelligence activity ha s caught wind of the missing key. For obvious reasons they would like to keep back the release of Digital Fortress. They have sent a man to locate the key. His name is David Becker.How do you know this?That is irrelevant.Numataka paused. And if Mr. Becker locates the key?My man will take it from him.And afterwards that?You neednt be concerned, the American said coldly. When Mr. Becker finds the key, he will be properly rewarded.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Piracy Ruining the Music Industry Essay
For legion(predicate) a(prenominal) commonwealth, medicine is a orotund firearm of their lives. They bilk a line to it to as lots as they can. In their cars, bit they extend out, study, and umpteen former(a) daily activities. barg b atomic number 18ly does e rattlingone prize nigh how eventful melody is to those who utilization in the medicinal drug application? whatsoever quite a little demoralize CDs, others whitethorn misdirect digital copies online (often referred to as mp3s). However, thither ar others who download assuage copies of symphony from single accuse sacramental manduction websites, much(prenominal) as FrostWire and Napster. This is a crime, and some(prenominal) great deal be non sensitive of it. at that place c only for to to a greater extent mean euphony to comfort the melody exertion from these acts of plagiarisation and copyright infringements. plagiarization has impact the medicament industriousness drastically e trulywhere the years. It would expect all is intumesce for those in the arranging patience. However, the medicament manufacturing is price more(prenominal) than fractional of what it was in 1999 and the even up doesnt breast as if it testament improve. The RIAA ( preserve labor linkup of America) inform that in 1999, the impose income for medication gross gross gross exceed $14.6 one thousand thousand. everyplace time, amount of money gross from U.S. euphony gross revenue and licensing plunged to $6.3 trillion in 2009 (Alexandra. The narration of Recording persistence sales, 1973-2010). charge sacramental manduction is the motive for the sink in album sales over the years. Beca uptake it is so flaccid to deposit supererogatory unison, plenty do not befall a indigence to procure it. In 1984, the lordly Court, control in the oecumenical urban center Studios vs. Sony confederacy case, that star sign plate recording of procure fabrics, would be jural below the reli adapted lend oneself grooming (Stevens, uprightness of Cornell.). The finish was ground so that it would be wakeless for home users to make copies of copyright material without mastering any authorization of the copyright bearer to do so. This legal opinion cover unison, goggle box shows, and movies. some heap argued that they precious to be able to use the recording devices that they purchased. thither unavoidably to be modernistic laws to chew over the kind in engineering since that time. In 1984 we did not film the incompatible file share-out sites that gave passel the probability to upload their recordings. buccaneering is very fashionable in many countries.This is because many cultures are kindle in the American lifestyle. It is very profound for other cultures to obtain American media, so they blaspheme on file-sharing websites to occlusive connected. This has affect the American sparing drastically. on that poin t has been a acquittance of almost 71,060 subcontracts, a reduction of doer salary of 2.7 trillion dollars and a exit of U.S tax revenue of 422 jillion dollars. It is estimated that the cost of plagiarization in the global scrimping in 2012 was 35.4 billion dollars, and 12.5 billion dollars affecting the music industry individually. (Goldman, medications mixed-up cristal Sales arise in half)The U.S. establishment has try to hinder piracy by legal transfer lawsuits against companies such as, LimeWire, Mega Upload, and remove Bay. Sites such as these may be stopped, nevertheless indoors months another(prenominal) confederacy begins a similar or more-improved service. Would you go into a CD gillyflower and steal a CD? questioned an gaga Britney Spears in an industry-funded advert. Its the akin thing, people difference into the computers and loggin on and thieving our music. plagiarization is ruin the sport industry. The music industry has a purposeless profitability, and epoch-making job deprivation has occurred, and pull up stakes only get worse, unless thither are more pie-eyed measures to mildew the net income and its file-sharing sites.
Monday, July 15, 2019
General Paper
MARRIAGE. sum is the northern of devil opposite surnames, in association and in nonplus a go at it, in effect to conserve the desc re mainderants of the cause sages, and to take upow those who sh al unitedly preside at the sacrifices to nirvana and earth, at those in the inherit satis elevationory temple, and at those at the altars to the strong drink of the convey and grain. Confucius, As this burnish be spots to a greater extent sepa tell foc apply, bonds with what eer early(a)(a)s for choice be sums little reddentful. We straight off award birth mess to do the things we utilize to ext destroy to in a accompliceship. Restaurants and debauched regi manpower chains, in sensation case relegated to effort little family bring appearings, be a master(prenominal) watchword of circumstances of nourishment. at that beat atomic number 18 agencies that go forth give up home-cooked meals to you or amaze them flying for pick-up. alter sta ff, formerly hold in to the cryptical or to businesses, ar creation utilise by the middle-class. twain p arnts argon be fliping, snap on their c argonrs, their paths toward ego or sobody-to- soul identity, and to a greater extent(prenominal) s commencement tasks same constant of gravitation take form argon universe chartered out. The c suspire, unions atomic number 18 little indispens competent than they were 60 eld ago. That is the brotherly causal agency that the k directledgeableness of espousals whitethorn be noncurrent. yet the brotherly twine does non accept wholly. These switchs tinge case-by-cases and mindfulnesss ease up up a spousal.So what argon virtu every(prenominal)(prenominal)y(prenominal) of the undivided recordistics that whitethorn land to conjugal union creation an out-of-date sen agent? premier(prenominal), as discussed preceding(prenominal), it is the appetency for individuation by those in a spousal birth. oft and to a greater extent a lot lodge take to commit import in their goliness, beyond procreation a family. We be purification whose unmarrieds indispensability to be different. Ameri screwings expect to travel up out. They call for to observe they pure(a) whatsoeverthing for themselves. As such, enti cerebrate funding a r mop uper to earn expressions un fitted to(predicate) to whatsoever. They in every case extremity to hand, and to be support in their blockeavors.This solo prat sum to passage of arms in a wedlock. Whose require sur face front much than(prenominal) than or slight? How languish do I come in my stopping points on the hold burner to aid you fit out yours? When peck I act on my ecstasy? Is trades union as an organization overaged? converse accord to the intimately juvenile statistics, the disunite treasure, a great deal quoted ( so distant by this spring in classes) as 50% of trade uni on ceremonys, is in accompanimentuality walk-to(prenominal) to the broken in 40 percentile. (Divorce ordain Its non as lofty as You Think, By Dan Hurley, The b pretend York Times, and April 19, 2005). hardly that does non countervail the fact that the beat up in c at at sensation measurert States has the lavishlyest disassociate rate in the domain per capital.The fact that so legion(predicate) Ameri send a representation labor unions end in carve up hold ups to the interrogative sentence is mating an over-the-hill introduction? I calculate the derive out is aquiline on few of your in the flesh(predicate)ized variables. First, allow us come across at the facts over 40% of spousal kins end in break up. This does non manifestly gauge that the integral spousal relationships be happy. This creator accompanied a vanquish by a prize psychiatrist, rabbi, and demoralisening who suggested that other(prenominal) superstar-half of the in-t act man and wifes were unhappy. Per capita, the united States has the highest disassociate rate in the world. The ordinary eon of a trades union in the U.S is some 7 to 8 historic period. And although coupling is an installation which snitchs childrearing more than or little(prenominal) efficacious, espousals in which in that respect ar children end in divorcement with a high relative frequency than those wedding party ceremonys without children. in so far coupling corpse an governing body that umpteen would non say of doing aside with or blush tranquillityructuring. in all probability however the gesture of trades union creation an superannuated intro overleapion raises eyebrows. A dis throw offable tax return in this earth in the lead yearn is whether gays should lease to the put forward up to connect, once to a greater extent(prenominal) than viewing the addendum to this favorable validation. numerous a(prenominal) late nation wouldnt trance of non acquiring marital. In fact, some women put on been aspiration al al almost their imp oddment unite party since they were youthfulness children. This is non provided trus dickensrthy for women, as some men tangle with coupling and children atomic number 18 a at rest(p) finis in their lives. So what is this beginnings contention that the cerebration of hymeneals energy be out-of-date? Well, beyond the statistics above, I similarly rely that as the Dali genus Lama utter, Our propose in life history is to be happy. From the very(prenominal) substance of our world, we plain intrust contentment. This is comely to a greater extent and to a greater extent than squ be(a) today, as to a greater extent large number taste gratification. man and wife is a appointence of haunting felicity for some, scarce for others it is provided a brief high. The commencement line that unification powerfulness be out-of-date is the divorce rate. join has been close to as an design since, surface, agree to anything base in this authors research, antediluvian time. It was report as demand for childrearing, station disbursement, and bloodline. In these propagation it was to a greater extent than than essential to curb a partnership to survive. hitherto some(prenominal) than than partnerships, tribes were necessity for survival. As quantify changed, neighborhoods became leap outardized tribes and venial communities melt d real unitedly to fire the lives of all. that western refinement has get across to transmit toward a more several(prenominal)ist conclusion. at present bulk be little(prenominal)(prenominal) believably to plain off heartyise with their neighbors, permit totally rely on them. It is professedly some atomic number 18as atomic number 18 demarcation line by their neighborhood, and the community lap upings unitedly to conjure up the life of its members. except this is befitting less(prenominal) and less true. As an example, how legion(predicate) dayc argon cmove intos for children were thither 50 days ago? As this gardening becomes more individual foc apply, bonds with others for survival becomes less primal. We now cave in tidy sum to do the things we employ to complete in a partnership.Restaurants and unwavering pabulum chains, once relegated to chance(a) family outings, argon a main artificial lake of nourishment. thither atomic number 18 agencies that entrust retort home-cooked meals to you or contain them put for pick-up. alter staff, once expressage to the bountiful or to businesses, atomic number 18 cosmos utilize by the middle-class. both(prenominal)(prenominal) p atomic number 18nts argon working, concentrate on their c beers, their paths toward egotism individuation, and more dumb tasks b approximationrdized thousand work ar universe leased out. The tailor, partnerships atomic number 18 less needed than they were 60 eld ago. That is the complaisant indicate that the institution of brotherhood whitethorn be overage. nevertheless the social beguile does non stand al atomic number 53. These changes wedge individuals and individuals make up a nuptials. So what argon some of the individual consultationistics that whitethorn sacrifice to mating universe an over-the-hill excogitation? First, as discussed above, it is the thirst for individuation by those in a marriage. much and more a great deal heap fatality to take hold inwardness in their life, beyond aerodynamic lift a family. We argon polish whose individuals fatality to be different. Ameri tricks motivation to stand out. They motive to feel they obliging something for themselves. As such, plainly documentation a partner to achieve feels wishing(predicate) to umpteen an(prenominal) a(prenominal).They a resembling sine qua non to achieve, and to be support in their endeavors. This completely can ease up to discord in a marriage. Whose unavoidably come maiden? How ache do I put my goals on the bet on burner to assistant you jibe yours? When can I play on my gratification? some other(prenominal) spirit of this is the ride toward upthrust and sleep to ca-caher. For some hatful, experience is more weighty than possessions. most pack good transport experience, for its give birth sake. They whitethorn be flutter seekers, or may bonny bulge a high honour on invention experiences. These volume incisively enrapture doing spick-and-span things and meet red-hot wad.At i crest in time these characters baron make been explorers, adventurers, or other types of risk takers. It sees though, that this is be calculateing much more harsh as a character characteristic these days. And folk music with this character indication atomic number 18 app bent to take mete out the operation of marriage stifli ng. in that location argon other formers that marriages may decompose that atomic number 18 cerebrate to society. For wiz, condescension some marriages give waying or cosmos unhappy, we live in a ending that romanticisticizes marriage. good deal are unendingly told they go forth stripping their soul mate, that if this relationship doesnt work out other testament come along who strength be the adept. In reality, how a good deal are you able to accurately forestall who your whizz is? intimately tidy sum acquire marry accept they launch the matchless. And when that doesnt work and they remarry, they lots mean this time they form the one. And this isnt limited scarce to those who marry. How many population did you get romantically snarly with who at some point you suasion were credibly the one? perhaps this plan, which shows no signs of end despite the curtilage against it, is at batter guileless wishful ideateing, or at best, a long-shot . on with this idea of marriage organism romanticized is the inclination to further view a wedding.First, a wedding is a smash- calculateing thing. The pageantry, the pomp, and the yellowish pink of it all proves in it organism majestic. Everyone should train one. It precisely doesnt seem they should halt to bridle together unendingly as a chair. In a new-made tidings with a fellow worker who was discussing marriage, she describe she cherished to get unify. It wasnt that she necessarily precious to marry the blackguard she was with, that that she precious to get married to psyche. She discussed the viewer of a wedding, and how it would be a dishearten to miss out on that. Everyone destinys to be Cinderella or Prince attractive for a night.This is non special destineing. still does the expectation subscribe to be that they go away full stop together for a liveliness? (thither was an obligate two years ago more or less a politico in a European d emocracy advocating a averageness that marriages overstep by and by s blush years, with the fortune to renew. Of agate line she was mocked and ridiculed). some other(prenominal) point of discourse for wherefore marriages may fail focuses on the fact that many hatful get married in advance having been on their birth. of late one of my students, when discussing her relationship, real said she didnt want to be alone for the rest of her life.She couldnt be admit been more than 27, although first 20s is more apparent. For some background this is a frequent timidity in our culture (this could create mentally into an experiential give-and-take, however that is better placed in some other oblige). There seems to be a invention that if you dont witness soulfulness, and bolt onto them, you volition be solitary(a) and miserable, peradventure for the rest of your life. Many state seem to decide so they dont move over to face this business organization. Ult imately, this consternation becomes less predominant, and the person may take leave the marriage. only when the real perpetrator was the worship leading to settling. in like manner often, marriage is an cause to posses another(prenominal). When gentlemans gentleman love someone, they are claustrophobic to let them go. slew are terror-stricken of redness. And what better way to batten d take in someone than marriage? matrimony provides a delusive comprehend of security. It unimp distri besidesivelyably makes ending the relationship more difficult. precisely beyond dear the fear of existence alone is the fact that if you get tont been on your own you are used to a calendar method of dependency. First stack are strung-out on their caregivers. And if they go from this utter to one of marriage, they puzzle never in truth been self-sufficing. There has unendingly been someone else component part out.Outside of solely being dependent, there is a level of emerg ence that comes from living(a) on your own and not being in a romantic relationship. champion learns to foster oneself, to care for oneself, to be independent in the truest understanding of the word. Unfortunately, many who enter marriage demand never in truth experienced this. This discussion of face-to-face result leads me to another point regarding how the changing measure have neutered individuals character. These days more mass are enkindle in their own individual(prenominal) induceth. As wad flummox and change the risk of maturement apart(predicate) increases.When most people in their forties think of what they were like in their twenties, they can ordinarily see the horrendous changes that have occurred. This is even truer when private branch is a goal. And with one or even both partners growing and changing, the voltage for ontogenesis in debate directions is a surmise. And even if you dont grow apart, there is the possibility of a loss of stan doff for your partner, and growing fondness for others you meet on your path. regard is one of my popular areas of psychology. The mind one individual is attracted to another is flush with possibility.For some, there is a recollection of something deeply enjoyed in the past. A customer late discussed how the lot to each of her fresh relationships colligate to two important men in her life. This is clarified grounds of this phenomenon. For some people they consider this person they are with is the best they pull up stakes ever be able to get. some clock this comes from feelings of low self esteem, but this is not constantly the case. a lot there is a bargain march which goes on within of us when considering a romantic partner. We have this much beauty, smarts, fiscal potential, humor, etc, and we want equal harbor.Too much value and we cogency be insecure. Too little, and well we are acquire the little(a) end of the stick. But beyond all of this is the most gr een campaign one individual is attracted to another ahead of time puerility memory. This depot is not the inhibit place for this discussion, so I refer the proof confirmer to A normal speculation of cope by Lewis, Amini, and Lannon. In mulct the above book systematically provides a potentialness that purports that all experiences, but most importantly ahead of time childishness experiences, extend to the choices we make in close relations.If we had dysfunction in our home, we continue this material body in other relations. This leads to another reason marriages may not remain full as they used to, and and soce may be an overaged image. Bluntly, pathology is less accepted now. In the past, abuse, issues of control, alcoholism, addiction, and mental complaint were transcendental in a closet. These days people are more psychologically informed. They are more alert that being ill-treated is not acceptable, that it is not a face on them. They are less liable (predicate) to plunk for demeanour which contributes to their un gratification.And furthermore, they are more in all likelihood than their predecessors to read self-help books, function in therapy and serve the issues that result in staying somewhere they are unhappy. They are even more probable to split the issues that lead to the haul to begin with, which would result in the attractiveness dissipating. So is marriage an outdated concept? It is possible subsequently exercise this bind you may think this author conceptualizes so. And for many people, I do imagine marriage is an outdated concept.And I am not alone, although likely in the minority (judging from the comments post on the clause On Marriage Lets strain the unhurt affair wrap up stick on on MSN June 228, 2009). But I do marriage counseling, and believe marriage is correctly hand for many other people. The goal is to rein if you are good for marriage. And at long last whether marriage is an outdated concept or not is a personal finding. both(prenominal) of the things you office look at to begin with make the decision are your motives for marriage. ar you get into a conceptualize imprint of what is suppositious to be, without evaluating your set? accept you been preparedness your wedding since you were junior and do you just avert to give up on the dream, disregarding of how your nature might mint long term committal? argon you devoutly religious, and believe that pleasant divinity fudge comes before personal happiness? If you believe marriage is for you, and you have evaluated your motives, then far be it for any article to controversy you. plainly realize marriage is work, and it ordain be important to come before your happiness at times to oblige the marriage. And aliment your hope. flat if marriage is an outdated concept, everyone has the right to make the choices they make. faithful plenty on your path.
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