Wednesday, December 25, 2019
K. 332 First Movement Analysis Essay - 2002 Words
Mozart Sonata No. 12 in F Major K. 332 First Movement Rachel Gilmore MTC 461.001 November 26, 2012 The first movement of Mozart’s piano Sonata No. 12 in F Major is written fairly typically in the very structured sonata form. Historically is follows the main guidelines that were understood for the form. Harmonically, is progresses like expected. There are a few surprises here and there, but they are typical for Mozart’s compositions, especially his sonatas of the 18th century. In all, it makes a very interesting piece of work, especially with so much contrast within it. The formal structure of the first movement is sonata form. Not only is this evident in the title but it is very clear after an analysis of the piece has been done.†¦show more content†¦The No. 12 F Major sonata is a great example. The first movement in itself has seven different melodic devices. The harmony tends to stay within the realm of normal for the 1700’s. There are places, though, where Mozart again drifts from common practices. Mozart was fairly well known for his inventive bridge sections during the expositions of his sonatas. In these bridge sections, Mozart would begin a theme on v (minor), â™ III, III, VI, or V that eventually creates the false sense of having transposed to the dominant V key. Often Mozart would proceed to the tonic sounding V with an augmented sixth chord. He does just this in Sonata number 12, as shown in the example on the top of the next page in measures sixty-four through sixty-seven. VI7 ii7 V7 Ger+6 V Mozart begins a harmony on a Major sixth chord and leads into a V with a seventh chord, giving a dominant to tonic feel. He further gives this effect by leading into another V with the augment sixth German chord that has been filled out with a perfect fifth and a major third above the Aâ™ bass. Though the augmented sixth chord is voiced unorthodoxly, it gives the same effect. The chord structure of this work is very functional. Cadence points are fairly clear and the phrases are usually of aShow MoreRelatedFrequency Of Occurrence, Mat 540 : Statistical Concepts For Research1771 Words  | 8 Pages Frequency of Occurrence MAT 540: Statistical Concepts for Research Dr. Nicholas Jewczyn Windell K Smith Jr September 29, 2014 Introduction American Sign Language (ASL) is a language that uses manual signs, body movements and Non Manual Signals (NMS) (i.e., eye gazes, head tilts, and mouth movements) instead of sound to convey meaning (Stokoe, 1960). Most of the early research on sign language during the 1960’s and 1970’s, focused on handshapes. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Graduation Essay The Generation Jobless - 1449 Words
Graduates in Canada The Generation Jobless documentary has enlightened me on how bad the after graduation unemployment situation is in Canada. There are more cons than there are pros in the unemployment situation. Some of the positive parts of the graduation unemployment are, the places that help graduates finds jobs, that they graduated with a degree in something, and that they put themselves up higher on the education ladder. Just a few of the cons are underemployment, pointless debt because graduates can’t find jobs in their fields, server jobs are the only jobs graduates can find, and graduates are let go faster than others that have more experience. I feel that Canada needs to do something fast about this issue because they have one of the highest unemployment rates for graduates in OECD countries. There are very few pros in the unemployment situation in Canada. Graduating in Canada has a few good things about it. The jobs that the young graduates are highly educated in a certain field, and if they can find a job in that field then they are good. They are also overqualified for the positions that they can find, which makes their jobs easier on them. A website is available and it helps recent college students (and non-recent college students) find jobs. The website is called Talent Egg, and it has helped some students find jobs. Also there is a university in Canada that guarantees students jobs by the time that they graduate. If students do not find jobs within a yearShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Urbanization of Poverty2440 Words  | 10 Pagesboth racially and economically segregated are overwhelmingly negative. Children in racially and segregated schools tend to have worse educational outcomes than other students and are more likely to be suspended or expelled or to drop out before graduation. Failure to complete school contributes to a lifelong lack of human capital (Coleman, 1988) both for the individual and his or her community. The res ult is that urban neighborhoods that are both high-minority and high-poverty are populated byRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pageseventually pay off.†Scott is not alone. In the past 5 years, millions of U.S. workers have lost their jobs, and millions of new entrantsâ€â€many of them, like Scott, under 30 have had trouble finding suitable work. Sources: L. Uchitelle, â€Å"A New Generation, an Elusive American Dream†New York Times (July 7, 2010), pp. A1, A11; B. Levin, â€Å"Sending Out an S.O.S.: Who Will Give This a Handout/Job?†Dealbreaker (July 7, 2010), 2 What Is OrganizationalRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 Pagesbecome the fastest growing segments in the workforce, and accommodating their needs has become a vital responsibility for managers. Furthermore, during this time, birth rates in the United States began to decline during the 1960s. The baby boom generation had already reached its apex in terms of employment opportunities, which meant that as hiring continued, the pool of baby boomers dwindled. Workforce Diversity 11 DID YOU KNOW? Chief Diversity Officer Deborah Dagit stands just four
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Australia’s Economic Growth
Question: Discuss about the Australias Economic Growth. Answer: Australias Economic Growth After two long decades of continuous economic growth, low inflation, a vibrant financial system, and reduced government debt, Australia entered 2016 facing a range of constraints. By and large, the reduced growth was predominantly driven by a sharp decline in the global prices of the economys key export products (Murphy 2016). As a result, the economy contracted unexpectedly in 2016 (Janda 2016). Notably, this was the first contraction to be experienced in the country since 2011s March quarter. Regardless, the economy of Australia is expected to experience an increase in its economic growth in the near future. It is crucial to note that in June 2016, the country brought up a historical and unique economic record of economic growth. As at that time, the country had experienced 25 years of uninterrupted economic growth (Scutt 2016). In the same year, the level of GDP growth rate was recorded as 3.3 percent. Notably, this is the fastest level of growth experienced in the country over the last four years (Hutchen 2016). It is a remarkable achievement, given that the country is going through an economic transition. At the time, the countrys economic growth was only second to that of the Netherlands (Scutt 2016). It is worth noting that various factors contributed to the remarkable economic growth experienced in the country in the last few years. A robust growth in the countrys population led to a significant boost in the level of economic activity in the aggregate economy. Particularly, this brought about a significant increase in the countrys aggregate demand. In addition, the rise of the Chinese economy and past economic reforms in the country were a significant factor in enhancing the countrys GDP. Today, the Australian economy has unlimited potential to expand. Economic growth in 2016 Typically, economic growth pertains to the increase in an economys capacity to produces services and goods from one period to another. Basically, it is the increase in a countrys aggregate productivity. It is measured either in real terms or in nominal terms. Traditionally, this indicator is measured in the form of the GDP or the GNP. An increase in the countrys economic growth brought about by efficient use of inputs is called intensive growth. On the other hand, growth caused by an increase in the amount of inputs available for use is referred to as extensive growth. In the third quarter of last year, the Australian economy experienced a contraction of 0.5 percent. It is worth noting that this contraction was unanticipated given the past performance of the economy. The June quarter had achieved a 0.6 percent growth. It missed the market consensus by about 0.3 percent (Australia GDP 2017). Thus, it was expected that the level of growth would continue for the rest of the year. Markedly, this decline in growth was the first the second quarter of 2011. It was also the fastest decline since the 2008s December period (Australia GDP 2017). Consequently, this reduced the level of investment and net trade in the country. Throughout the year, the economy slowed sharply from a 3.3 percent expansion in the June quarter. During this period, it grew by a mere 1.8 percent yet forecasts had estimated a 2.5 percent growth. From 1959 until 2016, the average rate of economic growth in the country is estimated at 0.85 percent. During this period, the highest level of growth was attained in 1976, at a record high of 4.40 percent (Australia GDP 2017). In contrast, the lowest level was experienced in 1974 at -2.10 percent in the second quarter (Australia GDP 2017). Last year, the gross fixed capital formation declined by about 2.7 percent. In turn, this led to a decline in the level of growth by 0.7 percent. In the same way, the degree of private investments in the economy dropped by 0.8 percent. Primarily, this is attributed to the 1.4 percent drop in dwelling constructions, a 1.3 percent fall in non-dwelling construction and a 4.9 percent decline in ownership transfer costs. In addition, there was a 0.3 percent decline in the level of GDP growth caused by a massive fall in private investments in the building sector. Likewise, new and used dwellings, and new engineering reduced the GDP growth by about 0.1 and 0.2 percent in that order (Australia GDP 2017). In turn, this reduced the overall rate of economic growth in the country. Just like private investments, public investments in the economy also declined. Particularly, private investments dropped by 10.4 percent. Consequently, this detracted 0.2 percent points the countrys GDP growth. In the same period, the state and local general governments investments fell by 13. 0 percent, while the national and general governments investments dropped by approximately 16.8 percent (Australia GDP 2017). Therefore, the level of economic growth in the country was strained, thereby leading to contractions in growth during the third quarter. Regardless, the level of export services and goods from the country rose by 0.3 percent. Imports grew faster at around 1.3 percent. For this reason, the net exports contracted, thereby reducing the countrys GDP growth by 0.2 percentage points. There was also a change in the total inventories by AUD 1503 million. Markedly, this is a significant increase compared to the previous quarter. Subsequently, this contributed about 0.1 percent to the countrys GDP (Australia GDP 2017). Predominantly, the increase was brought about by an upsurge in retail inventories and wholesale trade in the country. The September quarter of last year saw an increase in the level of final consumption expenditure by 0.3 percent (Australia GDP 2017). As such, household spending picked up by 0.4 percent. Mainly, this is attributed to the fact that there has been an increase in the number of cafes, restaurants, and hotels in the country. In addition, the economy realized a 2.2 percent upsurge in the level of insurance services in the economy. Financial services in the economy also increased by 1.3 percent (Australia GDP 2017). On the other hand, government expenditure also declined. With regard to industry, mining activities reduced by 0.8 percent. Primarily, this occurred because of the reduction in mining support services and exploration in the economy. Thus, coal mining dropped by 0.5 percent, oil and gas by 1.3 percent and other mining activities by 3.1 percent. Similarly, the construction industry declined by 3.6 percent. Retail trade and the real estate services fell by 0.8 and 2.4 percent respectively. Despite the declines in these industries, the fishing, forestry and agricultural sector realized a 7.5 percent growth. Primarily, this was driven by increases in cotton, grains and livestock output. There was also an increase in information media and telecommunications in the economy. The real net disposable income rose by 0.8 percent in the third quarter. This was an upsurge from the June quarter 0.5 percent growth. By a large extent, this was supported by the 4.5 percent rise in Australias terms of trade. Notably, the terms of trade increased consecutively for the first time since the September quarter 2011. It is the combination of these components that brought about the 1.8 percent growth in GDP in the last quarter of 2016, down from a 3.3 percent expansion in the preceding quarter (ABS 2017). Economic growth over the last few years It is imperative to note that the Australian economy has performed relatively well compared to many other advanced countries since the global financial crisis. As such, the nation emerged out of the 2008 crisis better than other economies (Ong 2016). Notably, the country has gone through 25 years without experiencing the effects of an economic recession. Its economic growth rates are higher than most OECD countries. Now, the country has reached a transition phase where its terms of trade are influenced by the peak of the mining investments boom. Thus, the economy is operating under the production and export phase (Ong 2016). Its economic growth rates are higher than most OECD countries. The service sector is one of the biggest contributors to the countrys GDP. Approximately, it accounts for about 70 percent of the GDP. It also accounts for 75 percent of the jobs in the Australian economy (Ong 2016). In the recent past, the country benefitted from a massive increase in its terms of trade. However, the trend has been reduced following the decline in global commodity prices. The countrys abundance and a rich endowment of natural resources encourages foreign investments. Besides, the country is an open market with minimal regulations on imports of products and services (Murphy 2016). This has led to significant economic growth in the country. From 2011, the rate of economic growth in Australia has been interchanging between expansions and contractions. In 2011, the level of economic growth in the country was estimated at 2.7 percent of the GDP. The subsequent year realized a significant increase in the level of economic growth estimated at 3.6 percent. However, in 2013, this figure dropped to 2.0 percent, after which it rose sharply to 2.7 percent in 2014. Notably, this figure dropped again in 2015 to about 2.4 percent (GDP in Australia 2015). The GDP purchasing power parity has constantly been increasing since 2014. Specifically, the countrys PPP rose from about $1.128 trillion in 2014 to $1.156 trillion in 2015. Last year, the value further increased and was estimated at $1.189 trillion. When compared to the rest of the world, Australia is ranked at position 20 in terms of the GDP PPP (Westcott 2016). On the other hand, the real growth rate has been experiencing ups and downs since 2014. In 2014, real growth was approximated as 2.7 percent. However, in the succeeding year, the figure dropped to about 2.4 percent. It later increased to around 2.9 percent last year (CIA 2017). In terms of real growth, the country is ranked at position 102 globally. Additionally, the country has been experiencing substantial growth in the level of GDP per capita over the past few years. As at 2014, Australias GDP per capita was estimated as $47, 800. Remarkably, the value increased in the following year to $48300. Last year the estimated per capita increased further to $48800 (CIA 2017). Indeed, the continuous increase the level of per capita income indicates substantial increases in the level of economic activity and economic growth in the country. Today, Australia is ranked 26th globally with respect to the level of per capita. It is also important to point out the fact that Australias gross national savings have reduced significantly over the past 3 years. According to the CIA, the level of gross national saving as at 2014 was approximately 23.7 percent of the GDP (CIA 2017). However, this component saw a significant decline in the following year. Specifically, the level of national saving decreased to 22.1 percent of the GDP in 2015. What is more, the value further dropped in 2016 to about 21.7 percent of the GDP (CIA 2017). Regardless, the economy experienced a decline in the level of unemployment rate between 2015 and 2016. Unemployment in Australia dropped from 6.1 percent to 5.8 percent (CIA 2017). In the same way, the level of inflation declined between the two years. In 2015, the inflation rates were estimated at 1.5 percent. However, last year, the inflation rate dropped slightly by 0.1 percent. Remarkably, the level of imports decreased between this period from about $207.7 billion to 203.1 billion. Similarly, the exports from the country also decreased from $188.3 to $184.3 billion (RBA 2016). Exchange rates in the country have seen a steady increase since the beginning of 2012. In 2012, the exchange rate level was recorded at 0.97 Australian dollars per every 1 US dollar. The rate further increased to 1.1094 Australian dollars per US dollar in 2013. The trend continued steadily, with the value increasing to 1.3291 in 2014. Notably, in the following year, the exchange rate between the countrys dollar and the US dollar remained constant. Last year, the rate dropped slightly to 1.352 AUD per US dollar (CIA 2017). Effects of Economic Growth Economic growth within the country has various effects both socially and economically. By and large, economic growth in Australia has brought about various positive effects for the people of Australia. However, there are also negative effects associated with it. Positive Effects Typically, economic growth in Australia has brought about an increase in the level of average income among members of the society. In turn, this has enabled the consumers to enjoy more services and goods. It has also led to improved standards of living among the Australians. Also, economic growth has led to a rise in the level of employment opportunities in the country. Higher output and economic growth encourage firms to employ more workers. For this reason, the unemployment rate in the country has gone down significantly. Low unemployment translates to reduced poverty levels in the country. Consequently, this means improved quality of life of the Australian people. Additionally, high economic growth in the country has led to a decline in government borrowing. Particularly, this is because economic growth leads to higher tax revenues. Thus, there is less need for the government to spend on social benefits like unemployment benefits. Besides, the government has less need to borrow money, thus lower government debt. Instead, the increases in revenues are used by the government to improve its provision of public services. The availability of more revenue facilitates the provision of education, health, and old age care home services, among others. What is more, economic growth in the country has facilitated the government to dedicate resources to the protection of the environment. The higher real GDP has allowed the government to promote recycling and the use of renewable sources of energy in the country. It has also allowed the government to instigate and implement various anti-pollution laws to discourage environmental pollution in the country. Aside from that, economic growth in the country has encouraged investments activities in the country. In turn, this has led to a continuous cycle of economic growth as experienced in the last 25 years. Economic growth in the country has also facilitated a wider choice for services and goods offered in the country. Mainly, this is because people have more money to spend on services and goods in the country. Consequently, this increases the aggregate demand, encouraging suppliers to produce more services and goods to meet the demand of the consumers. In this regard, an increase in the level of economic growth in Australia has benefitted both the consumers, suppliers and the society in general. Negative Impacts Despite the various benefits associated with economic growth, there are numerous negative outcomes that arise in the process. As such, economic growth in the country has brought about various environmental and social problems. Economic growth is as a result of an increase in the level of economic activity in the aggregate economy. Thus, as more output is produced by firms and as consumption for the output increases, more waste is produced. In addition, the level of emissions from industries has increased over the years, causing significant environmental pollution. Notably, such externalities reduce the social welfare of the society. The economy has also witnessed a sharp rise in property prices as a result of the continuous economic growth. Houses in regions like Melbourne, Sydney and other major cities have become unaffordable over time. The rising housing prices following the property boom in Australia has made it difficult for first time home buyers to afford and acquire housing units. In turn, affording decent housing in the country has become a significant problem that the government has to address in the near future. Australia has also experienced a rapid growth in urban areas as a consequence of high economic growth. The urban areas have grown in size, and people have moved to the areas. Over time, this has led to an increase in traffic jams, chaos, and urban sprawls. In addition, the level of crime in the regions have increased as a result. Besides, there is also inflation risk associated with economic growth (Smyth 2016). Sometimes, the level of demand exceeds the level of supply in the economy. Consequently, this brings about inflationary pressures in the economy. High economic growth in the country is also associated with an increase in income inequality among the members of the society. By and large, economic growth results in the widening of the gap between the poor and the rich in the society. Predominantly, this is brought about by the increased dispersion of income distribution within the economy. As a result, the rich in the society become richer as the poor become poorer. Various health challenges may also arise due to increases in economic growth in the country. Today, the society is facing sophisticated heath challenges due to new pressures caused by the increase in the occurrence of chronic illnesses and the aging populations. Conclusion For a long time now, the Australian economy has been performing relatively well. The economy has been experiencing increased economic growth for over 25 years. Economic recessions are unheard of in the country. However, the third quarter of 2016 saw the economy contract. By and large, this performance was largely unexpected. Regardless, the economy has great prospects for expansion in the future. The high economic growth in the country has brought about various benefits for the economy. For instance, it has led to an increase in the average income level of the people and a reduction in unemployment rates. It has also reduced the level of government debt over time. Importantly, this has led to improved living standards for the people of Australia. Regardless, the high levels of economic growth in the country are linked to various social and economic ills. There is increased pollution, a significant rise in property prices in the economy, increased traffic jams, and urban sprawls. High economic growth in the country is also linked to increased crime rate in the urban areas. There is also increased income inequality between the haves and the have-nots of the society. Even so, it is worth noting that the negative effects associated with high economic growth are much better than those connected to low economic growth. For this reason, it is vital that the level of economic growth in Australia continues. Reference List Central Intelligence Agency (2017) Australia. [Online] Central Intelligence Agency. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017]. Hutchen, G (2016). Economy is growing faster than expected at 3.1%, but news is not all good. [Online] The Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017]. Janda, M (2016). Australian economy shrinks 0.5pc in September quarter, worst fall since global financial crisis. [Online] ABC. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017]. Murphy, J (2016). Australias GDP disaster could be the best thing that ever happened to us. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017]. Ong, T (2016). GDP: Happy 25th birthday to Australia's economic growth. [Online] ABC. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017]. Reserve Bank of Australia (2016). Australian Economy Snapshot. [Online] Reserve Bank of Australia. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017]. Scutt, D (2016). Australia's economy has grown for 25 years, but it's come at a cos.t [Online] Business Insider. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017]. Smyth, J (2016). Australia downgrades economic growth forecasts. [Online] Financial Times. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017]. The Guardian (2016). Australian economic growth could slip below 3% until 2018 OECD. [Online] The Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017]. Trading Economics (2017) Australia GDP Annual Growth Rate. [Online] Trading Economics. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2017].
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Will Mozambique Replicate Successful Story in Cerrado, Brazil Challenges and Opportunities
Introduction Mozambique is a vast nation in southern Africa with a populace of roughly 23 million occupants (Rosario, 2013, p. 3). Agriculture is a very important sector of the country’s economy, with 70 percent of its rural populace depending mainly on farming for employment and livelihood. In fact, it is the second most important sector in Mozambique after the service sector.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Will Mozambique Replicate Successful Story in Cerrado, Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It accounts for nearly 25 percent of the aggregate output (Coughlin, 2006, p. 10). In addition, it has contributed considerably to the massive being made in the battle against poverty for the last two decades (Ashley Gà ªmo, 2010, p. 5). As of late, the nation has been regarded by global organizations as one of the success stories in present-day Africa. This is a result of pol itical steadiness and positive macroeconomic performance. In the last decade, the country’s aggregate output has been growing by around 8 percent every year. However, the Human Development Index in the country is still low; Mozambique is ranked number 165 out of 169 (Rosario, 2013, p. 4). This means agriculture doesn’t do so well as expected, especially being the main source of income for nearly 80 percent of the country’s population. Rural food insecurity is the main cause of poverty in Mozambique. According to the country’s ministry of agriculture, at least 37 percent of the rural population normally suffers from food shortage every year (Grabowski, 2011, p. 9). This essay will explore the state of agriculture in the South African state of Mozambique, which will include the country’s farming systems and agricultural policies, and the role of women in agriculture, among others. This will be achieved through the exploration of different theories an d concepts and key arguments between authors and their conceptual positions. Farming Systems and Role of Women in Mozambique Mozambique’s agribusiness is characterized by smallholder and sedentary farming system (Grabowski, 2011, p. 9). According to Gemo and Rivera (2001, p. 5), each active holding possesses approximately 1.1 hectares with Less than 2 percent owning more than 10 hectares. The overall productivity among the smallholder farmers is exceedingly low.Advertising Looking for essay on agriculture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Their participation in the market is also very poor because of various reasons, including high transaction costs, low yields, inadequate information and lack of market. In addition, increased land fragmentation, which is as a result of sociocultural factors such as land inheritance, has made the farms uneconomical. Nevertheless, traditional farming systems ensure survival of peasant far mers and preservation of traditional food crops. Despite constituting over 70 percent of agricultural producers, the lineage systems have restricted women access to land. Additionally, even though the government of Mozambique has ratified the African Charter on Human and Gender rights, it has not been translated into concrete actions (Gawaya, 2015, p. 8). Therefore, gender rights and full participation of women in agricultural production still remain one of the major challenges facing the country. In fact, the majority of women are like slaves because they participate in agricultural production, but do not enjoy the economic benefits. Agricultural Transformation and Development Strategy The Brazil-Mozambique partnership, along with other state-initiated programs has led to a significant transformation of the country’s agricultural sector (Nehring Wolford, 2015, p. 210). However, the biggest question that lingers in the mind of many people is whether Mozambique will replicate the success story of Cerrado, Brazil. Three decades ago, Brazil signed a trilateral agreement with the United States and Japan to modernize agricultural production and agricultural market produce. The agreement (commonly known as ProCerrado), saw Brazil transform from a food insecure to a food surplus economy, as well as lifting millions of its citizens from poverty. The Brazil’s success story has been sought after by many African countries, including Mozambique following numerous food crises that have rocked the continent over the last three decades. ProSavana, which is a replica of ProCerrado, is the best strategy to tackle the current predicaments facing the agricultural sector. ProSavana is based on Fei-Ranis model of economic growth or surplus labor model. It is not only aimed at mechanizing agricultural production, but also to support agricultural research and commodification of land, labor and capital in Mozambique. Commodification of land, labor and capital basically means increasing land areas through acquisition and privatization, commercializing farming, and enhancing access to capital. This leads to the development of large agricultural estates and increased agricultural productivity in terms of labor and agricultural output (Nehring Wolford, 2015, p. 210).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Will Mozambique Replicate Successful Story in Cerrado, Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Given the peace and tranquility enjoyed by the country and increased economic growth, ProSavana policy is achievable. In addition, the country has about 36 million hectares, with only 3.2 million hectares occupied by smallholder farmers. This offers a great opportunity for increasing agricultural land areas, embracing commercial and mechanized farming, as well as funding agricultural research and rural extension services. Commercial farming will attract excess l abor from the smallholdings to large estates due to lucrative wages. This will give women and youths an opportunity to exploit their potential and earn good income and, subsequently, reduce general poverty levels. In addition, rural extension services will make the society appreciate the role of women in agriculture and the economy as a whole (Rosario, 2013, p. 3; van den Berg, 1987, p. 382). Conclusion Agriculture in Mozambique is both a source of food and livelihood. Therefore, agricultural transformation will not only make the country a food secure nation, but also help to reduce poverty through increased income to local farmers. In addition, it caters for the needs of the marginalized, especially women and youths. The government and non-governmental organizations play a very important role in the transformation process, for example, providing support programs and building agricultural infrastructure. References Ashley, S Gà ªmo, H 2010, Assessment of Phase II of PROAGRICULTURE , Ministry of Agriculture, Maputo, Mozambique. Gawaya, R 2015, Investing in Women Farmers to Eliminate Food Insecurity in Southern Africa: Policy-Related Research from Mozambique, Rouledge, London, UK. Gemo, H., Rivera, W 2001, â€Å"Mozambique’s Move towards a Pluralistic National System of Rural Extension†, Agricultural Research and Extension Network Paper No. 110. Grabowski, P 2011, Constraints of Adoption of Conservation Agriculture in the Angonia Highland of Mozambique: Perspectives from Smallholder Hand-Hoe Farmers, Master’s Thesis, Michigan University, Michigan.Advertising Looking for essay on agriculture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Coughlin, P 2006, Agricultural intensification in Mozambique infrastructure, policy and institutional frameworkâ€â€when do problems signal opportunities? Economic Policy Research Group, Maputo, Mozambique. Nehring, R., Wolford, W 2015, â€Å"Constructing Parallels: Brazilian Expertise and the Commodification of Land, Labor and Money in Mozambique†, Canadian Journal of Development Studies, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 208-223. Rocha, A., Starkey, P., Dionisio , AC 1991, â€Å"Cattle Production and Utilization of Smallholder Farming Systems in Southern Mozambique†, Agricultural System, vol. 37, pp. 55-75. Rosario, DM 2013, From Negligence to Populism: An Analysis of Mozambique’s Agricultural Political Economy, United Nations University, Helsinki. van den Berg, J 1987, â€Å"A peasant form of production: wage-dependent agriculture in Southern Mozambique’’, Canadian Journal of African Studies, vol. 21, no.3, pp. 372-389. This essay on Will Mozambique Replicate Successful Story in Cerrado, Brazil: Challenges and Opportunities was written and submitted by user JoantheMouse to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
English 101 Reflecting Bullying Essay as a Therapeutic Experience
English 101 Reflecting Bullying Essay as a Therapeutic Experience English 101 Reflecting Bullying Essay as a Therapeutic Experience According to the UK Annual Bullying Survey 2017, 53% of 10 000 people aged between 12-20 years old have been bullied at some point in their life. They experienced verbal or physical bullying, cyberbullying, social exclusion or extortion. In fact, this type of conflict is so widespread nowadays that encountering it on daily basis isn’t surprising for anyone. Some American states have even adopted laws against bullying while the UK even doesn’t have a legal definition for it (but conducts surveys and researches on the issue). Man showing business graph on wood table Anyway, we bet you understand the seriousness of the issue. But we aren’t here to explain you something that you are well aware of. We want to tell you about therapeutic effects of writing a bullying essay. If you or your friend has ever been bullied, you always can use this approach to deal with the trauma. It Improves Your Health According to the research conducted by James W. Pennebaker, an American social psychologist, people who write about their negative emotional experience demonstrate a visible improvement of health – they visit physicians more seldom, their immune systems become stronger and some chronic illnesses recede a bit. It seems like magic, but it really works this way. It Uplifts Your Mood Long-Term Though the process of writing about the traumatic experience is quite tough as reported by the participants of the research, the aftereffect is a long-term improvement of mood and overall well-being. Writing lowers stress by allowing people to get their problems off their chest and look at them objectively, like from a distance. This way they can soberly reflect upon the impact of this negative experience and relieve some pressure. It’s like NZT-48 from Limitless! Do you remember Eddie Morra from Limitless who came across NZT-48 pills? After taking these drugs, he turned into a completely different person. Although this movie is a figment of talented Niel Burger’s imagination, the effects of NZT are pretty real and can be achieved by writing about the negative experience. Adults who described their traumas and problems in journals or notes got jobs quicker, students improved grades and started to skim classes less. They began socializing more and feeling more successful. It’s Better than Talking or Working out If you want to compare talking and exercising with writing in terms of therapeutic effects, writing pulls off a win. Why? Because the thing is in the cognitive outcome – when you translate experience into written language, you can see the story from the perspective of the observer and contemplate over it more. However, combining writing with working out and talking sessions brings much more results than using these methods separately. Writing bullying essays have much greater benefits than getting good marks for the topic you are good at. If you have ever experienced an act of bullying or you have a friend who suffers from it (even if it happens seldom), try or advise spilling everything out on the paper or Word document. You’ll be surprised by the result. Anyway, if you experience troubles in writing a paper on bullying topics, contact our English essay writing service right now.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Israeli Prime Ministers Since Establishment of the State in 1948
Israeli Prime Ministers Since Establishment of the State in 1948 Since the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, the prime minister is the head of the Israeli government and the most powerful figure in Israeli politics. Although the president of Israel is the countrys head of state, his powers are largely ceremonial; the prime minister holds most of the real power. The official residence of the prime minister, Beit Rosh Hamemshala, is in Jerusalem. The Knesset is the national legislature of Israel. As the legislative branch of the Israeli government, the Knesset passes all laws, elects the president and prime minister, although the prime minister is ceremonially appointed by the president, approves the cabinet, and supervises the work of the government. Israels Prime Ministers Since 1948 Following an election, the president nominates a member of the Knesset to become prime minister after asking party leaders whom they support for the position. The nominee then presents a government platform and must receive a vote of confidence in order to become prime minister. In practice, the prime minister is usually the leader of the largest party in the governing coalition. Between 1996 and 2001, the prime minister was directly elected, separately from the Knesset. Israeli Prime Minister Years Party David Ben-Gurion 1948-1954 Mapai Moshe Sharett 1954-1955 Mapai David Ben-Gurion 1955-1963 Mapai Levi Eshkol 1963-1969 Mapai/Alignment/Labor Golda Meir 1969-1974 Alignment/Labor Yitzhak Rabin 1974-1977 Alignment/Labor Menachem Begin 1977-1983 Likud Yitzhak Shamir 1983-1984 Likud Shimon Peres 1984-1986 Alignment/Labor Yitzhak Shamir 1986-1992 Likud Yitzhak Rabin 1992-1995 Labor Shimon Peres 1995-1996 Labor Benjamin Netanyahu 1996-1999 Likud Ehud Barak 1999-2001 One Israel/Labor Ariel Sharon 2001-2006 Likud/Kadima Ehud Olmert 2006-2009 Kadima Benjamin Netanyahu 2009-present Likud Order of Succession If the prime minister dies in office, the cabinet chooses an interim prime minister, to run the government until a new government is placed in power. According to Israeli law, if a prime minister is temporarily incapacitated rather than dies, power is transferred to the acting prime minister, until the prime minister recovers, for up to 100 days. If the prime minister is declared permanently incapacitated, or that period expires, the President of Israel oversees the process of assembling a new governing coalition, and in the meantime, the acting prime minister or other incumbent minister is appointed by the cabinet to serve as an interim prime minister. Parliamentary Parties of the Prime Ministers The Mapai Party was the party of the first prime minister of Israel during the formation of the state. It was considered the dominant force in Israeli politics until its merger into the modern-day Labor Party in 1968. The party introduced progressive reforms such as the establishment of a welfare state, providing a minimum income, security, and access to housing subsidies and health and social services. The Alignment was a group of consisting of the Mapai and Ahdut Haavoda-Poalei Zion parties around the time of the sixth Knesset. The group later included the newly formed Israel Labor Party and Mapam. The Independent Liberal Party joined the Alignment around the 11th Knesset. The Labor Party was a parliamentary group formed in the course of the 15th Knesset after Gesher left One Israel and included the Labor Party and Meimad, which was a moderate religious party, that never ran independently in Knesset elections. One Israel, the party of Ehud Barak, was made up of the Labor Party, Gesher and Meimad during the 15th Knesset. The Kadima was established towards the end of the 16th Knesset, a new parliamentary group, Achrayut Leumit, which means National Responsibility, split off from the Likud. Approximately two months later, Acharayut Leumit changed its name to Kadima. The Likud was established in 1973 around the time of the elections for the eighth Knesset. It consisted of the Herut Movement, the Liberal Party, the Free Center, the National List and Greater Israel Activists.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Imageries unveiled Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Imageries unveiled - Essay Example The general tone is one of obscurity and inconspicuous violence. It contains inconceivably dark images, which this paper is going to explore in the following paragraphs. After the first reading of the story, the reader is sufficiently horrified. But the techniques used by Faulkner make it slightly painless to digest the grotesqueness of the plot. One technique used by the author is that of jumbling the chronology of events in a suspenseful manner. The other is that of the narrator’s shifting point of view, which lays stress on Miss Emily’s strength of rationale, her detachment and her conceit. This diminishes the repugnance of her actions. The narrator of â€Å"A Rose for Emily†functions like a mirror upon Miss Emily Grierson’s life. One critic, Kenneth Payson Kempton calls her an â€Å"extreme of anonymity†yet he asserts his point across the story (Sullivan 1971). Faulkner’s use of symbols and metaphors in the story enhances the intensity of the plot. The story starts with the funeral of Miss Emily to be held in her house, not the Church. The narrator gives a description of Miss Emily and her house. She is compared with the decay of her house in many physical, emotional and mental ways. She also represents the Old South through her southern heritage, points of view and stubbornness. Her death becomes a symbol of a dying generation, since Old South generations were deteriorating very rapidly due to the changing customs and traditions. Faulkner describes her as dressed in black, leaning on a cane. Her â€Å"skeleton†is small and she looks â€Å"bloated†with a â€Å"pallid hue†. He avoids directly saying that she is dead. These phrases of depiction add to the gothic quality of the story. The back and forth movement of the narrative gives the reader a close-up of her life. She remains in denial after her father’s death. For three days she insists that her father is not dead. This prepares th e reader to expect a similar gesture from her after she poisons her lover, Homer Barron. Emily’s house is an emblem of alienation and death, enveloped with mental illness. Just like Emily, the house, too, is an object of fascination for the townspeople. Another symbol in the story is the strand of hair found on the pillow next to the dead corpse. It reminds the reader of the lost love and the extent to which people can go in pursuit of happiness. It also reveals a woman’s inner life, which refuses to submit and chooses to remain in solitude all her life. Emily, as stubborn and strict as she is, believes in abiding by the rules but in her own morality makes it permissible for herself to murder. The narrator foreshadows the discovery of the strand of hair while he portrays Emily’s transformation as she ages. The reader also comes across â€Å"black†, as a color with a very strong imagery. It represents loss, melancholy and obscurity. In her youth, Emily is completely shut from her sympathetic environment (Watkins 1954). She belonged to an aristocratic family. Her father occupied a high social position in the town of Jefferson. He shunned Emily from the rest of the world and forbade her to meet anyone. This attitude was so detrimental to her personality that she could never overcome its strength. She became extremely reliant on her father that it later became difficult for her to forget him. The story is a masterpiece for exposing such an
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Response paper on Film 12 Monkeys Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Response paper on Film 12 Monkeys - Essay Example The few survivors are left to live in tunnels underground. The earth is inhabited only by animals and insects which fearlessly wander the planet which is now free of humans. The virus which succeeded in wiping out such a big portion of mankind, apparently, didn’t have any effect on any other forms of life on earth. The main character, a prisoner called James Cole, is about to be sent back in time, to the year of 1996, to get a pure specimen of the virus to make it possible for the scientists of his present, to study the virus and discover a way of reversing the damages caused by it and eradicating it, to make the earth suitable for humans to live in. In the first attempt to travel back to 1996, Cole accidentally ends up in the year of 1990. He gets imprisoned and sent to a mental asylum when he tries to convince those around him that he has come from the future. There he is taken over by psychiatrist, Dr. Kathryn Railly. The people who belong to the present of 1996 are convinced that this man who claims to have come from the future, who believes that a certain virus is going to kill 5 billion people in 1996, is indeed insane. Apart from Dr. Railly nobody is even willing to hear him out. Even though Dr. Railly feels a strange and unexplainable attraction towards Cole, even she is convinced that he is just delusional and whatever he believes to be his reality is just a ‘meticulously constructed fantasy’ of his mind. Cole keeps having recurring dreams of a man being shot dead at an airport and that of a woman running towards the dying man. He sees it through the eyes of a child who is present at the place where the incident takes place. This dream is the link that connects the central theme of the past, the present and the future. The child’s striking resemblance to Cole makes sense only towards the end of the movie. Another inmate of the asylum, Jeffrey Goines, son of a renowned virologist, provides
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Future of Graphic Arts Essay Example for Free
The Future of Graphic Arts Essay Public works projects were promoted by Lester Beall during the 1930s. The depiction of this project is describes as this poster for the Rural Electrification Administration juxtaposes a photograph of two young people against an abstracted American flag to express optimism for a technologically enhanced future (WebCT, 2002). This is also a political manifestation in the way that there is a presentation of an image designed to give hope in a time where there are different social problems. However, this was not a new move, as in 1917 there was the use of graphic art in the form of posters as a reaction against the social condition, and supporting the revolution (WebCT, 2002). In the country there was support given to the Russian Telegraph Agency (ROSTA) (WebCT, 2002). If we look at the way these posters were made we can see why thy were so limited, with poster printed by hand, or attentively only with the use of rough stencils (WebCT, 2002). This limited the amount of posters but still the work of artists such as Gustav Klutsis and Mikhail Razulevich development and used more mechanical methods of reproductions (WebCT, 2002). Nearby in Germany politics was also the subject of John Heartfield where he was against the rise of the Nazi part though this use of graphic arts, however, this time the images were more direct with the use if graphic art as a political advertising using photomontages as well as slogans on a single poster (WebCT, 2002). This was a demonstration of how graphic art could be used to develop emotional feeling regarding public issues and to change the opinions of those watching (WebCT, 2002). This has been used again and against throughout history, with the different message against the status quo being depicted in images relevant to the contemporary society (McQuiston and Greer, 1997). Here we have seen the beginnings of the development, how society and politics have influenced the way that the art has been developed. If we want to look to what the future may hold we need to take a leap and consider how the more recent past has developed with the use of graphic art. Here we can then see the way that the foundations were built upon. To undertake this there are many approaches that can be developed. The way in which graphic art has development may be seen in many mediums in many countries. , However , in keeping with the theme of looking to the future we will look at an artist of the past that was both prolific, and seen as looking ahead of his time to what the future would hold. To this end we will consider the role of one of the most influential graphic artists of the twentieth century; Paul Rand. III. Paul Rand In considering a specific work of a well known designer we can understand how the work influence the customer as well as influenced the wider environment of that of graphic design and the way that the influences that are felt in the short term and the long term. In looking at Paul Rands work we can conclude that he influenced not only his clients, but also appreciate the wider influence he has had ion the graphic design industry in general as well as appreciating the uniqueness of his own style, as was demonstrated by the design of many logos including that of IBM. There are many graphic designers that have had a long lasting impact on the way we see the world and interpret its meaning. Some designers have been subtle in the influence and the range of designs that have made a difference have been anything from typefaces to landmarks, but one of the best known, if not by name then by his work must be that of Paul Rand, also known as Papa logo (Lange 1998). Paul Rand has a wide range of styles and worked in the field of advertising, and can be seen to have made a great impact, his specially was branding, and the specific work we will be considering here will be the well known IBM logo (Hurlbert, 1979). The idea of a logo that was innovative and had meaning as well as a message may have been new and groundbreaking in the days of Rand, but it is partly due to his wide ranging influence that we can see the wide practice of branding has taken the current route. It is also a shame that in this modern world where the forte of Rands talents lay there has been a common practice of branding which has become homogenised and bland (Hurlbert, 1979). This is not a criticism that can be seen to have been levelled at Rand, who not only designed this innovative and still used logo. Rand was also responsible for logos such as the carriers UPS, Cummins Engines, Yale University and Next Computers (Lange 1998). This logo is unique and the style is recognised widely, even if the actual company name cannot be read the distinction is very clear. It was Rands intention to design logos and other works which were not only recognisable and identifiable very easily, but also one that can be seen as having a real meaning, which is demonstrated very clearly by the logo designed for IBM. The brief of any designer in looking to brand an organisation will often be rather vague, there will be a requirement for the Logo to be suited to the corporate culture, but this in itself is an intangible, and as such it very difficult to describe, it will also need to indicate the sphere of operation or characteristics that the client wants the logo to bring to mind when it is viewed by the clients own customers. The IBM logo has become well known for its blocked design that appear to indicate a clean cut image with is both technological and simple, with colours that are seen as safe but also bold an innovative without threat. If we look for the way in which the design was inspired then we may be looking for a very difficult element, in other designs this may be more apparent, such as his advert for El Producto poster in 1953 we can see that there was a message of merry Christmas (Rand, 1953). The actual content of the design can be seen as imitating Christmas as the cigars which are depicted in them are cigar shaped but lot a great deal more interesting due to the fact they appear in Christmas designs such as we might expect to see on Christmas wrapping paper or decorations for the seen. The inspiration here is more easily observed, but this inspiration for IBM must has existed, yet describing his talent and style has been described by some as trying to catch lightening in a bottle, but we can see inspiration in the way that the logo was used once it had been designed (Hurlbert, 1979). His style was simplistic, and he took the inspiration form may sources, but the need for something that was not elaborate but served as functional is very clear in this design. In the way that posters were later designed to advertise IBM we start to see the inspiration of his humour and the way in which he would play ion words. This can be seen as making a great deal of sense as if we look at the way in which other Logos were also designed there was always an innovative way of the company initials being used to convey and communicate the idea of the company and to build up associations regarding the company. Therefore it is fair to assume that the play on words and the way in which the letters were all used were not only effective but also consciously used in such a way. With IBM the design is one that appears to be of technical specifications, but the humour was to come out later. In an advertisement where the logo was to be used there was a change which emphasised the way on which the logo could be immediately recognised, but would still gain attention rather than be brushed off due to its familiarity, in this Rand left the M, from IBM and replaced the I with and eye, and the B with a bee (Lange 1998). A play on words, but also on the perception of the product and brand as well as inspiration derived from the everyday world around us, but filled will psychological meaning, putting into place the quote from the beginning of this paper. However, the management of IBM prevented it ever seeing the light of day and being subjected to the customers critique as they did not believe if conveyed the IBM message It was not IBM (Lange 1998). The role he had on the industry as a result of successes like this was not kept to himself but communicated in the same medium as that of his work, through the printed word in many many manuals on how to design logos and polish their appearance (Lange 1998). In his own words the trademark should embody in the simplest form the essential characteristics of the product or institution being advertised (Rand, 2000). However, if also saw it as the designers job to be able to bring the formality down on occasion, and the way in which he is described as an idealist and a realist using the language of the poet and the businessman. He thinks in terms of need and function. He is able to analyse his problems, but his fantasy is boundless appears to embody the form and function where they both appear to be of importance, but the realism and the poetry are also very apparent (Hurlbert, 1979). If we try and see if there are any autobiographic aspects to this work this is a more difficult perspective simply du to the simplicity of the work, however the work in print can be seen as an aspect of his very early work when he was hired by Esquire magazine (Hurlbert, 1979). The humour that is apparent in the rejected IBM advertisement is also autobiographical as the way in which he sees the world was seen by many who met him as one which encompasses a large degree of humour as well as common sense (Hurlbert, 1979). In his early days there was a need for succinct design produced at a rapid rate for use in mails shoot advertising and magazine copy, but the need for the inclusion of artistic style was also recognised as many of his works were seen on a regular basis as the Art Directors Club (Hurlbert, 1979). If we compare this grounding with the IBM logo, there is both the simplistic that comes with the need for speed, but also the style and grace which can be seen as an aspect of art and design. The impression we get of the IBM logo is that it has always just been there, associated wit the company on such as basic level that we are apt to forget its origin for a man who started he career in the 1930s (Hurlbert, 1979). The symbolic content can also be recognised by the colours as well as the lines. / They appear to be very geometrically spaced, with a great deal of precision not only in the distance between each line, but also in the way that the letter line up. The white ion the blue background serves to emphasis this contrast and therefore gives an impression of precision that we now associate with the company. If we consider the way that he may have been influenced by others at the same time there is a little difficulty as he was seen as a leader rather than a follower, but the simplistic design can also be seen as functional for the reproduction as well as recognition. If we consider the work in relation to Rands other work then it is neither relatively significant or insignificant, it is a typical example of the way in which function and form were combined. From the advertising campaigns for bill boards and magazine cover designs as well as the logos there are some common characteristics, such as the idea of the simple being better than the complex, the ability of the design being something that the client as well as the customers can relate to. When we look at the other Logos this common thread is very well illustrated. However, we can argue that this one logo may also be significant as it is probably one of the best known examples of his work, recognised throughout the globe and still used today. The UPS insignia must also come a close second, but this also consists of the same characteristics, the simple designee, although a little more complex, is immediately identifiable, but in this case the symbolism is also more openly apparent. Other logos such as the Yale University one can be seen to have exactly the same style of simplistic function, where form is an art, and as such we can argue that the piece of work studied in this paper could have been substituted for any of his other works and the conclusions would be the same. Although he dies in 1996 the influence he has left on the art of graphic design has not reduced, his work is still studied and admired, and perhaps the best and most significant legacy is the continued use of the works from the man also known as papa logo. In many ways his work can still be seen as relevant, yet it was still as a result of the technology changes that he was able to form these images, and the effective nature of many may be seen as a result of the increased art of typography. Therefore, to understand the development of this we also need to consider the development of typography. IV. Typography Typography is seen in everyday life, from the newspapers we read, the television programmes we watch to the numbers on buses and the advertisements on the bill boards. To what typography consists of we need to look at the characteristics that are present in the lettering. There are many typefaces and different ways for those typefaces to be presented. It is in this development of typography we can argue that the computer has been great influence, allowing for more type faces to be developed and for the uses of these typefaces to be manipulated more easily. This has been a boon to the graphic artist, and in understanding the ability to develop an image as simple as a letter using the computer then we can appreciate the way that larger images many also be manipulated. These are used in practically all manifestations of graphical arts. The use of a type face creates an image, and even in an item as simple as a menu it has been proven to have a discernable effect on customer perceptions and resulting purchases that are made (Heimann, 1998). When we consider the purpose of typography it has to be seen as more than simply a communication of words, however if we break it down into its smallest component of typography can be seen in the following way The basic unit of all type design is the individual letter. Letters come together to form words, and words come together to form stories (Anonymous, 2000). This is the role of the graphic artist, to present an image that communicates, this may be story, a feeling a perception or just an image that will be recalled for a later association. It is in this last section off the quote that we can see that way the typography is used can convey a great deal about a story. For example if we see a film being advertised with typography that is jagged and looks like it is dripping with blood then we can automatically assume that it will be a horror movies of some sort. This is the message that is conveyed in the layout and design of the typography. The typography will be different on a romance than on a science fiction film, due to the different perceptions they create. The advances in the use of the computer here can be seen in the aiding of the design by trying out and manipulating designs without the need to keep making mock up posters and by trying out changes speedily at the click of a button. This can be seen as very useful in a number of ways, it reduces the materials used so that there are greater ranges of possibilitys at a lower cost. The time element is also much shorter, and as such the costs can be seen as proportionately lower. The need for an expert can also be seen as reduced, with the computer there is no longer the need for specific training as the range of programmes that can be used allow almost anyone with a typing skills can take on the task of a typographer. Therefore, the range of uses of these type faces and the extent of the styles can be seen as no long only the realms of the professional. Small businesses are able to produce their own business stationary and develop their own advertisements and literature, even a local parish or community magazine that used to be hand types can look like a professionally produced publication. However, when these are used there are still some very basic rules that are followed the advantage with the computer and the ability to see the layout before a publication is printed on a large scale can be to see that in the main even those without training or specific knowledge will follow them naturally. The ability to keep the readers attention is a combination of factors. The first will be the content of the text, and if we are looking at this from a purely typographical or graphical art perspective then this is not in the control of the typesetter (Anonymous, 2000). The design of the text and the size of the text are important as illegible text or test that is uncomfortable to read will loose the interest of the reader just as easily as boring content (Anonymous, 2000). The next items that need to be considered are not so obvious unless you look at a piece of typesetting where they are wrong, and then it becomes obvious. There are the line lengths and the spacing between the words and letters. It is these spacing between letters that can make a publications look professional. Until the computer was in many homes and small businesses the typing would be on a conventional type writer where the space between each letter is the same with no sense of proportion as seen in the courier and the courier new type faces (Anonymous, 2000). This fixed spacing has become associated with the home produced leaflets that were duplicated with duplicating machine or by the use of photocopiers has become less apparent as proportional fonts have been used, examples may be seen as the popular times new roman that is a well used font. The difference here is that the proportional basis of a font means that smaller letters, such as a i or an l will take up less rook than a w or an m, similar to the way handwriting takes place and the pattern is easier in the eye as apparent gaps between letters in the same word will all be the same (Will-Harris, 2000). In addition there will also be the element of the actual line spacing. If the lines are too close together the typeface, whatever it is will be difficult to read and there will be a crowding effect (Will-Harris, 2000). Again the use of the computer enable this to be seen and adjusted before any documents are even printed so out rarely becomes an issue (Will-Harris, 2000). There will also be issues such as the actual form of the entire setting as well as the quality of the reproduction, which may or may not be issues the typesetter will be involved in. However he how of the typesetting comes together to form a message and communicate an issue or an idea so in this way we can see that the typesetting can be as important as the content, get it wrong and people will not read it whatever it says (Will-Harris, 2000). However, if we are going to consider how the computer has influence the development of typography we can also look to the actual type fonts that are used. There are even programmes able now that can scan a persons handwriting and then code it into the computer as a type face or font so that it will be reproduced when typing. In a broader sense, there have been other wide scale developments directly due to the computer. The use of computers and the advent if they Internet have seen the development of a collection of new typefaces or fonts to cope with the individual situations and specific needs of this medium. Two fonts have been developed by Microsoft with this in mind. Mathew Carter was responsible for the development of Verdana which is a sans serif named after the verdant Seattle region (Will-Harris, 2000). The second is Georgia, a bright serif labelled due to a tabloid headline concerning alien heads allegedly found in the area of Georgia (Will-Harris, 2000). Verdana is easier to read on a screen as the x height is higher than normal giving the type face a larger appearance without the need for more space (Will-Harris, 2000). There is also special attention taken with the letters that are sometimes easily confused on screen such as i, l and j and I where the formations of the letters is slightly different, with slightly different height to distinguish them more easily (Will-Harris, 2000). Georgian is similar as it still has a higher x point, but not has high as Verdana, but is still retains an almost times new roam feel about it so it can be used in traditional circumstances, and again can be seen as easier to read simply because it has been designed specifically for the screen, yet they also reproduce well in print (Will-Harris, 2000). Therefore we can see how the computer has impacted on the development of typography, in the way it is used, developed and put together to the actual design of the fonts. It has come a long way in a short period of time, and is likely to go further, especially in the hands of the graphic artists, both in the design as well as in the use. There are also computer aided design packages that will develop new fonts, even for an amateur, such as handwriting fonts of an individual that are scanned in. Here we can see that there is a development with a cross over of the many different art forms and the way in which inspiration impacts on the art. To look to the future we have seen how there has been inspiration in the past, and how this has impacted on graphic art, The next stage must be to consider the way in which inspiration may be gained in the future. V. Inspiration The first factor we need to consider here is that the cross over of the different art forms is increasing, a graphic artist may use a camera or paints, a typographer may also be a graphic artist. Expression in the arts has always looked for new and innovative ways to be presented. This have often used newer and more radical as the forum for ideas and inspiration in the search for the ways in which to be inspired and find the spark required for creativity to take place. Just as in any other art form graphic design can be inspired or developed from what is seen around us and the every day mediums which we all come across. For example, we can consider the art of contemporary photography. The argument for the adoption and acceptance of contemporary photography techniques in graphic design can be that in contemporary photographs we may find more contrasts and forms which are suitable for graphic design. The way in which the pictures are framed and made up with different contents and contrasts in colours may also be more suitable to be adapted and changed rather than a traditional countryside view. They may be developed more appropriately. The best way to demonstrate this is to take two contemporary photographs and examine what may be gained from them by a graphic designer. The way in which they add to an idea or be developed to a specific outcome by providing a concept or a form from which the designer can work. Alternatively the way in which the photography may demonstrate to the graphic designer ways of working. The first photograph we will consider is Sandy Trails, was taken in 1999 by Tony Chumak and can be seen at http://tonychumakstudios. com/GallerySeries8/Tcs_Image_144-24X-A-L. asp. This is only on the boarders of contemporary photography. It is a landscape with a difference, in the centre of the landscape is a pattern in the sand which would normally be avoided by the photographer. This photograph demonstrates the way in which contemporary photography can capture texture and image, which is only available through this one medium. It is often said that art should convey a social message (Rich, 1998). This is true whether it is fine are or graphic design and whether the purpose of the work ids art or even advertising (Rich, 1998). The use of a photograph such as this can be used to convey many different types of message depending on the context n which the graphic designer is working By looking at this picture aspects suitable for graphic use can be seen. The contrast of the shades of sand caused by the lighting cast shadows which can almost appear alive and stark. Natural forms and shapes can lead to very pleasing and easy to use or interpret ideas for a designer. A shape formed by the wind of the sea flows and the graphic designer can take this line and simplicity and translate it to all manner of variable uses. Curves flow through the medium which is devoid of life forming shapes which approximately can be seen as more than waves, but of forms in the sand which can be placed together with a little imagination and thought. The adaptation of what is normally straight or fixed into a flowing contemporary shape has long been used in design.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Effect of Social Organization on Everyday Life and Health Essay
The Effect of Social Organization on Everyday Life and Health Most people do not think about their health or issues revolving around their health until they are actually ill or people think that their health is only affected by biological factors. However, our health should be a focus in our lives because our daily life has an affect on our health. Illness does not only have biological causes but is also influenced by social factors such as the socially imposed roles of gender and socioeconomic differences. Before the affect of gender on health can be discussed, the difference between gender and sex must first defined. Sex refers to actual physiological and hormonal differences between men and women; gender refers to the differences that are imposed by society. Statistics have shown that women have higher rates of morbidity but men have shorter life spans. This means that although women live longer than men, those years are not healthy years but rather are filled with illness. This cannot be completely explained by biological causes but the affect of social factors must be taken into account. There are two types of gender difference disease: completely biological and biological amplified by social. Examples of completely biological diseases would include ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, breast cancer, and cervical cancer for women and prostrate cancer and testicular cancer for men. These diseases can only be had by members of a certain sex due to specific biological factors such as only women having ovaries therefore are able to have ovarian cancer whereas men have no ovaries and cannot get ovarian cancer. The other class of gender difference diseases is disease with biological causes but amplified by social factors. Examples... ..., those in a lower socioeconomic status have higher incidences of diseases aggravated by stress such as cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. This added stress also leads to negative health behaviors such as smoking, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse all of which have adverse affects on health. These various stressors of everyday life caused by gender differences and differences in socioeconomic status can have a more profound affect than they seem. Bibliography: Rieker, Patricia P. and Chloe E. Bird. "Sociological Explanations of Gender Differences In Mental and Physical Health." Handbook of Medical Sociology. Ed. Chloe E. Bird, et al. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice, 2000. 98-113. Weiss, Gregory L. and Lynne E. Lonnquist. The Sociology of Health, Healing, and Illness. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice, 2000.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Her Lifestory Essay
Now you can see how successful Concepcion Baylock is. At the age of 12 the young Concepcion was already away from her family and lived with her relatives in order to have a good education. Living with her relatives is not that easy, she had to do the household chores for them to let her stay, and she goes to school at the same time. At a very young age Concepcion showed her diligence in everything she does. When the time her grandparents took her, Concepcion’s life changed because they treat her nicely and they were good to her. However she still tried to help doing the chores because she wanted to thank them, in that simple way she showed her grandparents how thankful she is. As a teenager Concepcion supposed to be hanging out with her friends going to movies, parties, and outings. However she missed this, she would rather save her money that was given by her grandparents. She doesn’t even buy new things. When she was still in her senior years in high school she already worked by teaching grade school student. Later on she worked as a telephone operator in the United States Naval force in Subic. While she was working she married an irresponsible man, he just let Concepcion doing all the work. Good thing Concepcion successfully gets out of this marriage. She had a child with this unsuccessful marriage. Years later, Concepcion married again with an American who she had a four children. He is the one who helped her to put up her first business, they had a jeepney and taxi concession. When her business succeeded she put up her second business a four-storey hotel, which later on turned out to be a combined hotel, night club, and restaurant. Her ventures succeeded, but she remembers that before she married her second husband she faced many disapproval regarding in her plan f having a business. She never let this bring her down, despite she used this as challenge to pursue more. Concepcion was not still contented; she pursue her education in Manila. She managed to raise her children and run a business at the same time while she was studying. She had a very hectic schedule; she only had around four hours of sleep every day. After she finished her degree in commerce, she proceed to law, and then to a master’s in public administration, and a doctorate in commerce. Concepcion Blaylock is now a president and chairman of Diamond Motors Corporation. As an entrepreneur and a manager Conception knows how to deal with different type of people. She knew how to treat her people properly. She never hesitates to help them, especially those who showed loyalty to her and to the business. She never forgets to credit the companies who trust her. She always makes sure to maintain their trust to her. She never abused her creditor, who trusts her. Today, when Concepcion Blaylock looks back at her past she was very thankful for such an experience that she had. She was very grateful with the things that challenged her more to do more and thought her to be strong. A. Cultural Values| Manifestation of the Value| 1. Frugality (katipiran)| As a child, she saved money rather than buy new things; as an adult, did not immediately buy a car even though she can afford it. | 2. Risk taking (lakas ng loob)| She pursue her plan of having a business even though she knew that she don’t have any formal orientation in running a business. | 3. Amor Propio (utang na loob)| She never hesitates helping her staff especially those who have proven loyalty and commitment. 4. Harmonious labor management relations| She makes it to a point to compensate her people generously with profit sharing schemes and other benefits. | 5. Diligence (sipag)| At a young age, she already attributed this trait, she do the housemaid works and study at the same time. | 6. Endurance (pagkamtiisin)| She was already away with her family at an early age, for her to have a good educ ation. She never let this be a reason for not to achieve her goals, instead she makes this as her inspiration. | B. As a Filipino we were brought up by our parents to have a sense of adventure (pakikipagsapalaran) that is big help in venturing a business. Filipinos were not afraid of trying new things , we intend to be a risk taker. We usually put in our mind that God will help us in everything we do, that is a â€Å"bahala na†attitude. â€Å"Bahala na†attitude is not that bad because we do our part, but we just hope for the guidance and help of God. We Filipinos are well known of having a good relationship to people such as being family oriented and â€Å"pakikipagkapwa†. Filipinos are naturally have a close family ties. This trait is a good thing when you are in a business. Our family serves as our strength because we knew that they will be always be there to support us. They are the one who inspires us to do our best. Filipinos also exhibits the trait of being good to the people around us. This trait really plays a big role in how Filipino entrepreneur manages their people very well. Yes, the Filipino culture and values that were instill in us really help in building our entrepreneurial spirit.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Applied Linguistics: Critical Review of Journal Essay
Introduction Everybody can not be a translator although she or he knows a foreign language. Because of just having a good knowledge of foreign languages does not give any 100% assurance that a translation will be rendered reasonably well. A translator must be aware of the essence of the subject besides having a fine awareness of the language, including language rules, and spelling rules. This journal talking about research of Mohammad Reza Hojat Shamami’s study of the main issue at the core of theorizing translation practice and the feature of a good translator or how to be a good translator and of course what are the skills to become a Freelance Translator with its translation process. This knowledge which is generally written in the English language needs to be transmitted in various languages so that people who do not know how to speak and write the original language can get the knowledge necessary for industrial development and technological innovation to keep up with the rest of the world. To transmit this knowledge effectively, there is a need for competent translators in various languages. Summary In practice, there is always considerable variation in the types of translations produced by various translators of a particular text. This is because translation is essentially an Art and not Science. So many factors including proficiency in language, cultural background, writing flair, etc. Translation turns a communication in one language into a correct and understandable version of that communication in another language. Sometimes a translator has to take certain liberties with the original text in order to re-create the mood and style of the original. A translator does need certain tools to help him out in moments of difficulty. These tools can be in the form of good monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, encyclopedias, e-dictionaries, glossaries of technical and standard works, etc. pertaining to the SL text. He must have patience and should not be in a hurry to rush through while translating any text. To translate from one language into another has never been an easy endeavor . It is an exercise both painstaking and cumbersome and only those who have engaged themselves with translation work can realize the complex character of this Art. For the statement of the problem focusing on this fact, (Chomsky, 1965) how can someone turn into a good translator? And for the objective and the purpose of this research, it is important that translators are familiar with the product they are translating and also with the tools they are using. The translation process is not the replacement of one word with another, but the formation of concepts in another language. Knowledge of the product being translated provides more understandable products to the end user. Time and resources for educating translators should be planned well in advance. The methodologies of this research provide the translators with tools that increase productivity and that prevent translation of non-textual application data. When purchasing or developing a translation tool, the following features should be included. The literature review of this research, The Asian languages, particularly Persia, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese, represent a significant part of the translation industry in the United States, especially on the West Coast (Antal, 1963). Some agencies specialize in only Asian languages or even just one or two of them. Still others make the brunt of their money from these languages. For the result, we should know that it takes much more to be a good and skilled translator. For every talented text (Benjamin, 1992) converter, switching simultaneously between two universes is one of the most demanding tasks lot of training, learning, and experiences are needed to turn someone into a good translator. When engaging translators for your work, be sure to give them a detailed briefing on the work to be done (Brower, 1956). As professional translators we are supposed to improve our quality all the time. The first noteworthy conclusion we can draw from this paper is that translation is teachable because, on the one hand, it is a craft and consequently teachable as are other crafts; on the other hand, it is closely related to teaching language itself, although it is vital to make a distinction between the two. Another important point is that those engaged in teaching translation to students who are learning the target language along with translation should be aware that they are teaching two different things at the same time and that they should use a congruent eclectic method applicable to both. Critique The strength of this research includes its bravery by using the main issues at the core of theorizing translation practice and the feature of a good translator or how to be a good translator and of course what are the skills to become a Freelance Translator and Translation process which determining new standards to be good translators, comprehensive set of research method and qualitative and quantitative approaches used, and its results particularly in the broad area of the study of language and communication or linguistics especially translations field. On the contrary, the weaknesses of this research is mainly associated on the relevant issues that affect the used method and many quotations which are unnecessarily repeated just because it brings out similar messages. The use of references that were being published way back in the 1950’s (1953) while the research conducted in 2012 is also considered as the weakness because the applicability of the findings of these earlier re search studies could be questionable and irrelevant during those years. The concept is considered brave since it is implicitly attempted to redefining standards for being good translator. It has been a trend in language and communication studies that communication vehicles are subject of empirical and theoretical activities including science and technology and translation field becomes the bridge to connect two separated worlds and deliver messages from the result of the advance development in those fields. Furthermore, the comprehensive set of research method and qualitative and quantitative approaches used all throughout the research process can be considered as general solution to the drawbacks of each method or approach used in research. The wide-ranging and multiple tools used in quantitative approach of analysis addresses the issue of validity and reliability while the qualitative approach of analysis supported the limited ability of numbers to provide a complete description in response to a research question or problem. Lastly, the conclusion drawn from the research activity contributes in bridging the identified gaps in the existing body of translations field between real translators and the people who just translate languages. It is also assumed that this research article is another research in translation fields which is more like opinions and expose the important of translations that provides deep understanding in the related field. However, it must be considered that the findings found in this research article should be supported by other factors that are not included in its totality yet believed to have some degree of importance or effect (e.g. political and social or societal beliefs of the participants). Conclusion From this research of Mohammad Reza Hojat Shamami, we can find out the way of being a competent and good translator which is not only based on the knowledge of any foreign language, but it also requires some skills and rules. Chomsky’s 7 explicit criteria have represented what tools (skills) we need, like to sharpen our translation skills by reading different translation of different types of texts; to be more aware of different styles of writing and editing; to understand various expressions, idioms, and specific vocabulary; have the act of translating like to accept the significance of the source text within the framework of the source-language discourse; to improve the quality of our translations by being well-aware of styles of speaking, social stratification related to the foreign language; have to become ourselves attentive of different knowledge-providing sources like bilingual dictionaries, encyclopedias to know the meaning of words in specific situation; and the last is to know the sentence structure of indirect speech and different figures of speech in like hyperbole, irony. But however this research also has weaknesses besides its strength which already gives us sort of advice and translation knowledge, however the weakness can be questionable, from the reference which was taken from long time ago until the absence of supporting related issues in other fields like politics, societal beliefs that are actually worth to know as evidence.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How To Write A 3000 Word Essay In A Day, Tips For Students
How To Write A 3000 Word Essay In A Day, Tips For Students Is It Possible To Write 3000 Word Essay In A Day? On many occasions, students find themselves struggling to beat an approaching deadline and deliver their essays within the stipulated timeline. While many manage to deliver, few accomplish or achieve as per their strength dictates. Lateness comes about because of different reasons and the most probable ones include: Procrastination – postponing things is almost like a disease which infects many people and in most instances is the main hindrance when you are looking to write your perfect essay in less than 24 hours. This habit contributes to students losing a lot of marks and never living up to their high standards. While some students are simply lazy and thus prefer to do other things when they should be working on their assignments, others lack the time or are involved in other activities that take up most of their time. Whichever the situation, procrastination greatly contributes to students being late with assignments, especially those that involve essay writing. Having to choose between other deadlines – at any time in college, students find themselves with a lot of assignments but less time to deliver. In such situations, some seek the help of professional writers, and others make coffee their closest friend as they try to finish their essays on time. Whichever the option a student opts for, at a certain point, they will find themselves behind the schedule. Regardless of the reason why people find themselves behind the schedule, panicking as some of us resort to is never the answer. As a matter of fact, panicking while late leads to one delivering a substandard essay or job. Students need to learn to keep calm and focused on the task ahead if they are to beat short deadlines. A task such as writing a 3000-word essay is indeed quite huge, and while it is not advisable to leave it to the last minute, in case it happens, students need to understand that it is indeed possible to finish it in 24 hours. This article is not in any way encouraging students to leave their assignments to the last day, but only letting you know that if you ever find yourself in such a situation, it is indeed possible to finish such a task. Actions That Can Help a Student to Write 3000 Word Essay in a Day The question how to write a 3000-word essay in a day is quite common among students. However, finishing a 3000-word essay in 24 hours is indeed easy, but doing a good job while at it might present the biggest challenge to students. However, this article outlines some actions which, if embraced, can help you achieve both. Here are the actions to help you deliver a high quality 3000-word essay in 24 hours: 1. Plan Having a plan is a key to a good essay. Lecturers always ask students to plan and prepare a study timetable to help them manage their time well. However, few take them seriously and therefore end up being late for almost everything within the school curriculum. Planning helps you to factor in everything and allocate ample time for all of your assignments. In 24 hours, you can do a lot of things, and it begins with the kind of breakfast you take. A healthy breakfast is indeed essential in this case. You need to have the right brain food to help your mind to relax and to distress yourself. Heavy breakfasts are, therefore, discouraged and snacks like fresh veggie sticks, nuts, asparagus, coconut, come highly recommended. Other fruits such as berries, oatmeal, bananas, dried fruit, etc. are also recommended. You need food that will help to lower your stress levels and the above are some of the most preferred. 2. Select your place of work Distractions contribute to you spending a lot of time doing very little. The place you decide to select as your working station should be quiet and allow you to work with minimal distractions. Whether it is at home or the school or local library, quietness should be the first factor for you to consider and it is closely followed by the how comfortable the place is. Choosing a place that is uncomfortable will contribute to your tiring fast and losing focus easily. It is also essential to be organized and always have things like bottled water, enough research materials as well as some snacks. 3. Minimize distractions The Internet is currently the biggest distraction at least for most people. When faced with a tight deadline, however, it is important to avoid all distractions and focus solely on the task at hand. Students spend a lot of time on social networks, but if on a tight schedule, avoiding them or even temporary deactivation of the accounts might help you focus. 4. Set yourself short-term goals If left with 24 hours to complete an assignment, time management is indeed essential to finishing it. Setting short-term goals is indeed necessary, and before beginning the writing process, it will be important that you set yourself some achievable objectives. While most of us tend to leave out breaks, they are a necessary inclusion, and it is essential to include them. 5. Selecting the right topic or question and approach to the assignment If asked to select an essay topic or question from a number of topics or questions, pick the one you are familiar with. This will help you avoid researching a new topic or question later. Take time to decide on your approach. The approach chosen will help you tackle the essay fast. The next step involves preparing an outline and including the key points you wish to have in your paper. 6. Writing the introduction Writing the introduction is the most challenging bit of essay writing, at least to most people. However, when under pressure and with less than 24 hours to go, the focus should not be on writing a perfect introduction but on including the necessities within it. You should, therefore, introduce your argument first and then include a relevant thesis statement. 7. Research Research should be focused and only be tailored towards a specific point. When going through the different topics within the selected reference materials, it is prudent to only skip to the chapters that are relevant to the topic under review. Be sure to paraphrase all of your arguments to avoid plagiarism issues which could render your work and effort useless. Use of resources such as Google Books is also advisable because it will help to increase your essay’s credibility.
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